Lets get to know eachother!

AylaBean Posts: 140 Member
Hi, Im Ayla.
Im from AB Canada. Im 26 and a mom of 2 boys. I have been married for 6 years.
And have struggled with my weight for most of my life.

I can use all the support I can get for getting rid of this weight once and for all.
And I figured it would be nice to have a place for people who have more weight to lose to connect with eachother :)


  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Hello there!

    I am so happy this site has introduced groups. I'm trying to build a network for support on this site. I love it and log my food/exercise daily, but a lot of the friends I've found stay pretty quiet.

    I am 27, married mother of 1. I have been married 8 years. We got married young girl! :) I have been on MFP about 1 month now and have lost 17 lbs. I joined after my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS, diabetes and an underactive thyroid. It was time to get healthy. I have always been the "fluffy funny" girl in my group of friends and am fed up. I have steadily gained weight since getting married and want to get back to "one-derland."

    Add me up! I'm on here a LOT and am here for you if you are here for me!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Hi Ayla! Thanks for starting this group!

    Hi, I'm Tina.

    I'm originally from New Jersey, USA, but moved to Georgia about 5 years ago. I'm a happily married mom of 3. My husband and I have been together for almost 18 years and married for almost 13. I have a 10 year old girl and twin 7 year old boys. I've also struggled with my weight most of my life.

    I've lost about 66lbs (been going back and forth the last few months from 65lbs to 68lbs) to date. I've got about 12 to 15lbs left to loose and it's getting really hard. I can't seem to figure out how to lose these last few lbs. I'm looking for support to keep going and to motivate those who need it! Looking forward to chatting with all of you!!
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    hi, im glad i found this group. I currently weigh 218.5. I have 73.5 to lose to reach my healthy goal weight of 145. I used to be at my highest 265, so I know weight loss is possbile i just have to stick to it. I tend to fall off the wagon sometimes and gain some back. But Im finally determined to lose it once and for all. I would like to have it all gone by summer of 2012.
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    Will we have weekly weigh ins in this group?
  • ktvaughn
    ktvaughn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I've been searching for a group to join and 'm glad I found this! Sometimes I just can't find the motivation and I bet you guys can help! I'm only 21 but I have a good 106 pounds to lose. I've NEVER been thin in my entire life and recently I've decided to make the 100% effort! I've been on diets before and lost 40, but gained it back within 3 years so I'm ready for the end of diets and the start of a lifestyle change!
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    Well Hi group! This group thing is kinda cool so I figured I'd give it a try. This was featured as one of the newest groups and it pertains to me so I thought I would give it a go.

    I am 29 years old and was at the heaviest point in my life when I joined MFP back in August. I have currently lost almost 30 lbs and I'm the most active I think I have ever been. I don't want to say that I"ve struggled with weight all my life because I kind of just accepted thats how I was. I've "dieted" before and lost about 25-30lbs but never stuck with it. This time it is a life change. I will be 30 next May and my goal is to be in my best shape/weight ever (well at least in the last 15 years). My mother and sister are skinny people so I know that it can be done.

    This site has helped me so much already with encouragement and tips/tricks/ideas. I have become involved with a fitness club near my house that offers Zumba (my fav) and Yoga classes so I do that about 4-5 times a week. I've also been doing the Jillian 30 day shred and will try some other videos out as well.

    I'm trying to cook healthy for me and my boyfriend (who needs a diet change but hasn't admitted it yet). I love fruit and veggies and he doesn't.....so thats though. I find myself cooking two different meals at dinner to suffice us both.

    I look forward to the support and friends I will make in the group. It is a journey and I hope you all will be there with me!

    OH and I'm originally from Wisconsin moved to Indiana a year ago. I like scrapbooking/card making, reading, cooking, baking, and gardening. (No Kids)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Hi. I'm Brandee. I'm 36 and a divorced mom to two teenage girls (ages 15 and 13). I'm from Michigan - where it is dang cold. lol.

    I've lost 60lbs and am currently maintaining my weight, but thought I would join this group in the hopes my struggles can help someone else. :)

    I wasn't always overweight. Actually, I was underweight in high school and right after. I gained weight with my pregnancies and being in an unhappy marriage -- well, I didn't lose the weight and actually turned to food as a comfort. Two years ago, we separated and a few months later I met my boyfriend, joined the gym and voila! Here I am. :)
  • ChelleBalady
    Hello. I am new to this group. I am currently at the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I am dissapointed in myself since I have taken the road in the past to become healthy and fit and did great for 5 years.

    The last 3 years I have continued to gain weight. I ride the weight rollercoaster with fad diets, and exercising. I need to lose 74 pounds. Not only because I want to look better but because my doctor said I had to so that my liver can work properly. I found in the past that support sytems were always very benificial. Looking forward to being a part of this group.:happy: :smile:
  • wayne4825
    wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member

    32 year old male living in Hot Springs, AR. Started using MFP in April of this year as a tool used to help me maintain control of my eating habits and get support form other people. I started my weight loss journey in February with a Biggest Loser competition at work and my SW was 306lb and today I am proudly sitting at 250lbs. YAY!!!!. My girlfriend and I are avid hikers and recently looking into starting mountain biking. Since August we have put in almost 120 miles through hiking and walking.

    My girlfriend is also an MFP member and we are constantly looking for support and exercise ideas so please feel free to add myself and rinnismom.
  • AylaBean
    AylaBean Posts: 140 Member
    Hello there!

    I am so happy this site has introduced groups. I'm trying to build a network for support on this site. I love it and log my food/exercise daily, but a lot of the friends I've found stay pretty quiet.

    I am 27, married mother of 1. I have been married 8 years. We got married young girl! :) I have been on MFP about 1 month now and have lost 17 lbs. I joined after my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS, diabetes and an underactive thyroid. It was time to get healthy. I have always been the "fluffy funny" girl in my group of friends and am fed up. I have steadily gained weight since getting married and want to get back to "one-derland."

    Add me up! I'm on here a LOT and am here for you if you are here for me!

    Im definitely here for support too! :D
  • AylaBean
    AylaBean Posts: 140 Member
    Will we have weekly weigh ins in this group?
    We can definitely do that! How about every Monday I (or whoever gets to it first) posts a new thread for weekly WI?
  • AylaBean
    AylaBean Posts: 140 Member
    I just wanted to say a quick welcome to all of you :D I hope this group can help us all on our journey.
    So post whatever/whenever you feel, help me keep the group alive :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Hi I am 32 year old working mom with a lot of weight to lose I have been trying to lose it forever and have struggled my whole life with it. My problem is with nutrition and eating well I could use a lot of ideas for recipes because what I have been doing isn't working. I have lost 5 lbs since July. I do have hypothyroidism but it is under control with medication. I just want to get rid of this weight before my health goes downhill. I only have one kidney so I need to be careful. I look forward to interacting with everyone.
  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    Hello everyone! I am a 37 yo married, mother of a 14 yo daughter. She has Asperger's Syndrome and Mitochondrial disease, so needless to say, there is a lot of stress in my life.

    Let's see....I always thought I was fat, but looking back on pictures of me before I was pregnant I definitely was not. Last year I decided I had to make a change, and lost 56 lbs (206 to 150). 5 months ago I needed to start taking a medication for my anxiety and I have gained back 23 lbs. I am back on track, and would like to get down to my goal weight of 130.
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    Hi, My name is Linda, and I line on Vancouver Island, BC Canada. I have been yo-yo dieting for the last two years. I lost 40 lbs 5 years ago, and gained it back. Got pregnant with my son. I gained 32lbs with him and lost it immediately, and then it just creeped back onto my *kitten* and thighs. I started mfp last jan/feb and I lost 31 lbs with the support of everyone on here. Again it creeped back on me. So in August I joined Herbal Magic (Canadian weight loss company) and so far have lost 21 lbs.

    I hope to be finished in June, and then start planning my wedding in June of 2013. I am excited to have a group like this. Feel free to add me :)
  • AnnaGallegos88
    AnnaGallegos88 Posts: 26 Member
    I am 23 years old, married to my high school sweetheart (we were together for 7 years and then got married nov. 2010) and we now have a beautiful baby girl. I have always thought of myself as fat, i believe my image of myself used to be warped. I have tried many times to get the weight off and have not had the will power to succeed. The past couple of years i have hovered between 170 and 180 and am now proud to say i have gotten down to 160.5. After gaining 53 pounds while pregnant with my daughter I had reached 228 and vowed to myself to do something about it, i need to be healthier not only for her, my husband, but also myself - the more healthier i am the happier i will be and so will they. I want to reach a healthy weight of 140 and then I'll see how how i feel. I love sweets and I love food, i for some reason cannot tell when i am full until its too late - so that has made this road a very bumpy and a rocky one. Right now i am feeling very good and happy with myself and the progress i have made - it still amazes me when i look down at my thigh and its a fraction of the size it used to be. 67.5 lbs down and 20.5 more to go!
  • katyclev
    katyclev Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am Katy. I am 25, married for almost 5 years and have 2 beautiful children.
    I have been "bigger" all of my life, but gained too much weight when I was pregnant with my daughter and now I have tons of weight to lose...and Im ready to lose it for good. I have been on this site for a while, but just recently started to log in and track my food everyday. It has been a huge help. I like the support it offers, people I don't know, and have lots of friends on here whom I do know!

    Im excited to have even more support in here! Good luck to everyone in achieving your goals!!
  • goodmonster
    Hyia! I'm Molly from San Diego, CA (okay well we're moving in about a month and a half); married for...just over two months haha. No babies yet =D
    I love the wonderful support system that MFP can offer and can always use more support where it counts!
    I've got a little less than 70lbs to go now!! I've always been on the bigger side and I'll never be a size 4. Just being able to be happy and teach myself the best ways to stay healthy (especially for when we do have babies) for the long haul!!

    Good luck to everyone. =D
  • AylaBean
    AylaBean Posts: 140 Member
    Hyia! I'm Molly from San Diego, CA (okay well we're moving in about a month and a half); married for...just over two months haha. No babies yet =D
    I love the wonderful support system that MFP can offer and can always use more support where it counts!
    I've got a little less than 70lbs to go now!! I've always been on the bigger side and I'll never be a size 4. Just being able to be happy and teach myself the best ways to stay healthy (especially for when we do have babies) for the long haul!!

    Good luck to everyone. =D

    Welcome to the group Molly :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi. I'm a working mom of 2 boys. Dh and I have been married since 06, together since 01. I just turned 28. I've been logging on mfp and exercising for almost 9 months now. I've lost 44 lbs. I want to lose 80-100 total. So I'm about half way done.

    I know I'll keep exercising and eating well and never go back !

    Good luck everyone!