WLS - November / December Daily Conversation Thread



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Found out right before Thanksgiving that my insurance approved my GS surgery and the doctors office has scheduled me for 24 January 2012. I needed to lose 12.5 lbs before then and I have lost 10.2lbs so far. MFP has been the best tool in getting this weight off. Thanks everyone for your support!

    Congrats to you!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    So I crashed my bike on Nov 5th. And I hurt my head and my doctor said not to work out until I stopped getting headaches. It's been 4 weeks and I am still getting headaches!

    I am very frustrated!!
  • MacMadame I gave myself a concussion the second week of November and my doctor told me the same thing. No work outs until the head aches go away! A week and a half later I went back to they gym and hurt my back really bad. I have been out of the gym almost all of November and I gained 5 pounds! Chubbo I am! I finally went back today for the first time. You should try walking that will at least keep you motivated. Try small bits of exercise and if at any time during the exercise the headache intensifies stop immediately. You can do it MacMadame I believe in you!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I have had a wonderful 1 1/2 days with my son, daughter-in-law, and grandsons. Boy, did the grandsons and I play. It is so great to be able to crawl around on my knees and chase the baby. I am getting my life back through is weight loss and exercise. I would never have been able to crawl around a year ago. What an awesome blessing!!! I am up before the sun getting ready to head to Oklahoma. Going to rest tomorrow for my Zumba Instructor's class on Sunday.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Erin- I gained 5 pound in 3 weeks! It's crazy.

    I'm working at this point to just not gain more.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    So I crashed my bike on Nov 5th. And I hurt my head and my doctor said not to work out until I stopped getting headaches. It's been 4 weeks and I am still getting headaches!

    I am very frustrated!!

    I am so sorry to hear this. I agree with suggestion to at least walk some, not too fast. Hang in there. When do you go back to the doctor to see when you can exercise again. Or when does he expect the headaches to stop at least.
  • Hello everybody, I signed up in this group when only 23 members were present. Now we have 72! This is awsome. I just want to let the new post ops know, it is worth it. I am 15 days shy of 2 months, back at work, wearing smaller scrubs and everyone is telling me how good I look. Most important I feel good, no ankle swelling, I know my BP is better, my hiatal hernia is gone. Don't get me wrong, I'm still tired, some times more than others but it's okay, it will get better. Being smaller makes me happier, I am less irritated with myself. The tool I gave myself is the best thing I have done for myself. love, joanna
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello everybody, I signed up in this group when only 23 members were present. Now we have 72! This is awsome. I just want to let the new post ops know, it is worth it. I am 15 days shy of 2 months, back at work, wearing smaller scrubs and everyone is telling me how good I look. Most important I feel good, no ankle swelling, I know my BP is better, my hiatal hernia is gone. Don't get me wrong, I'm still tired, some times more than others but it's okay, it will get better. Being smaller makes me happier, I am less irritated with myself. The tool I gave myself is the best thing I have done for myself. love, joanna

    Awesome Joanna!! Just wait until 2 more months you will have a lot more engery for sure and will not be tired at all.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I have had a wonderful 1 1/2 days with my son, daughter-in-law, and grandsons. Boy, did the grandsons and I play. It is so great to be able to crawl around on my knees and chase the baby. I am getting my life back through is weight loss and exercise. I would never have been able to crawl around a year ago. What an awesome blessing!!! I am up before the sun getting ready to head to Oklahoma. Going to rest tomorrow for my Zumba Instructor's class on Sunday.

    Wonderful Kelly!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    So I crashed my bike on Nov 5th. And I hurt my head and my doctor said not to work out until I stopped getting headaches. It's been 4 weeks and I am still getting headaches!

    I am very frustrated!!

    I am so sorry to hear this. I agree with suggestion to at least walk some, not too fast. Hang in there. When do you go back to the doctor to see when you can exercise again. Or when does he expect the headaches to stop at least.
    I'm not allows to even walk. nothing that increases the blood flow to my head... So not even a lot of thinking or taking very hot showers!

    I have stopped gaining though so that's good.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    From: hungrygirl.com

    Snacks for Weight Loss: Good or Bad?

    New info is constantly coming out about the effects of snacking. For every study that supports snacking as beneficial for weight loss and maintenance, another comes along with opposing results. Most recently, a study of overweight or obese postmenopausal women trying to lose weight found that subjects lost LESS weight when they snacked during late-morning hours. The reason seems to be that those who had a snack at this time snacked more throughout the day compared to others -- think of it as a gateway snack. With so much conflicting info, what's a hungry girl (or guy) to do? Think before you eat! We're big on snacking, in general, but we're also pretty particular as to what qualifies as a smart snack. Truly hungry? Eat something satisfying with protein and/or fiber. Simply craving something sweet or salty? Find low-calorie substitutes for things like potato chips and candy bars, and save the calories for more nutritious foods at mealtime. Just want to idly crunch? Raw veggies (like baby carrots and sugar snap peas) are your friend. And if a certain food tends to send you into a feeding frenzy, avoid it if you can. (Click to read more about trigger foods.) As much as we enjoy new surveys and studies, common sense is more helpful when it comes to day-to-day decisions. Snack smart, people!

