Real Books VS E-Readers



  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I could have written mmabs' post. Down to the iPad being the thing that converted me. I find that I'm reading MORE (if that was possible!) because of the ebooks...when I finish a book, I can hit the library website and download a book right away...even if it's 11 at night. I love the feel of real books, but I do love my ebooks too!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I like both! Here are my pros to both (this is just my opinion)

    Real Books
    -I see them as trophies to what I have read
    -The feeling of turning a page and seeing progress
    -You can loan and trade the books with your friends :)
    -Some older books just have that timeless classic feel that I love :)
    -I'm addicted to that old book smell!

    -With my kindle it just takes seconds to get the books I want so I don't have to go all the way to the bookstore (The Barnes and Noble here always seems to be very crowded)
    -You get a pretty good discount on amazon for books (and now with the new prime you could borrow for free without a time limit. I don't have that, but it's still a good pro)
    -Some classics that I am not sure about getting are generally free on Amazon so I could read it and not like it, but hey, it was free
    -As a college student I always have to carry around heavy textbooks, keeping my kindle around with me is lightweight and I can keep it in my purse or backpack without adding any extra weight or bending paperback covers

    I love both! Books will always be a part of my life, no matter in what form :)
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    I was totakky against getting an ereader....and then one day I was in Barnes and Noble and picked up the nook color and I was in love lol So I finally had the money to get one a few months ago and three weeks later the nook tablet came out. Anyway b&n is so great they let me bring it back and get the new tablet! I read more than ever now and I have tons of books. Lots of free ones and was lent the Hunger series and am almost done with that:)
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I much prefer my Kindle to actual books for the following reasons:

    Easier to hold, no thumb ache from holding the book open, particularly if it's a thick book
    Less clutter in my flat (I'm a tad minimalist)
    Small and light to carry round in my bag

    And my favourite thing about it is the dictionary function. With a real book, if I don't understand a word I'll usually skip it rather than find the dictionary and look it up, I know it doesn't affect the overall understanding of a book if you don't understand a couple of words but now it's so easy to hover over the word and get the definition.

    Oh and of course, being a fan of not paying for stuff, I like getting free books :)
  • lc504
    lc504 Posts: 130 Member
    I like both. My kindle is wonderful for reading, and I especially love the fact that I can download books instantly (I may have died had I not been able to start reading the second Hunger Games book immediately following the first :wink: ). It's also perfect for travel - I would literally lug around 4-5 books in my purse on plane trips because I couldn't possibly choose just one or two, and my shoulder would ache horribly from the weight.

    But of course nothing beats owning a real book. More often than not, if I really LOVE a book and know I will want to read it again, I'll buy myself a physical copy. And often I go to used book stores for new reads simply because it can be a heck of a lot cheaper than buying a 10 dollar Kindle book.

    So, yeah. They both have their place. It doesn't need to be one versus the other... unless they stop making hardcover books of course :noway: that would be dreadful!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'd like to add another benefit to the e-reader: bathtub reading. Now, that might seem weird since it's electronic, but hear me out. With a paper book it would annoy me so much to get the inevitable drop of water on the pages. Then if you don't leave your bookmark in reach, you have to either memorize the page number you're on (yeah right) or put it face down on the bathroom floor, in which case it always gets water dripped onto it when you get out. You also have to deal with the aforementioned thumb ache, or else use both hands. With my Nook, I just put it in a gallon-sized Ziploc bag to protect it from the water, and voila! No problems. Yes, it's a little funny that I have my Nook in a baggie, but it works, and it's far more comfortable than a real book in the tub.
  • Redapplecandie
    Redapplecandie Posts: 171 Member
    I picked up a Kobo e-reader back when Borders was closing. Got it for $50. I had always wanted to try one, and at that price, I couldn't resist. I read some of the free ones, and purchased a couple and fell in love. It was so awesome to be able to put whatever I wanted on one slim reader, and it fit right in my purse.

    Plus, I read a lot in public, and have issues with people seeing what I am reading, because I read some weird stuff, and it helps me avoid questions.

    I share books with other people, and download movie scripts and format them for the reader. I still have over 400 regular books, but it's so nice to be able to carry my entire library at once.
  • oceanchristy
    I would never by an e-reader... I just love books. Too many things are digitized now.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Plus, I read a lot in public, and have issues with people seeing what I am reading, because I read some weird stuff, and it helps me avoid questions.

    :laugh: i never thought of that. people definitely can't tell what you're reading, when you're holding an ereader.
  • Redapplecandie
    Redapplecandie Posts: 171 Member
    Plus, I read a lot in public, and have issues with people seeing what I am reading, because I read some weird stuff, and it helps me avoid questions.

    :laugh: i never thought of that. people definitely can't tell what you're reading, when you're holding an ereader.

