Welcome! Introduce yourself!

Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
I.. suck at these things, but I really wanted an anime group!

Share whatever you want others to know about you: name, where you live, favourite anime, least favourite anime, what you like to do in your spare time, blah blah blah.

Name's Soba and I've been a Japanophile since I was 4. My first anime was Sailor Moon and since then I've been hooked. I am currently watching Tiger and Bunny and plan a trip to Japan in 2013.



  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Yay, anime group! I'm Kyo. :D

    I think my first anime was Dragon Ball, second was Sailor Moon. I ended up really getting into anime and Japanese things because I was friends with a girl that was born on a Navy base in Japan.

    It's still kind of funny remembering her sister trying to tell me about DBZ when she though Goku and Super Saiyan Goku were two different people... like brothers or something. :laugh: Seeing all the Japanese things though made it more interesting somehow... I also ended up getting hooked on video games because Akira Toriyama did the character designs for Chrono Trigger.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Hellos knight of ye olde anime group! The names ----well, I've save you some breath. I'll just call myself Canna or something. It's better that having to remember [Dominique]. Also, C.V. sounds like a STD... so yeah.. we'll say I'm named Canna.

    My first anime was mos-definitely Sailor Moon..when I was about 7 or 8.. then DBZ and Tenchi Muyo came into the mix some time after. I don't think my love for Japanese culture came until I was about 14 though, but it's still here. I hope to finish the animes that I've currently started, and pray that others that I've finished come with second or third seasons (Mitsudomoe and Ao No Exorcist! I'm lookin at y'all!).
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Yay, anime group! I'm Kyo. :D

    I think my first anime was Dragon Ball, second was Sailor Moon. I ended up really getting into anime and Japanese things because I was friends with a girl that was born on a Navy base in Japan.

    It's still kind of funny remembering her sister trying to tell me about DBZ when she though Goku and Super Saiyan Goku were two different people... like brothers or something. :laugh: Seeing all the Japanese things though made it more interesting somehow... I also ended up getting hooked on video games because Akira Toriyama did the character designs for Chrono Trigger.

    Kyo is what I want to name my daughter!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My name is Amanda, but really, I answer to any name that starts with an A... or just "Hey you, you're awesome!" yeah... XD
    My first anime was DBZ, but apparently I also watched Gundam without knowing what it was. To date, my favorite anime has probably been (this is so hard to choose... I'll come back to this later...)
    least favorite: Popotan. I hated it! and the strange thing, I'm used to seeing nudity and nipples in anime, so the nudity didn't bother me. And, usually in anime, if a child is naked, they don't draw any of the detail (no sexual organs/nipples) however, they drew the 8-year-old naked and gave her detail. It was disturbing, and then I found out that it came from a game where the goal was to sleep with all of the girls, including the little girl. Then I was even more put off by it. I'm cool with nudity, pedophelia, however, no.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Lol Agreed, Lady Awesome. Loli- and shouta (or is it Shota?) related animes really creep me out. It's especially bad when there is detail drawn in for them. Kinda makes ya feel.. dirty.:/
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    yeah, I think it was that point that I stopped watching. And every episode HAD to have a bath scene. Which, there are a lot of anime with bath scenes, but like I said no detail. Damn, all the times that Sauske has been shirtless in Naruto, I've never seen nipples on him!
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I started with Lain and boogiepop phantom then saw all the classic movies GITS and Akira, grave of fireflies, princess mononuke, tc then I bought neon Genesis... after these anime everything else seemed so shallow until I watched perfect blue, paranoia agent, welcome to NHK and the GITS series...
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I started with Lain and boogiepop phantom then saw all the classic movies GITS and Akira, grave of fireflies, princess mononuke, tc then I bought neon Genesis... after these anime everything else seemed so shallow until I watched perfect blue, paranoia agent, welcome to NHK and the GITS series...

    I also Love Neon Genesis.
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member
    Hi I'm Emily! I'm 26 years old and still gaming and watching anime ^_^ I'm here because I really need to get in shape for my cosplays and could use some motivation and support!

    By the way, for anyone interested I also made a Cosplayers group, I'd love it if any of you who cosplay would join and we can discuss the ups and downs of cosplay + fitness!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Hi I'm Emily! I'm 26 years old and still gaming and watching anime ^_^ I'm here because I really need to get in shape for my cosplays and could use some motivation and support!

    By the way, for anyone interested I also made a Cosplayers group, I'd love it if any of you who cosplay would join and we can discuss the ups and downs of cosplay + fitness!

    I want to join!
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member

    I want to join!

