Maintenance Thread Part 3



  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Reasonably sure. I read packets and I plan my food out after I do my weekly shop on a Sat, so I know what I'm eating for every day until the next shop. And I don't really deviate from it :/ I find it very difficult to stay within the targets set on fat, purely down to the foods I eat, but protein and carbs are usually ok (I changed the recommendations btw).
  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    @littlemiss i think you are doing wonderfully! the healthy habits you have formed at this stage of your life will serve you well far into your future...
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Thank you! It's crazy how much healthier I feel, compared with only a few months ago. The lift in my building is broken at the moment and I live on the 7th floor. I practically jogged up them this morning, when they used to leave me wheezing only at half way.
  • lp0007
    lp0007 Posts: 125 Member
    Hey all.
    I got my weight back into maintenance range a few weeks ago, but am still eating at a 200 calories deficit to what I was previously maintaining on. Instead of my weight dropping, even very gradually, it's just fluctuating at the top of my maintenance range. Ideally I wanted to get it into the low end of my range because I'm going home over Christmas, and exercise isn't really possible there, apart from my Mum trying to feed me up!

    I was wondering, do you think it's because my body has become used to my exercise regime? I run three times a week - am training for a half marathon, so my long runs on a Sunday have been increasing gradually (21km for the 1st time this weekend, yay!), but the runs during the week have stayed about the same distance. I swim one day, and I do a circuits class one (sometimes two) times a week where I've been upping the weights a little recently.

    Hiya Hun,
    I think your exercise schedule looks perfect! Are you using a heart rate monitor to log your exercise calories? I have realised that mfp's calorie counts always overestimate what I actually burn. I wouldn't worry too much about a lack of weight loss at the moment. Even when I am at a 0.5 lb loss per week I usually stay the same for a few weeks and then drop a few pounds in one week. My body definitely doesn't adhere to a set loss each week. X
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    My heart rate monitor doesn't do calories unfortunately. Hoping to get a new one for Christmas, as the stopwatch stops at an hour! I log calories for my runs based on distance and the number gmap pedometer gives me, but the others I do log what says in the app.
  • Lysandra81
    Lysandra81 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey everyone,

    So practically one month into maintenance right now. I "lost" another pound and am now at 109lbs and staying within my target range. I am still weighing myself every single day.

    I have a huge company christmas party coming up with loads of food and indulgence next thursday. I am very much looking forward to it - especially as I got myself a stunning evening dress from Karen Millen. :)

  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    @lysandra congrats on getting to maintenance and handling it well... you'll be looking gr8 in that new dress! i recently had to invest in an entire new wardrobe of biz suits - h freeman - when i got to my goal weight. 15 pounds is one size, you can see from my ticker i've dropped three full sizes. went to a tailor to try to have my old suits altered and he said no can do... i look and feel great in the new ones; that and the hole they put in my wallet two more reasons to take maintenance very seriously!!!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Hi all! I just hit my goal weight (actually beat it by a lb) on Saturday so I'm officially entering this maintenance group! I'm 5' 5 1/2" tall, 28 years old, and currently weigh 134 lbs (last time I weighed this was high school). I switched my mfp cal goal to .5 lb loss/week because I'm kind of afraid of upping my cals too much, and I don't honestly mind if I lose a little more. I'm still working on toning, shaping, and leaning out. I figure I'll see how my new net cal goal (1560 cals) goes for a few weeks and then adjust as needed.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Katie, wow! Congrats on your success and starting to enter maintenance. I think that's smart to start slow on increasing calories--I did the same thing as you, and it worked out just fine kind of inching up to a different level. It's too scary to increase in a big way and be worried about sabotaging everything you have worked so hard for. We are all in the same boat--now at the right weight but working on getting stronger.

    Things here are fine. We had an early Xmas--because some relatives visited this past weekend, instead of in a few weeks, so after a not-so-great Thanksgiving week, my eating still isn't so great. But I did just finish my 1st week of p90x. I'm so proud of myself! I'd say I stumbled along just fine--it's so hard to be good at it from the start, but I did ok, although can't do anything resembling a pull up. I hope to get a little more accomplished in a few weeks. The thing about this program that is a little weird is that I'm not burning as many calories as what I was doing before--I guess because it's more strength based so am trying to get used to this.

    Other than that, I'm proud of myself for basically avoiding the scale for about a month now. I kind of go on and off w/weighing and feel it's healthier for me to be off (I obsess otherwise). I think my clothing may be a little tighter but still is ok, so maybe i'm a little closer to the high point in my range, but nothing that won't be skimmed off with some clean eating. Whew.....nice to have been at this maintenance thing long enough not to be worried.

