Reasons for ur vegetarianism



  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Oh yeah, to answer the question properly.

    I always loved meat. As a kid, I would always request the most meat, then eat that all off, then request more. It was our little joke. I never was a huge fan of fish, but loved tuna. I loved lamb, and loved beef.

    But I've also always loved animals.

    Anyway, fast forward to a year or so ago, I was heavily into animals rights/animal welfare (still am, but not so vocal about it anymore). But I still ate meat.

    I watched a few videos about factory farming, and it hurt me so much. I felt, in my heart, it was wrong to keep eating meat. But I was weak. I said I'd 'one day' become vegetarian.

    I worked with this gorgeous vegan guy, whose on-off gf was also nearly vegan/vegetarian. When I mentioned wanting to give up meat but not feeling ready to, he kinda had a go at me. I was so annoyed with him, ranted about it, but something struck inside me. He got to me. He did.

    I watched a few more of the vidoes, crying as I did so, researched everything meat and vegetarianism related and made a decision. I was going to give up dairy, then give up meat. I felt REALLY good when I gave up dairy.

    Then, a few days into the lack of dairy, I thought I'd just cut the bull *kitten*, stop making excuses and do it. I had my last burger at my current work place. I tried a free ham and cheese quiche a couple days later, but I couldn't do it. I took one bite, and spat it out. I knew then that this change was real.

    I haven't eaten meat since. About 6 months ago, I really wanted to eat this chicken sandwhich. I still crave meat (but not overwhelmingly so). I licked it, and I felt SO guilty. I couldn't do it. I chucked it, feeling ashamed with myself.

    I am amazed at myself. I rarely stick to anything. I am SO grateful that I can't bring myself to eat meat. My morals say no, and my body is co-operating. I never want to eat meat again.

    I also want to be vegan. I am a bloody hypocrite for still eating animal products/dairy. I am still contributing to factory farming. I shouldn't buy products tested on animals (something I am staunchly against) or wear leather. I should be more careful about avoiding geletine (argh, been caught out by that so many times. I never learn!), be strict with cochineal and check for rennit.
  • Its_All_Kung_Fu
    Because dead flesh is disgusting, for so many reasons.... :sick:

    1) All living beings get the Fear in their eyes when they know death is imminent.....There's no need to kill them any more. :cry:

    2) We're destroying our ecosystems worldwide growing food to FEED the billion (yes, billions) of animals we kill each day. :huh:

    3) It may taste good, but I just have evolved beyond dead flesh as food. :bigsmile: (I still eat panckaes in restaurants which equals "eggs" ) :embarassed: I'm working on that.
  • iambellaluna
    iambellaluna Posts: 4 Member
    Meat makes me sick! Physically I cannot digest it. (Later I found out that a blood type A individual is a natural vegetarian and thrives with a meatless diet - surprise, I'm a blood type A. I really beleive in that diet!) And after years of not eating it, anytime I try the taste/texture absolutely repulses me. I won't go back.

    Plus animals & the American food system disgust me. On top of the horride abuse in factory farms, there is all of the "treatments" to get rid of diseases from keeping animals in factory farms. I've watched a few videos on the topic and it's aweful. (I also read the book Skinny ***** and oh my does that ever make you think - the part about pig slaughtering made me never want to eat again)

    I prefer eating organic natural veggies and fruits. It makes me feel awesome. I do eat dairy products - but goats/sheeps dairy (I don't deal well with actual cheeses from cows milk) and I also eat eggs sometimes but only from local farms/farmers markets.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Makes me throw up for three days. But it's nothing to do with my blood type!
  • vmessyness
    vmessyness Posts: 49 Member
    First and foremost, because it is how I was raised. My mom's been a vegetarian since she was like 8, so I inherited her diet, like most kids inherit their parents' diets. So I've literally been a vegetarian my entire life (26 years). I simply don't view meat as food, like most americans don't view things like insects, dog, cat, or horse meat as food.

    Secondly, I'm a vegetarian because it is simply not necessary to eat meat. Why eat meat, when there are so many delicious and satisfying plant-based foods to choose from? I genuinely believe that my diet is more diverse and fulfilling because I don't eat meat.

    Lastly, although I do believe humans are naturally omnivorous, there is absolutely nothing natural about industrial agriculture, and factory farming. It maximizes suffering, and minimizes the natural connection people have to their food.

    Also, I just wanted to note that it is super awesome to read about y'all having natural births, and practicing extended breastfeeding! My daughter and I just weened a couple months shy of her fourth birthday. I'm a huge advocate of extended nursing! Also, my daughter is a 3rd generation vegetarian. :)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    First and foremost, because it is how I was raised. My mom's been a vegetarian since she was like 8, so I inherited her diet, like most kids inherit their parents' diets. So I've literally been a vegetarian my entire life (26 years). I simply don't view meat as food, like most americans don't view things like insects, dog, cat, or horse meat as food.

    Secondly, I'm a vegetarian because it is simply not necessary to eat meat. Why eat meat, when there are so many delicious and satisfying plant-based foods to choose from? I genuinely believe that my diet is more diverse and fulfilling because I don't eat meat.

    Lastly, although I do believe humans are naturally omnivorous, there is absolutely nothing natural about industrial agriculture, and factory farming. It maximizes suffering, and minimizes the natural connection people have to their food.

    Also, I just wanted to note that it is super awesome to read about y'all having natural births, and practicing extended breastfeeding! My daughter and I just weened a couple months shy of her fourth birthday. I'm a huge advocate of extended nursing! Also, my daughter is a 3rd generation vegetarian. :)

    I think I love you :')

    I am also a huge advocate for natural birth, AP, NP and extended breastfeeding. Well done on going so long in a culture where some poor babies don't even get it up to six weeks/months!

    I also plan to raise my children vegetarian, or hopefully, vegan. I will never force them, but I will teach them (in the kindest way possible) about the suffering these poor beings go through, and teach them the facts about vegetarianism and meat-eating.
  • keatingtl
    My husband makes fun of me all the reason is the texture thing. I can't eat vegi burgers either. And I have a few other foods I can't eat because of the texture.. I thought there was noone out there like me.
  • drummy3
    drummy3 Posts: 2
    I have been a vegetarian for as long as I can remember. my family said they tried to get me to eat meat and that I did at one time when I was younger. Then one day I just couldn't stomach it anymore. I refused to eat it. I've tried to eat meat since then but I can't get past the texture and I can't bring myself to eat meat, especially after seeing the blood in it before and while it is cooking. just can't do it. I've tried to eat it but I can't.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I became a vegetarian quite simply because as my youngest daughter, who is a faddy eater, grew up she just never wanted to try meat. At any meal when there was meat served she simply inquired as to what animal the rest of us were eating and it just wore me d own. I just became aware that the piece of meat on my plate that had come so nicely packaged and cellophaned from the supermarket was in fact an animal that had died for me to eat it. It suddenly seemed really abhorrent and I gave up meat from thereon! Sadly I still have to cook it some days for my 2 meat eaters but I don't touch it anymore, I use forks and scissors etc when preparing it, and I loathe the smell of it cooking; it really is a labour of love!
  • julie85adair
    I don't like the way animals are kept/abused/treated, whatever word you wanna use....I don't think animals are ours to eat.

    I don't see a difference in pigs, cats, rats, horses, birds etc....All living things feel pain and I don't think it should be at the hands of humans. What gives us the right to choose that it's ok to eat pig flesh but cat flesh is not? I don't want any part of it.

    Pretty much exactly as above.
    How is it right that people kill animals to eat they deserve a dignified existence.
  • VaporsWorld
    VaporsWorld Posts: 441 Member
    I am vegetarian because of the horrible ways animals are treated in the industry. It's just not right how they suffer. "You shouldn't eat anything that has a face or a mother." I believe that was a Bill Clinton quote and I sometimes use this when people ask.
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    I became a vegetarian last November and I am loving it!! My parents have been vegetarians all their life but never inflicted it upon me growing up.....over the years I have just been grossed out...seeing a truck loaded with chickens was the turning point for me...and i haven't looked back :)
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    I became veggie this Jan!! I watched a documentary called earthlings and cried from start to finish. People treat animals horrendously!! There is just no need to make them suffer that way.
    I no not every1 can be veggie or vegan but every1 should at lest campaign for better treatment of the animals before they become their dinner, I hate people that just say "so its only an animal" they die to feed us we should at lest give them a nice life before its cut short.
    Meat really freaks me out now when I think about eating it, altough it kinda sucks I still have to cook it for my other half but I try to buy free range organic ect and I dont think the animals in Ireland/ Northern Ireland are treated anywhere near as badly as other places.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    That is sooo true!
  • rach06ao
    rach06ao Posts: 14 Member
    I love animals!

    The way they are treated is horrifying in meat industries. Plus meat is unhealthy most of the time and contains antibiotics given to animals before they die.
    I also heard some cow meat may contain faeces... Ew lol

    I've just realised if already posted in this forum already oops... Oh well, animals for the win!
  • southernpurplevegan
    southernpurplevegan Posts: 48 Member
    For me I always had to the choice to be vegetarian or not , when I was little my mom was vegetarian and she gave me the choice to eat meat or not. I would always reach for the peas over meat any day. So I think vegetarianism is always something that I was used to ; beside's that I do it for the Animals, Enivorment , My Health and Food Allergies.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I haven't had a chance to read ALL of these but am loving this thread.

    I have a handful of answers I give.

    If we have time and i think they are actually interested I tell people about how it started with watching Food inc and not wanting to contribute to that so I went for "free range" meat. Then the more i thought about it the more and more I realized that cutting and animals life short is abuse even if they had a "good life." Then I saw Forks over Knives and realized how good the diet is for you and I have never felt healthier.

    If I'm feeling snarky or they are being jerks about it I say something along the lines of: I just feel more comfortable knowing there's not dead animal on my plate

    And if I want to be brief but kind I just say: it's been a long time coming my actions finally caught up to my love for animals.'s funny, when I told my mom I was switching to veggie she said "I wonder if you would have switched sooner if Dave (her ex who I HATED) wasn't a vegetarian, before meeting him you always said you wanted to be a 'vegetrinarian' "....I think she may be onto something.
  • ILoatheDieting
    ILoatheDieting Posts: 8 Member
    Same here :)
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    An animal sanctuary I love has the quote - "If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?"

    Sums it all up for me :smile:
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    I am a vegetarian because I honestly do not like meat...taste, texture, smell..... it truly disgusts me. I LOVE animals, but the right to live thing is not is truly that everything about meat is disgusting to me.... :-) :-)