HRT yes or no



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    I am 39 and was put into surgical menopause. I work in healthcare. I started out with an estrogen patch to help with the instant menopause symptoms and noticed that I was having a lot of issues - the worst being hair loss and weight gain. I found a compounding pharmacist that mixes hormones based on your OWN needs, and have been quite pleased with it so far. I live in a small town and the pharmacist is 90 miles away but she mails everything I need. I would suggest looking into compounding pharmacists and HRT. Even without the surgery, the website is great for HRT information.

    side note: new studies out are showing that loss of estrogen is linked to dementia - the earlier you go through menopause, the sooner you "lose it" for good. Scary.

    While I'm sure some of what you post is true for you, I find it odd that someone in healthcare would make that last statement. Dementia could be caused by any number of things. Using a supposed "study" and then not even posting the link is alarmist, and unnecessary.

    Of course, on the other hand, many people in the "healthcare" industry spout untruths and "guess" at things.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I've been in peri-post menopause for ten years. Severe. Almost constant flashes, especially at work (im a nurse). If I could get those years back, I would. I have not been able to let my husband near me if the temperature was ove r70. I have been moody and miserable. I never went on HRT because I kept thinking it would end soon. Well it finally did end. 11 years later. I am finally past it all. No more flashes. But dammit, I lost 11 years of my life. If you are miserable, try it. You can always go off if you don't like it.
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    I chose and still choose not to go on HRT but in saying that I have had friends who have gained so much of their lives back by going on HRT. I think if I ever felt that I was not managing I would have chosen to HRT. I did take phyto oestrogen supplements and tried yam creams and various other things but can't say I gained much from any of them. I feel that I am over the worst of it now - the flushes have reduced hugely and not sure about concentration etc as that whole issue has been muddied by the grieving for my husband who died last year. As a consequence of his loss I have suffered from depression and am currently on an SSNRI- but I don't think this is a result of menopause. I think everyone is so different - and if you are feeling so rotten - then it is worth considering

  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I have been investigating whether to consider HRT. I am tired of all the symptoms of Peri-menapause. working hard to work my butt off (literally), with very little result. Wanting to have my sex-drive back, memory back, and want to sleep through the night at once in awhile.
    concerned about the side effects of HRT and trying to weigh out the pro's and con's
    and yes I have tried the natural solutions and they have been no solution for me.
    When I was younger, I always said that when I started to go through the menopause, I would go onto HRT. However, the menopause crept up on me and before I knew it, my periods had stopped, my bursts of temper waned and I am just left with hot flushes now. I therefore decided not to go onto HRT.

    I was lucky though, I know some women suffer a hell of a lot going through their menopause and it is no surprise whatsoever that they do choose the HRT route.

    Out of interest, does going onto HRT help with weight loss or does it contribute to weight gain?
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I was on estradiol and loved it. I had no hotflashes, no night sweats and felt awesome. My quality of life and stress levels went back to normal. It helped so much that I told my Dr. that if he ever made me go off it, I'd probably kill people! He would even joke with me during my dr visits that he would refill it so no one would die. lol Now, I find out I have a blood clotting disorder and I can't take it anymore. I'm trying to use soy products for relief but so far nothing is working. :(
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Oh and just an fyi for anyone who does go with HRT... when I went off mine, on day 3 I was preparing dinner by cutting up some meat and I started sobbing. I was crying because I felt sorry for the 'cute ' cow that was on someone's family farm! I also started crying when I saw babies on tv! That weirdness lasted one day but it was disturbing!
  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
    I didn't want to go on HRT so at my doctors suggestion I have been on Black Cohosh for a while and it seems to be helping my symptoms. I get it at Walmart, $4 for 60 so not too costly either. Just wanted to share this.