    Here's the link, happy to have you onboard!
  • sahados_shadow
    Hello, I'm Angelica. I love anime, pro-wrestling, and football. I guess technically my first anime was Sailor Moon, although I was never a fan of it. My current favorites are Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Welcome welcome welcome everyone!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hi my name is Anne and I love to cosplay. I am old compared to all of you! 44, they call me the ConMom when we are at convention lol. I love going and dressing up in Lolita or whatever. I got back on here from last yr because I dont fit into any of my costumes and they are so darn expensive. also I want to make a Storm costume and the darn thing is so tight fitting. anyway, just need support to get back to where I want to be!
  • ReclusivePariah
    ReclusivePariah Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, all of you otaku, my name is Alex Valverde and I'm 23 yrs old. Some of you may not know but I have muscular dystrophy and I'm confined to a wheelchair but like to enjoy things that people wouldn't think I enjoy. I love anime and it is my life in all ways. I enjoy heavy metal concerts, video games, and philosophy.
    Favorite anime: Neon genesis evangelion
    Least favorite: One Piece
    Favorite character: L, gaara, shinji ikari, death the kid, heero yui, the gang teacher on gto, lain, ash, sousuke
    First Anime: Robotech
  • sangostar
    sangostar Posts: 91 Member
    Hi, My name is Devin, you can call me Sango and I currently live in Japan. Been here for the past year and a half and I've been into anime for a pretty long time. I remember DBZ wasn't my thing but I loved ghibli movies and once I was in college really got into anime. My first shows that I can remember were Gundam Wing, Love Hina, FMA, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop and Trigun.

    The last few weeks I finished Tiger and Bunny, Ao no Exorcist. I'm currently watching....god, a ton of stuff. -looks at desktop- Chihayafuru, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Un-Go, Kimi to Boku, Hanasaku Iroha. Gonna start Honey and Clover (even though it's old) and Mirai Nikki. I started Persona 4 anime but it seriously makes me wanna just play the game instead of watch the anime. XD
  • BecTech
    BecTech Posts: 47 Member
    Hello hello!
    I go by Tahru :D

    My first actual anime was Pokemon, followed by YGO (which is currently one of my favourite manga. <3)
    My favourite Anime of ALL TIME must be FLCL. I actually understand it!
    My second and current favourite however, is definatly Axis Powers: Hetalia (gotta love Russia)

    Got into anime at...fith grade? Went to my first and only convention that year. (I was mokuba. My older sister, Kaiba) I've really backed off from being extreamly weebish but..I found a healthy balance (kinda got obsessed with Germany actually xD)

    I read many..manga...watched many anime. And is in love with Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away <3)
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Hello hello!
    I go by Tahru :D

    My first actual anime was Pokemon, followed by YGO (which is currently one of my favourite manga. <3)
    My favourite Anime of ALL TIME must be FLCL. I actually understand it!
    My second and current favourite however, is definatly Axis Powers: Hetalia (gotta love Russia)

    Got into anime at...fith grade? Went to my first and only convention that year. (I was mokuba. My older sister, Kaiba) I've really backed off from being extreamly weebish but..I found a healthy balance (kinda got obsessed with Germany actually xD)

    I read many..manga...watched many anime. And is in love with Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away <3)

    I love Hetalia!! my favorite was Italy though, he was so freaking adorable!!
  • nenamartinez
    nenamartinez Posts: 140 Member
    Hi, I'm Nena. I'm almost 25, live in Incheon, South Korea, and I'm a kindergarten teacher. I've lived in Korea for about a year and a half. I'd planned to move to Japan in March, but uh.. you can guess what happened to postpone my plans. I plan to relocate there in March 2013. At least, that's the plan for now.

    I'm not actually super into anime, but I do read tons of manga. Tons and tons of manga. I love shoujo-ai and shounen-ai stuff, too. My favorite series are old stuff like Rose of Versailles and lots of the other 70s stuff. I also read modern stuff, too. :D I can't read enough comics. I read a bajillion online comics and american independent comics as well, but, those aren't really that relevant here. Oh, and I draw comics online.

    My all-time fave, probably, is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I'm currently in the process of reading the most recent part, Steel Ball Run.

    Anyway, uh.. Although I'm not really into anime or most of that kinda thing, I figured this was a good place for a nerdy girl like me.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Hi, I'm Nena. I'm almost 25, live in Incheon, South Korea, and I'm a kindergarten teacher. I've lived in Korea for about a year and a half. I'd planned to move to Japan in March, but uh.. you can guess what happened to postpone my plans. I plan to relocate there in March 2013. At least, that's the plan for now.

    I'm not actually super into anime, but I do read tons of manga. Tons and tons of manga. I love shoujo-ai and shounen-ai stuff, too. My favorite series are old stuff like Rose of Versailles and lots of the other 70s stuff. I also read modern stuff, too. :D I can't read enough comics. I read a bajillion online comics and american independent comics as well, but, those aren't really that relevant here. Oh, and I draw comics online.

    My all-time fave, probably, is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I'm currently in the process of reading the most recent part, Steel Ball Run.

    Anyway, uh.. Although I'm not really into anime or most of that kinda thing, I figured this was a good place for a nerdy girl like me.

    All the nerds are welcome!!