Game of the 90s!



  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    scorched earth
    ultima series
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    oh many amazing games. . .
    frogger lol
    sonic and knuckles
    legend of zelda
    mortal combat
    street fighter
    altered beast
    i cant list all my favs tooo many

    nice list ^_^
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Late 90s i was the Editor of a PlayStation magazine, PlayStation Solutions, as well as a contributor to Total 64. Those were the days! Actually looking forward to going to work on a Monday morning! :D

    Wow, I used to read PlayStation Solutions religiously. It was weird, I was a kid with no money and I rarely had the games they did guides and tips for, but I really enjoyed reading the guides and things anyway. I'm pretty sure I still have a huge stack of the magazines stored somewhere. What a weird coincidence.

    Any ones that stick in your mind? I'll tell you if i wrote that guide or not! :D

    I'm not sure. I was only like 8 or 9 years old at the time. I seem to remember there being a guide for Sentient (a weird first person adventure game set on a space station) that I enjoyed reading, I had played the demo of the game and really wanted to get the full game, but never did. I also think I liked a guide for Little Big Adventure (another game I wanted but never got). And I'm sure I used the guides to the Oddworld games, since I actually owned those games.

    The issue with the first part of abe's oddysee was the first issue i worked on! I was just a writer for about 3-4 issues, then dep. editor after that. Around the time of Resident Evil 2.
  • Sion73
    Sion73 Posts: 34 Member
    Street Fighter 2
    Mario Kart Snes
    Chase HQ
    Tekken 2

    The best game for me in the 90's and the one that set the bar for all mmorpgs was Ultima Online. Groundbreaking and some elements have yet to be beaten by modern mmorpgs like World of Warcraft (crafting system for eg)
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    Did anyone else Sega channel?
  • david581c
    you mention the 90's?

    **** dude.

    I'm 22 and only slight remember '99, somehow the gaming memories survived.

    the ones I remember being boss:

    Odd World: Abe's Odyssey

    Team Buddies (U.K. port from Japanese neighbor)

    obviously, MGS: Solid Snake

    Crash Bandicoot 1 & 2, maybe 3

    Jet Moto

    "Demo discs" in Playstation magazines

    Goldeneye for 64

    Silent Hill 1

    Resident Evil 1

    Mario Kart 64

    that mario game for 64

    Clay Fighters 63 1/2

    Road Rash 2

    Tony Hawk 1,2,3

    Legends of Legaia

    Ocarina of Time


    Pokemon games

    aaaaaaaaand watch a **** ton of DBZ

    oh and King's Field

    and Sub Zero Mythologies *shudders*
  • bcunning
    bcunning Posts: 81 Member
    For me the best game of the 90's was the original Team Fortress. Back when it was just a Quake 1 mod.
    This is before people started using hacks and whatnot which pretty much ruined online gaming for FPS's.

    I played that mod for 2 years in several leagues.
  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    I know this game was out in 89... but I played a **** tonne of it in the 90's.. A Boy and His blob..
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Metal gear anything!
    Silent hill 2
    Street fighter 2
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    If you'll allow me to count the year 2000, I would say Diablo2.

    EDIT: But in hindsight, letting me count the year 2000 would be really stupid, so my post is actually dumb.
  • david581c
    you have surprisingly quick hindsight.

    you're like the most fit gamer I've seen. rock on.
  • gapm
    gapm Posts: 48
    Secret of Monkey Island
    Quest for Glory: So You Want to be a Hero?
    Quest for Glory: Trial by Fire
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Final Fantasy VII
    Golden Eye
    Baldur's Gate (PC)
    Game Day

    Sega CD, Dark Wizard, Lunar the Silver Star,
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Damn, hmmm... Let's see if I can't drag out the games I've played the most as a kid. This won't be easy

    Final Fantasy Tactics
    Final Fantasy VII
    Chrono Trigger
    Mega Man X
    Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
    Super Mario World

    I'm pretty sure I'm missing something... but I think those were my biggest ones.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I was addicted to Donkey Kong on my sweet Super Nintendo :wink:
  • bcunning
    bcunning Posts: 81 Member
    What I really miss are the arcades of the 80's...

    Discs of Tron
    Mach 3
    Dragon's Lair

    Oh, I could go on about those for hours.
  • BecTech
    BecTech Posts: 47 Member
    64 games for sure!
    And Parappa the Rapper |D
    Tomb Raider~
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Was it just me or did anyone else always lock the creepy butler in Tomb Raider in the freezer??? I hated him following me round! :P

    Apart from that game:
    Mario Kart 64
    Micro Machines
    World of Illusion starring Mickey and Donald.. (I played this game to death lol)
    Pokemon (all the handhelds and also Colloseum on N64)
    Parappa the Rapper (terrible game but so funny)
    Crash Bandicoot
    Spyro (another one of my favourites!)
    Croc:Legend of the Gobbos

    There's a whole bunch more but I can't remember without looking and I don't want to do that right now :)
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    oh man the golden age of gaming lol

    ok lets start with some SNES

    Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2

    Leathal Enforcers (the guns you got with it just looked so damn cool)

    Lufia 2

    Legend of Zelda: A link to the past

    Final Fantasy 2us

    Aladin (Kinda kidish but was fun)

    Mario Cart (cant beat the orginal)

    Im sure im forgetting alot of them but those are my SNES favorites i can think of

    for PS 1

    Breath of Fire 3

    FF 7 8 9

    Lunar Silver Star Series Complete


    Metal Gear Solid

    a bunch more but those are all i can think of right now
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Pretty much any SNES games. I had empire strikes back, kirby superstar, mario rpg, etc. Pokemon red too