Weightlifting belts

Regarding the belts that people use when lifting, such as in squats & deadlifts. How important would you find them for deadlifts and what would be a suitable weight to start using them?

I haven't been doing deadlifts for too long (since around May regularly) and don't use them, but then I've never gone really high on the weight. I train on 70kg (154lbs) and usually do 7/8 reps on the first set. I used one once when my back was aching more than usual but really hated it and feel much more comfortable without.
I've been told my forms good, and I don't normally ache that much when lifting, it was a one off day and I stopped after 2/3 sets anyway since the belt wasn't really working for me. My back doesn't give me any trouble afterwards apart from the usual next day ache.
I basically just would not rather do any damage and find out if I'm just going to have to stick it out and use them at some point, or whether (form being ok) I can go without.

Any opinions welcome :)


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i actually rarely use them

    this is an interesting read

    http://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article folder/weightbelt.html
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    i actually rarely use them

    this is an interesting read

    http://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article folder/weightbelt.html

    Thanks, that was helpful :)
    I think I'll stick to not using them, unless I try a 1RM at some point.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    you shouldnt ever need it. IMO, :p

    I dont even own one.
    Not even for 1RM efforts.
    I've always said, if you need anything to help you lift it, then its too heavy. :)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    They're fine to have around. Just don't rely on it on a regular basis.

    I use a belt for 1RM attempts. Right now I use it for squats over 90% and probably anything over 80% on my deadlifts.. (No it's not too heavy, you show me more than a handful of guys who lift large amounts of weight without a belt.)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Hey!!! Some ladies attempt to lift large amounts too ;D

    I wear a belt when I dead anything over 200 for the most past unless Im having a really good day xD
    Also use if for squats at about 160, but I have to wear a knee brace and everything for support. Messed up my knee because of those

    I think they are nice to have for that reason :]
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    you shouldnt ever need it. IMO, :p

    I dont even own one.
    Not even for 1RM efforts.
    I've always said, if you need anything to help you lift it, then its too heavy. :)

    I wouldn't intend on using one to help me lift a heavier weight, I'd rather do everything on my own.
    More so I was wondering if I could do some damage to my back by lifting a heavy weight (that I can lift fine without a belt) but just by not having that support.

    Thanks for all the replies, I don't really do 1RM's anyway as my form goes weird on those, usually stick to 5-10 reps so I'm going to carry on without one :)
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    They're fine to have around. Just don't rely on it on a regular basis.

    I use a belt for 1RM attempts. Right now I use it for squats over 90% and probably anything over 80% on my deadlifts.. (No it's not too heavy, you show me more than a handful of guys who lift large amounts of weight without a belt.)

    I do exactly the same
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    I've used a weight lifting belt ever since I started body building. Call it a crutch, but I use it whenever I do deads, squats, rows and overhead presses. I've never had a back issue from lifting (except for soreness of course) and I gives me peace of mind just at least having it around my waist when I perform those exercises. I also use straps because I'd rather not have my grip go out while doing heavy deadlifts, rows or pulldowns.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I've used a weight lifting belt ever since I started body building. Call it a crutch, but I use it whenever I do deads, squats, rows and overhead presses. I've never had a back issue from lifting (except for soreness of course) and I gives me peace of mind just at least having it around my waist when I perform those exercises. I also use straps because I'd rather not have my grip go out while doing heavy deadlifts, rows or pulldowns.

    I wore a belt for overhead pressing the other day. Kind of liked it.

    Straps are fine for deadlifting for reps. But when pulling a max effort, chalk and bare hands or it doesnt count :)
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    i always figured your grip wont improve as much as it can when using straps.
    I understand why people use equipment though...

    Double bodyweight deadlift without straps/belts should be acheivable for most guys. its not heavy (for guys :P ) until this time.

    For Overhead pressing though, i think a belt would be beneficial in fact when i think about it. A friend of mine hurt his back doing these with about a 60 % load...could have been pure laziness, or just not focussed, either way i guess the belty may have saved him the 1 month layoff!!

    Personally, i'll probably never use one regularly. I have tried one once with deadlifts, and it just didnt feel natural. I couldnt get into that same position for the start wearing the belt. though it was easier to keep tight.

    Straps for pulldowns? Thats a new one i havnt seen before! Never thought of it either!! can see the advantage there.
    HOws the pressure on your wrists when using straps??
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    i always figured your grip wont improve as much as it can when using straps.
    I understand why people use equipment though...

    Double bodyweight deadlift without straps/belts should be acheivable for most guys. its not heavy (for guys :P ) until this time.

    For Overhead pressing though, i think a belt would be beneficial in fact when i think about it. A friend of mine hurt his back doing these with about a 60 % load...could have been pure laziness, or just not focussed, either way i guess the belty may have saved him the 1 month layoff!!

    Personally, i'll probably never use one regularly. I have tried one once with deadlifts, and it just didnt feel natural. I couldnt get into that same position for the start wearing the belt. though it was easier to keep tight.

    Straps for pulldowns? Thats a new one i havnt seen before! Never thought of it either!! can see the advantage there.
    HOws the pressure on your wrists when using straps??
    No issue. I've used straps since '86 and it's definitely helped especially when I do weighted pullups, pulldowns, cable rows, and hanging leg raises.