Surgery date getting closer



  • utchristie
    utchristie Posts: 4 Member
    I am so excited for all of you! I had my surgery 2 weeks ago, and everything has been running real smooth for me. After the first couple days, I was STARVING on only clear liquids - now I'm on mushies and I am satisfied with my small meals. I've learned that I need to be accountable...this site is so incredible for that. It's so nice to meet people that are going through the same thing!
  • Well, in less than 24 hours I will be in surgery!! I am so excited and not at all nervous. As I planned out my food for today, I decided to add in a couple more of the things I am allowed during this pre-op phase but that I haven't had. I've found with the protein powder that I haven't been hungry at all and really didn't feel the need for many of the extras (oatmeal, applesauce, cream soups) but today I am going to treat myself a little bit.

    There are so many things I want to complete today (work for school that I brought home, cleaning the house, cooking a few meals ahead for my husband and mom, laundry, and on and on). You'd think I was going to be incapacitated for weeks!! My mom has been staying with us for the past week and is needing a lot of help. She is having sciatica issues and is on some heavy duty pain meds. My poor husband will have two loopy patients to take care of for a couple of days :-) so I want to take as much burden off him as possible.

    I know there are several other people scheduled this week for surgery so I want to wish everyone well! I'll be looking forward to hearing of everyone's progress.
  • tessanne10
    tessanne10 Posts: 99 Member
    My thoughts and prayers are with you as you have your surgery. One day I will be there too for surgery.
  • Thank you! I know you will be successful with your journey as well and it will go by faster than it seems like it is right now. It is all part of the learning and preparation so that the WLS will be an effective tool for you.
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Hey there, HOW ARE YOU FEELING? Two days since your GBP? Can you share your experience with me- both physical and emotional feelings? I have 5 weeks till mine and I'm already obsessing. How are you eating your vitamins? Did you need to get liquid vites? How about medications? Dieing to hear. Hope you are FEELING FINE! :flowerforyou:
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    So many people either on their way into surgery or almost there. That is so amazing. Please, everyone, share (if you haven't) how you are feeling physically and emotionally. Those of us near to THE DATE are really nervous, anxious about the impending huge change. Most of us are/will be on a liquid protein diet prior to surgery. I start my liquid diet on 1/2/12. I ordered my protein powder 'UNJURY' but it doesn't look like there's enough servings - I have exactly 30 servings but worried I should buy more. How is the recovery going? Pain? How long were you in hospital?

    Please share everything you can think of. Then there will be a record of it on MFP for upcoming GBP candidates.:heart:
  • Hi risskie,

    Yes, I'm feeling quite good. Very little difficulty with the pain. I am still taking one or two oxycodone each day but my husband and I have been caring for my mom (more him than me!!) for the past week and a half. She was admitted to the hospital this afternoon so I will be able to really get a good night's sleep. I'm sure that will make a big difference!

    I was in the hospital just about 12 hours and the surgery itself, took less than one hour. Today is day 3 and I'm a little more tender tonight (but again that could be because of the stress and all we had to do today).

    I've ordered the Unjury twice more because I've read that people still need to have 1 - 2 per day to get enough protein in. It hasn't been too bad so I figured it would be good to have it handy.

    When I'm less tired, I'll post more details but for now, I'm off to eat a sugar-free Posicle and going to bed!

    Try not to worry - it will all go better than you think!

  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Diane, That's great!!!! I'm totally blown away that you were only in hosp 12 hours!!! May I ask what state you live in? I live in ME, Biddeford to be exact.

    So beyond the Unjury, you can eat oatmeal and sugar free Pops? What else can you eat? I don't have my nutritionist apt until 12/27 when she goes over the cans/can not eat prior to surgery. I am on a severe budget plan due to the time off I need to take after surgery. I only have 1 week vacation, so if I need to buy more Unjury, I need to do it NOW! I only have 17 servings purchased.

    Sorry for the barrage of questions, poor you! My anxiety is up, and finances are strained... that's all.
    When you feel better, I'd love to hear how you are doing. :flowerforyou:
    Risskie (Christine)
  • HI Christine,

    Oh my goodness! What a coincidence! I live in Lebanon, ME and Dr. Carroll did my surgery at SMMC. I assume you will be having him as well? Have you been attending the support groups at the hospital? My husband (who is also my support person) and I have been going since last April and find it very helpful and reassuring. There will be a meeting next Wednesday from 7 - 8 PM. I am hoping to go if I still have any stamina left after a day at school. I teach in South Berwick and had planned to return to work on Monday but called today for a sub on Monday as well. I figured I would need a couple of extra days. If the plans haven't changed, the operating room staff are going to be there this time to explain the process.

    You haven't met with Shannon (the nutritionist) yet? I'm sure if you called, you could get a list of what you will need to have on hand for the two weeks prior. But to give you an advance notice, this is what I could have: up to 6 servings per day of oatmeal (Weight Control - green box) or cream of wheat, sugar-free pudding (which you can mix with the Unjury to get more protein in), sugar-free jello (again it can be mixed with Unjury), Dannon Light N Fit yogurt or any sugar-free yogurt, unsweetened applesauce, low fat cottage cheese, low fat cream soups, and v8 juice. You have to have four servings per day of the Unjury. However, I found that after my four servings of Unjury, I couldn't get in more than one or two of the other things. I usually had a chocolate shake (Unjury Classic Chocolate blended with 8 oz skim milk and ice cubes) for breakfast. Then mid-morning, I had a yogurt. For lunch, I sometimes had the Unjury chicken soup or the hi-protein jello. Sometimes I had another yogurt or applesauce mid afternoon if I was working late. Then for supper, I often had Healthy Requests Cream of Mushroom soup mixed with unflavored Unjury. Then in the evening, I had either a serving of the hi protein jello or hi protein chocolate pudding.

    I never experienced hunger throughout the two weeks prior to surgery and since surgery, for the first 2-3 days, could only have clear liquids (broth, juice w/no pulp, and water). I now can add a protein shake, the chicken soup protein, sugar-free popsicles, decaf coffee or tea (which I don't drink at all anyway), 1% , rice, soy, or skim milk. I bought the Carnation Instant Breakfast (sugar-free) yesterday and that was handy to have when I was not home and didn't have access to other things I needed.

    I meet with Shannon again on the 20th to advance to the next level (the mushies stage). In that stage, you may or may not still need the Unjury (or some protein powder) to get to the level you need each day. I know several people said they still have one or two protein shakes a day to be sure to get enough in but other people don't. Once you move to week 5 after surgery, the protein shakes, oatmeal, applesauce, yogurt, and such that I am on now are to be avoided.

    After a fill, however, you do need to return to the liquid stage for 48 hours, so I would assume, protein powder will be something we go back to once in a while.

    Hope this information is helpful. If you are still concerned, give Shannon a call (283-7148) or send her an email
    She is very nice and helpful.

    Feel free to send any more questions. I'll do my best to answer them.

  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Wow, Diane... I think I've seen you at the support meetings. I've been to 3. I have been to see Shannon 3x already and I have my surgery date 1/16. I hope I'm that quick out of the hosp - sleeping is the hardest. Thanks for the info on the 'other' foods I can eat. Oatmeal is my favorite - but what is the name of that oatmeal you mentioned? Can I get it at Hannaford/Shaws?
    The weekend is here and I hope it's a good one for you..:smile:
  • Hi Christine,

    That is just too funny!! It is such a small world! The oatmeal Shannon recommended was Quaker Instant Oatmeal Weight Control. I bought the variety pack but they had it in several flavors. I got mine at Hannaford but I'm sure Shaw's carries it as well. I'm not a big oatmeal fan but it was nice for a change.

    I am looking forward to the weekend. We have a few things planned (soup/carols at our church - mine will be broth!!) and then a birthday party for my adult disabled son at his group home on Sunday (I'll probably bring my Carnation Instant Breakfast drink). Both will depend on how I'm feeling however. I don't plan on pushing myself too much this weekend since I really need to get back to work on Tuesday.

    Hope you enjoy your weekend too.
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Hi Diane, Good Morning, Hope your day is going well.
    I have written down all the foods you have mentioned. Sounds like everything is SUGAR FREE - but chemical sweetener is ok, right?
    Wondering about orange juice - you must be getting a sugar free OJ, but what brand are you buying. I'll get that too. Is it real OJ or fake - like Tang?

    How about sleep post surgery? Can you sleep in a bed, or is it better to sleep in a recliner? Did you feel the need to sleep more, do you tire quickly? Sounds like you took a week off from work - that included the surgery day. Then you took one more day. I know everyone is different, but what prompted you to take one more day - tiredness? achy?

    Thanks for sharing. I hope each day seems better. :wink:
  • HI Christine,

    Today I have done quite a lot already but still have enough stamina to go to our Soup & Carols at our church tonight. I have my Cream of Mushroom soup with my unflavored Unjury all ready to go. I thought about eating just the broth of some of the soups that will be there but I can't be sure that they would be fat free. I'm trying very hard to follow the plan exactly since I don't want to risk getting nauseous. I think throwing up would hurt way too much!!

    Yes, artificial sweetner is fine. I'm not a coffee/tea drinker but you can have decaf. I am at a stage where I can have juice but with no pulp. I chose to buy diet Cranberry and when that is gone, I'll buy something else since I don't really love cranberry juice. It tasted awfully good in the hospital though so that is why I bought that first. The only specification on the juice is that it has to be 100% juice and pulp free. Nothing is noted about sugar free but I would imagine that would be even better.

    I had planned to attend a workshop yesterday in Portland for my job but knew when I got up that it wasn't going to be a good idea. I felt a little nauseous and light-headed. I haven't really been achy at all and haven't taken any pain meds since Thursday evening. But unfortunately, my mom had to move here for a couple of weeks due to sciatica and weakness in her legs. She regressed to the point of needing 100% assistance and even though my husband did all of the transfers, I still did way more than I should have and didn't rest the way I needed to. Even when I went to bed, I didn't sleep soundly because I worried that she would try to get up or need something. She was admitted to the hospital on Thursday so i have been able to focus more on me. I haven't needed to nap during the day, but I find that I get light-headed if I walk too much. Today we had to go to Wal-Mart to get some birthday gifts for my son and it wasn't too long when I began to feel like I needed to go sit down. I used the cart to lean on and headed out to the car. Some of that may be from not taking in many calories. I started tracking again yesterday and it only came to 500 calories. That certainly isn't much but I am focusing on the protein powder so I'm not hungry. I think I'm actually having more protein shakes/mix than is required but I want to build my stamina back up. As a result of all of this, I decided it would be best to take another day off from work. I teach special education and my days can be pretty intense. When I spoke to Genevive on Friday, she agreed that it would be a good idea. I truly think I would have been fine by Friday to go to the workshop and back to school of Friday if it hadn't been for caring for my mom.

    As to sleeping, I was able to sleep in bed right from day one but couldn't lay on my side until the third day. Now it doesn't bother at all and the transitioning from standing or sitting to laying down and vice versa no longer hurts. Coughing and sneezing make me hold onto my abdomen still and I'm glad I don't have a cold!! But I definitely see progress and am encouraged by that.

    Enjoy your weekend!