    From: hungrygirl.com
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    I have lost another 4 pounds today! I have lost 6 of 15 pounds gained while in eating disorder program. I had an awesome week. I exercise and ate well since Wednesday. Today I am resting these knees.

    I have been recalling things I learned from ED program and so far so good. Working hard on not being obsessive about anything.

    I have been fighting urges to binge all weekend. Today I need to really fight the urge to binge because in the past on the days I lose weight I binge. So today I am determined not to binge. I am on my way out and I have preplanned my whole day today. I worked in a few treats to make sure not restricting too much. I have been talking to myself a lot and the self talk has really been helpful too.

    The session with new thearpist went great last week and have another session set up for Thursday and looking forward to it. I did binge after therphy session but was not too bad in the sense I fought urge to do a fast food binge. These are the worst. I am really going to work on not binging after therphy sessions. I did make some progress while in program.

    One day at a time.:heart:


  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Okay, guys. This is supposed to be a DAILY thread. So let's all start posting something daily.

    Here's mine:

    I have been doing well during the week but not on the weekends. I hate that I'm back in that pattern. I really don't want to "diet" any more but to "watch what I eat". Instead I am eating as little as possible during the week and then going nuts on the weekend. I need to break out of that cycle!
  • Yeah, daily post - good idea! I am finding that tracking my food is really helpful. It is now three weeks since i started MFP and am amazed at how much better a head space I am in. Making sure i eat all i need to for the day seems to have curbed the evening nibbles thing - even though i do have a snack, it is within my calorie goal for the day. I have been trying some new foods like fig and honey yoghurt, pretty adventurous for me!
  • BTW everyone i reset my weight loss ticker to start from when i started MFP. From the start of my journey have lost 22kg as of yesterday. I would post pics only i am a bit leery re privacy. I was on another logging site a few years back and found a whole lot of my weight related stuff via google. Seriously not cool.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I google myself periodically to make sure nothing I don't want associated with my real name is. Your post reminds me... I haven't done that in a while!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Okay, guys. This is supposed to be a DAILY thread. So let's all start posting something daily.

    Here's mine:

    I have been doing well during the week but not on the weekends. I hate that I'm back in that pattern. I really don't want to "diet" any more but to "watch what I eat". Instead I am eating as little as possible during the week and then going nuts on the weekend. I need to break out of that cycle!

    I think it is just the season for now and glad to hear you have stopped gaining. You will get back on track. How many more weeks until you can exercise? I have just been too busy to post and the WLS thread is a very quiet group for sure :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    BTW everyone i reset my weight loss ticker to start from when i started MFP. From the start of my journey have lost 22kg as of yesterday. I would post pics only i am a bit leery re privacy. I was on another logging site a few years back and found a whole lot of my weight related stuff via google. Seriously not cool.

    So true not cool, but I don't use my real name on anything on line.
  • BTW everyone i reset my weight loss ticker to start from when i started MFP. From the start of my journey have lost 22kg as of yesterday. I would post pics only i am a bit leery re privacy. I was on another logging site a few years back and found a whole lot of my weight related stuff via google. Seriously not cool.

    So true not cool, but I don't use my real name on anything on line.

    Yes this particular site I was using a nickname but I guess there was somewhere where it asked for my name and I foolishly filled it in without thinking. Now a lot of sites offer to log you in using Facebook etc, and a whole new privacy nightmare begins! BTW in my real life I need publicity and go out of my way to get noticed for professional reasons so it really is a 2 edged sword!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My skating club is having their annual holiday party today and it's a potluck. So I made some cake pops. I made 8 reindeer brownie pops and then 1 Rudolf pop (red nose instead of brown) and 1 Santa pop. I had them displayed in a block of Styrofoam. Santa was a bit creepy (I'd do him differently if I make more Santa pops.) but the rest were cute as a button all lined up with Rudolf in front with his red noes.

    So on the way to work today, they are in the back seat and I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a line of (inexplicably) stopped cars and I heard the sound of stuff flying in the back and then a CRASH that sound suspiciously like pretzels breaking. I had to get gas so I stop and look in the back seat and sure enough reindeer pops are EVERYWHERE. But the worst part? All their pretzel antlers had broken off! Every single reindeer had no or 1 antler left.

    The only way to repair them is to melt some chocolate and "glue" the pieces back on. I can't put in new pretzels because the chocolate on the pops is hard and the old antler stubs are still embedded there anyway. Even that I'm not 100% sure would work.

    I wanted to cry.

    I thought about running out at lunch to get some melting chocolate and repairing them here before I go but I'm not sure it would work and I'm thinking about not going to the party anyway. I do have 10 other generic "holiday" pops so I do have something to bring to the potluck but I am worried about my head. If I can get through the work day without a headache, there is no way I should go to a party because that will definitely give me a headache. I'd been having "I want to go. I don't want to go." thoughts for a while now and my reindeer breaking seems to have shifted me firmly over to the "don't want to" position.