3rd Week's Mini Challenges



  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    Inspiration for the Day: Climb The Mountain

    I tried to climb the mountain today. As I inched my way up the path, I felt out of breath and had to turn back.
    I tried to climb the mountain today. But, It was so hot outside, I thought I had better stay in my nice air-conditioned house and rest up for tomorrow's attempt.
    I tried to climb the mountain today. On my journey, darkness started to fall and I was full of fear, so I had to return to a safe place.
    I was ready to climb the mountain today. But I had so may other things to do, so instead of climbing the mountain I took care of the much more important tasks; I washed my car, mowed the grass and watched the big game. Today the mountain will have to wait.
    I was going to climb the mountain today. But as I stared at the mountain in all it's majestic beauty, I knew I had no chance of making it to the top, so I figured why even begin trying.
    I had forgotten about climbing the mountain today, until an old friend came by and asked what I was up to lately. I told him about all my plans to climb that mountain someday. I went on and on about how I was going to accomplish the task.
    He stopped me and said, "I just got back from climbing that mountain. for the longest time I told myself I was going to try to climb it but never made any progress."
    "I almost let the dream of making it to the top die. I came up with every excuse of why I could not make it up the mountain, but never once did I give myself a reason why I could. One day as I stared at the mountain and pondered, I realized that if I didn't make an attempt at this dream all my dreams would eventually die."
    " The next morning, I started my climb. It was not easy, and at times I wanted to quit. But no matter what I faced, I placed one foot in front of the other, keeping a steady pace. When the wind tried to blow me over the edge, I kept walking. When the voices inside my head screamed, stop! I focused on my goal, never letting it out of sight. I kept moving forward. I could not quit because I knew I had come too far to stop now. Time and time again, I reassured myself that I was going to finish this journey. I struggled mightily to make it to the top, but I CLIMBED THE MOUNTAIN."
    "I have to be going," my friend said. "Tomorrow is a new day to accomplish more dreams. By the way what are you going to do tomorrow?"
    I looked at him, with intensity and confidence in my eyes, and said, "I HAVE A MOUNTAIN TO CLIMB."Author unknown

    I hope you all have a great day climbing your mountain.

    Keep smiling :wink: :wink: :smile:
  • MamaGoat1
    MamaGoat1 Posts: 17 Member
    Wednesday's mini challenge results:
    Cardio - check
    Push ups - 8 out of 10
    Food replacement - Water instead of another dp
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Did today's and yesterday's exercise challenges. :)
  • wowsuzie
    Had 12 cups of water yesterday, 9 the day before, and 11 on Tuesday....crazy! I didn't do the mini challenge yesterday cuz I've been wearing down....using tne weekend to re-coup, re-energize, and re-focus my workout/nutrition goals....and put up a christmas tree....and REST!! Thank god for weekends! Happy FRIDAY MFP family!
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    Good Morning All and TGIF,

    I did not do so well with the mini challenge yesterday, I was doing really good on the carb reduction until I got home and my husband had made supper which consisted of pork steak, potatoes, and corn. Have to love him for that. Then had to help my son with an essay so my work out didn't happen either. Must do better today.

    How is everybody else doing? The discussions have really slowed down this week. Is everybody taking a break???? Is everybody busy???? Are you all lost???? Please don't leave me all alone :sad:

    Quote for the Day:
    "My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitudes and the choices I make today."

    Hope you all have a great day. Keep smiling :wink: :smile: ,
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I did the cardio aspect but didn't have time for the strength. I wanted to get on the road before it got too dark. I will make up for it when I'm home maybe tomorrow or Sunday.
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    I totally stink at keeping up with any cardio or exercise right now:frown: I am making really good choices about food... really wanted cheeseburger yesterday at restaurant that I like so ate light lunch, had cheeseburger on whole wheat bun and substituted stir fry veggies for fries. I was still a little over calories but got that out of my system. I actually felt kind of yucky too. I think I'm not used to the greasy food so much. IF I only exercised yesterday then I would have been okay with calories. Part of my problem with the exercise is I make too big of a deal out of it, like feeling that I have to go to the gym for certain amount of time when I could just be doing some stuff at home... 5 minutes here and there is better than nothing.
    Wow... very long post, sorry!
    Happy weekend everyone!:wink:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,054 Member
    I'm here with you!
    I may not be losing, but I've stopped gaining. Yay!
    I have also found that I can do with half the quanitiy that I used to eat. I need to remember that when I order my food. So, still in the habit of just eating cause it is there...
    Since I am still recovering from back problem, I can't do all the challenges... but I'm still here with you.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    So I just did Friday's core burner thing with a few substitutions. And yesterday I didn't get a workout in really BUT I did however do a few hours of washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen...