Show me your ink!



  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Hi! I have several... here are some pix.


    i also have black bats on my left foot and a tramp stamp i regret. LOL
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    im elizabeth i have 4 tattoos, all ideas have been drawn by myself

    first one october of 2005 , tinkerbell on a flower on right shoulder ( sorry bad quality photo lol )


    second october of 2006, 60 blue stars from shouder to shoulder


    3rd december of 2007, 2 small hearts with bows- 4th april 2008 of big bow with small heart on my chest
    ( not finished still.... stupid lack of money ) lol

  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    im elizabeth i have 4 tattoos, all ideas have been drawn by myself

    first one october of 2005 , tinkerbell on a flower on right shoulder ( sorry bad quality photo lol )


    second october of 2006, 60 blue stars from shouder to shoulder


    3rd december of 2007, 2 small hearts with bows- 4th april 2008 of big bow with small heart on my chest
    ( not finished still.... stupid lack of money ) lol


    Would like a chest tattoo but I'm too chicken! lol, I live in a very conservative area and I find it difficult to go against the grain to much! Plus hubby hates tattoos and would kill me! (actually note to this hubby hates tattoos on me but finds other women with tattoos eg suicide girls and such hot?! WTF)
  • MadMoxie

    This is my peacock. He's a handsome fellow. :) I've got plans for my legs next. I love getting tattooed.

    Edited to add: He's about 50 hours worth.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    Would like a chest tattoo but I'm too chicken! lol, I live in a very conservative area and I find it difficult to go against the grain to much! Plus hubby hates tattoos and would kill me! (actually note to this hubby hates tattoos on me but finds other women with tattoos eg suicide girls and such hot?! WTF)

    i moved in a tiny town where i feel like everyone stares at me in the summertime because of them being out lol my ex didnt like me having so many tattoos either, but yeah suicide girls with more tattoos is ok? lmao men are funny creatures
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member

    This is my peacock. He's a handsome fellow. :) I've got plans for my legs next. I love getting tattooed.

    Edited to add: He's about 50 hours worth.

    WOW that is some impressive ink!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I have 5, now. I'll post pictures later, but, for now, I have (all on the left side):

    It's later and I have pictures.





  • SeattleLove

    This is my peacock. He's a handsome fellow. :) I've got plans for my legs next. I love getting tattooed.

    Edited to add: He's about 50 hours worth.

    THIS is one of the most eautoful tattoos I have ever seen
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Robogriefer - my friend has the stargate address under her brest along her ribs. Its her favourite of a few.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Robogriefer - my friend has the stargate address under her brest along her ribs. Its her favourite of a few.

    LOL, I think that's where my mother would have preferred I got it. I'm pretty happy with mine.
  • MadMoxie
    Thank you so much, SeattleLove and thinkingthingirl. :D
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    This one was my first (2003). It's the logo of my favorite band, Bad Religion. Took about 40 minutes, it wasn't too bad... some spots were a little painful.


    My next one is my favorite out of the two. This one I had been sitting on the idea for years and after searching for an artist who could visualize my idea I was golden. I wish I could draw... I could have had this one done much sooner. It was done in 2010 and took about 2 hours I think. I wasn't really keeping track of time but it was a while. The pain wasn't too bad again, some spots hurt and others tickled.


    Still can't wait to get my next one... I already have it envisioned, just need to find an artist who can make it come to life and lose some weight (its a goal tattoo)
  • hippysailor
    hippysailor Posts: 12 Member
    I have a few, well maybe more than a few :ohwell: lol first one was a Celtic Zooamorph 3 cats in a knot form circle right leg done in Victoria BC, then came the big Gothic dragon lower back tramp stamp hahah Victoria BC, then a Celtic knot back of my neck done in Ontario, then a Celtic dagger with knot work left shoulder blade done in Nova Scotia see a pattern here ?? now it changes up a Compass rose behind the world and an anchor with the longitude and latitude where my Dad's ashes were sent to sea on right leg, also done in Nova Scotia then came Sailor Sparrows on my upper chest collar bone, done in San Diego as well as Nautical Stars , then came free style Hawaiian turtles riding waves 3 of them done of course in Waikiki Hawaii right lower leg onto th top of my foot..... AND I do not recommend getting the top of your feet done, looks COOL but wow not pleasant , then cupcakes done on my lower arm's wrists area, one pirate and one Hippy, AKA hippysailor done back again in Victoria BC, and to my dismay got the itch again .....
  • smadrigal04
    I just got my 4th tattoo last week! My first one is the japanese symbol for love, and it is on my right calf. My next one is on my back (before they called them tramp stamps!). My third one is two hearts entertwined on my left breast (the image is from my wedding invitation), and my last one that I just got last week, is on my right rib cage, a scroll design to match the one on my back. I'm going to have to get pics of them all and post them later this week.

    Love looking at everyone's tattoos! I'm going to add to the japanese symbol on my leg. I know what I want, just gotta find the right way to describe it and put it on paper!
  • JThomas61
    only one for now. No pain, puking, nothing except a strange sense of relief and a feeling of release. Got it when I started my weight loss journey on my birthday.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member

    This is my peacock. He's a handsome fellow. :) I've got plans for my legs next. I love getting tattooed.

    Edited to add: He's about 50 hours worth.

    THIS is one of the most eautoful tattoos I have ever seen

    It is really gorgeous...I had a dream about this tattoo last night, lol
  • MadMoxie
    Haha! Really? I hope it wasn't a scary dream!!
  • dawsonsmom
    i have a firefly lighting bug how ever u want call it and a clover i want more just dont know what yet
  • kandire
    I have two right now. Would have twenty if they weren't so freaking expensive. My reward to myself for my 3rd mini goal (which I will reach in just over 5lbs!) is to get another tattoo. Been saving up. My first tattoo was just a design I saw that I loved. My second is a Celtic tree of life to symbolize my Irish background. I plan to get one for all of the different heritages that make me! The next one is a sugar skull, I can't wait since it will be my first one with color. I love tattoos!!!


  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    Most of the pics are kinda bad and were taken shortly after getting them but here are mine.


    Sorry about all the different sizes lol