What do you eat in a typical day protein-wise?

emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
I am also doing the leangains style eating so pretty much all my food is between 2 and 9pm. I have only recently started eating more protein and drastically cut down on sugar.

I try to eat cottage cheese in the afternoon, and for dinner recently have been having a bizarre yet tasty meal of 4-5 egg whites, chicken and either beans, broccoli or stir fry veges. This gives me around 50 grams of protein for under 300 calories! The egg whites I break into a cup, microwave till set, then slice up to throw over the chicken and veges. Probably sounds weird but it's yum!


  • Odrinka
    Odrinka Posts: 19 Member
    I'm doing LG too, my window is usually 10am-6pm or 12-8pm depending on the day. I know cottage cheese is something that a lot of LGers use, but I'm lactose intolerant which makes me bummed because I love it.

    That dinner does sound pretty tasty :) Do you use liquid egg whites or whole eggs and toss the yolks? I always feel weird about tossing yolks because I feel like I'm wasting food :( And as long as it's a rest day it's ok to eat the extra fat and minerals the yolks have. Do you cycle your macros yet?
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I'm doing LG too, my window is usually 10am-6pm or 12-8pm depending on the day. I know cottage cheese is something that a lot of LGers use, but I'm lactose intolerant which makes me bummed because I love it.

    That dinner does sound pretty tasty :) Do you use liquid egg whites or whole eggs and toss the yolks? I always feel weird about tossing yolks because I feel like I'm wasting food :( And as long as it's a rest day it's ok to eat the extra fat and minerals the yolks have. Do you cycle your macros yet?

    I toss the yolks unless my kids are having a milkshake or something I can put them into. Need to buy some egg whites but they only sell them in NZ in 6x1L packs and freezer space is an issue. The powdered form I have tried is YUCK! No I am not familiar with macro cycling - only really doing the window part thus far.
  • I need to buy those myself. Even when I make hard boil eggs I take out the yellow of the egg and throw the whites in my salad.

    They say that it is good and bad to eat the yellow but how often should you eat the yellow per week.
  • I eat the yolk every time i make eggs :] its good for you! (unless you have cholesterol issues)

    I drink whey and casein shakes, and i think they are just delicious. Especially since im not hungry in the mornings. I also add is plain greek yogurt, dry curd cottage cheese (60mg of sodium and 20g of protein), a lot of panko chicken, lean steak, gorund beef, and other meats, protein pudding, and occasionally beans :]
  • Odrinka
    Odrinka Posts: 19 Member
    I'm doing LG too, my window is usually 10am-6pm or 12-8pm depending on the day. I know cottage cheese is something that a lot of LGers use, but I'm lactose intolerant which makes me bummed because I love it.

    That dinner does sound pretty tasty :) Do you use liquid egg whites or whole eggs and toss the yolks? I always feel weird about tossing yolks because I feel like I'm wasting food :( And as long as it's a rest day it's ok to eat the extra fat and minerals the yolks have. Do you cycle your macros yet?

    I toss the yolks unless my kids are having a milkshake or something I can put them into. Need to buy some egg whites but they only sell them in NZ in 6x1L packs and freezer space is an issue. The powdered form I have tried is YUCK! No I am not familiar with macro cycling - only really doing the window part thus far.

    Haha yeah that is a ridiculous amount of egg whites XD I've never tried powder, but it seems a little iffy to me. Once you get more adjusted to the LG eating window and start incorporating heavy lifting, macro cycling will help your body's progress along. If any of you ladies have Facebook accounts, there is a group called Fierce. Fit. Fearless. that Martin recently featured on his blog. The women on there are really awesome and knowledgeable :)
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Isowhey (protein shake), greek natural yoghurt, protein bars, lean meat (mince/chicken) & eggs - love hard boiled eggs :)