    I hate it! I go to restaurants all the time by myself, and when I have a regular book, people always want to interrupt me and ask what the book is about, see the cover, read the back etc. It's annoying. With an e-reader I can tell them I'm reading anything, like Twilight, and they immediately leave me alone haha
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    my friend has the same opinion as the original poster....she wants the real book in her hands, loves the smell and the feel....i do agree about the smell and the feel......but i also have a kobo ereader and i love it. it works for me because i travel....alot. so this way i can take a ton of books (i am a fast reader) with me WITHOUT having to pack a ton of books.

    but i did by the fifty shades series in the book form NOT the ebook form,lol
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    I like both! Here are my pros to both (this is just my opinion)

    Real Books
    -I see them as trophies to what I have read
    -The feeling of turning a page and seeing progress
    -You can loan and trade the books with your friends :)
    -Some older books just have that timeless classic feel that I love :)
    -I'm addicted to that old book smell!

    -With my kindle it just takes seconds to get the books I want so I don't have to go all the way to the bookstore (The Barnes and Noble here always seems to be very crowded)
    -You get a pretty good discount on amazon for books (and now with the new prime you could borrow for free without a time limit. I don't have that, but it's still a good pro)
    -Some classics that I am not sure about getting are generally free on Amazon so I could read it and not like it, but hey, it was free
    -As a college student I always have to carry around heavy textbooks, keeping my kindle around with me is lightweight and I can keep it in my purse or backpack without adding any extra weight or bending paperback covers

    I love both! Books will always be a part of my life, no matter in what form :)

    i agree about the deals on the ereader. i bought the books of fifty shades series. at chapters (canada) i paid over $50 for all 3 books.....on the kobo ereader it was only $29.99 for all 3 ebooks. i find alot of books are cheaper fi you buy them in ebook form
  • Sprootles
    Sprootles Posts: 16
    I was very anti e-reader when they came out. I vowed I would never get one as I loved the feel and smell of books in my hand. Well...eventually I caved. I now adore my Nook Color. I love being able to get a book with just the touch of a button and not having to go to the bookstore or order online to get it . It's instantly there. I like being able to read and not have a reading light on at night. Our house is rather poorly lit and it was always annoying to not have enough light to read by. I love being able to play games on it, too. But most importantly, I love the space that it saves. Our house is tiny and I have hundreds of books...and there is little storage in our home.

    I still love actual books, but I've only bought one since I got my Nook over a year ago (that was Slash's autobiography as it wasn't in ebook form).

    I like the e-reader for convenience but I also love real books. Someday I'll have a big house with a wall to wall, floor to ceiling book shelf...and I'ill fill it but probably still be using my e-read because I love it, too.

    I think it's a personal preference.
  • catswithcheekbones
    catswithcheekbones Posts: 27 Member
    It's also definitely rewarding to SEE the progress while reading an actual book, as opposed to just a flat screen... staring at you...
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    i wouldn't consider myself a huge reader. Since i have gotten my kindle i have read more books then without. I blame that on the kindle. E-readers are the way to go.
  • jennm72
    jennm72 Posts: 45 Member
    While I do love a real book, I have to say I absolutely love my Kindle Fire. The best thing is that I have thousands of books with me everywhere that I go. Even if I don't have my Kindle with me, I can pick up the book at the same place on my phone. I travel a lot so it is nice to not finish a book on a plane and be left with nothing because I didn't prepare well. I have also read many books that I would have never thought to try out if I wouldn't have gotten them on the Kindle. I have found many authors that I love that I just never would have been introduced to without my Fire.
  • beck5411
    beck5411 Posts: 4
    I love both! I was hesitant at first to get an e-reader but I gave in and got a Kindle and I love it. When I want a feel of a real book in my hands I go to the library and pick a couple up that way I am saving money and space in my house, also I just discovered that my library lends out e-reader books so I have been doing that and it's been a lot of fun.
  • thershey
    thershey Posts: 57 Member
    For those of you with e readers, do you ever check out e books from libraries?? (I'm a librarian so just curious to know)
    I have once or twice, I have so many books on my kindle to read right now. Once I am through them I plan on borrowing from the library.
    This is a great option for E readers!
  • thershey
    thershey Posts: 57 Member
    While I do love a real book, I have to say I absolutely love my Kindle Fire. The best thing is that I have thousands of books with me everywhere that I go. Even if I don't have my Kindle with me, I can pick up the book at the same place on my phone. I travel a lot so it is nice to not finish a book on a plane and be left with nothing because I didn't prepare well. I have also read many books that I would have never thought to try out if I wouldn't have gotten them on the Kindle. I have found many authors that I love that I just never would have been introduced to without my Fire.
    Also I love the fact that I have more space in my house because I do not have Books laying everywhere!
  • paulipet
    paulipet Posts: 70
    Like everyone else, I will NEVER give up on my real books, there is something special about getting a real book in your hands and curling up to read it. I also like my Kindle though especially for carrying to work to read on the bus and at lunchtime. If I was forced to make a choice though - a real book every time.