    Anyway, Hope everyone is doing well!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Options it not funny how you see yourself and how others see you. I have maintained wt for about 5 yrs then bombed last year. These 10 pounds like a tick on a mangy dog! I will not give up though I keep plugging away.
    So, one of my co-workers says wow you still look good. I am like what?????!!!! I feel like I look like a sow with legs...then another said 'yes you have done such a great job keeping off the wt' another said, 'you look dam* good!'
    Ok...I was FLOORED because I don't see myself that way at all...not even. I then had to talk with self and remind maintainence no matter how long you been in it is a journey too. As your life changes so does everything else in your life maybe wt, spiritual growth, knowledge... So, I will take thier compliments and run with it. Oh don't get me wrong I will still aim to get some of the 10 off and eat health exercise (once my knee heals) but I will not discount the blessing I have NOW which is I didn't gain it all back!!!!!! I kept 90% off! Thank you God! Woooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • bitterbrownie
    a little bit irrelevant to the above posts BUT i noticed a lot of people who are still losing weight have decided to maintain over the xmas period

    fine =]

    but what do the maintainers do?? haha

    any ideas?
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    a little bit irrelevant to the above posts BUT i noticed a lot of people who are still losing weight have decided to maintain over the xmas period

    fine =]

    but what do the maintainers do?? haha

    any ideas?
    I'm maintaining! I just weighed in at 129.8lbs for the past 4 week period, which included my thanksgiving cruise :-)
  • gracibelle
    So is the maintenance accurate? I'm 5'9", 131-133 pounds depending on how much sodium I eat the day before I weigh in ;) I'm 17 years old, and mfp has my maintenance calories set to 1950. Should I eat back exercise calories as well? I try to net at least 1200 a day (In recovery from anorexia, so this is a BIG deal!) and I'm terrified that if I go up I'll gain loads of weight.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Well if it helps, I ate my exercise calories from the start and lost consistently. When I was at maintenance calories (according to MFP) AND eating all my exercise calories I was still losing, so I've upped the intake even further as I don't want to lose any more.
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello group

    I would like to proudly say I'm trying this new phase called maintnance and to be honest it scares me more than losing. Seeing my ticker move down was so motivating.

    I have lost weight in the past and then with the 'on' or 'off' mentality when I reached my goal I went on a bender of eating everything I denied myself when I was losing. Expecially at this time of year I'm 'learning' that I can enjoy a Christmas lunch with some goodies and not completely fall off the wagon for the rest of the day by eating more crap and feeling horrible.

    Robin - I'm wondering if you are seeing any progress starting p90X . I"m looking for a new fitness goal instead of for the reason to lose. I love being active and challenging myself and I was thinking of starting with it.

    Looking forward to be included with this group
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Hi All... Just checking in (again)...

    All is well - my weight has been fluctuating between 161 and 164: which is my maintenance target

    The running has been excellent - I did a half marathon last weekend and I have another one on Sunday. I don't like running in the cold/wet/dark so I've started going to the gym again in the evenings which makes a nice change for me anyway. Its nice to do some weight training again along with the CV work.

    Gracibelle & Clean Eater: Congratulations & welcome to the group. You're about to go through a change which is as important as the one which got you to your target weights in the first place. You already have all the advice you need here - basically, experiment with your intake and see what works for you. Remember that its OK to loose/gain a few lb every time you log in, as long as you stay within your target range.

    With respect to exercise calories, I think its better to try and eat calories to match the work you do, but feel free to spread this across a period of time. If like me you do endurance exercise once a week, expect to gain a little during the build up and loose it again after the exercise. Its really hard to have a one day a week where you eat 4000 Calories (this was the highest - not an average though I frequently hit 3500) and then the next day eat 2000.

    In other words - don't start panicking when your weight changes - set a range and act only if you fall out side of it.

    And keep logging. I only missed one week - when I was on holiday - and I really found it hard to get going again when I got back. I wont do that again!

    Anyone got a strategy for Christmas?

    Mine are:
    Family meals - Eat everything - but no second helpings of deserts or stodgy carbs (veggies and lean meat are OK)
    Drink in moderation
    Throw/give away excess chocolate - if I have it in the cupboard I will eat it instead of something healthy.
    Do the 14 mile running club Xmas eve run (followed by coffee & mince pies - I doubt very much this will put me net over cals!!!)
    Enjoy myself - worst case I can loose a few LB in the new year.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I've been doing Maintenance for a couple of weeks now, before I kept losing weight until I was 2lb under my goal.

    This week I gained 1lb so I am still under my goal, I am not too worried though as my NET calories for the week have been the same as any other week. I have probably consumed more though as I have exercised a lot this week and ate all the calories! I think my body is just balancing itself out and it was probably a fluke that I lost the extra weight in the first place.

    I have decided to give myself a range of 118 - 122 lb (I am currently 119), if I find I have gone over 122 after the holidays I will take serious action in January!
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    Still learning this maintenance thing. I find that often I am so concerned in the mornings that I will have enough calories by the end of the day that I end up with leftover calories in the evenings. I have to find a way to relax in the morning and eat what I need. But I so enjoy snacking in the evening. I have had a few days where I am way over due to social gatherings but it has not affected my weight which has been pretty stable at 114-115.
  • Lp80
    Lp80 Posts: 29
    Hi all,
    Just checking in a again (I used to be lp0007 but my other half accidentally deleted my profile!). Am still losing slightly but that is fine as I lowered my target weight to 128lbs instead of 133lbs. I have upped my cals to 1590 so very close to maintenance now (just 3 lbs off). I am having Xmas day and boxing day off from logging as my mother in law will be feeding me up :).
  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    hello fellow maintainers! just to echo some observations already stated by others: 1) maintaining seems to be about staying in a range, it's sort of like a jetliner at cruising altitude making trim adjustments to stay on course; 2) the holidays are coming and we are all on our guard but we have the tools to manage through the festivities; 3) the new year provides an opportunity to make any adjustments necessary to quickly get back in our desired weight range if we overindulge in the temptations of the season. best to one and all...