Week 8 is done...

Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
....and I must say, it kinda kicked my butt. I think the fact that turning the clocks back last weekend played a big part in how I have felt about my runs this week. I am always amazed at how much just that one hour (in either direction) throws me off.

So, Monday will be the start of Week 9. I'm excited to start the last week and FINALLY graduate!! I've started and stopped at least three different times and the fact that I have gotten this far and am staring the final week in the eye feels pretty freakin' good!

Happy running, C25Kers!! Look for my graduation announcement next week!!!


  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    That is great to hear!!! Grats on making it to the final week. It does feel pretty good reaching that point. I look forward to your graduation announcement!