Friday weigh In's



  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Well poo! :grumble: Totally in the wrong direction!

    27 January - 178.2 lbs
    3 February - 178.6 lbs
    10 February - 179 lbs
    17 February -
    24 February -
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Now for the new stats for Feb. 2012

    Goal weight 195

    27 Jan: 200.2
    3rd Feb: 195.2
    10 Feb: 198.0 Thanks to that pesky TOM. At least it is heading back down.
    17 Feb
    24 Feb
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    SW - 199 lbs
    GW - 193 lbs

    28 Jan: 199
    4 Feb: 197.5
    11 Feb: 198.4 (it's my birthday week...!)
    18 Feb
    25 Feb
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm sorry I'm late.
    Feb 10th: 236.5lbs
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    SW 149.2
    GW 130

    3/2 131.6
    10/2 131.6

    Want to build some muscle so don't be alarmed if my weight goes in the wrong will only be temporary......I hope!

    Sue :smile: x
  • Yahooo! Despite a "Stuffing Sunday" with really strict portion control and slightly more exercise and cutting out some red wine, I really kicked my weight loss into gear!

    Starting weight: 192lb from 3 weeks ago when I returned to MFP after 3 months away, down 1/2 a stone so quite pleased!
    Goal weight: 182.0 lbs

    27 Jan: 186.6
    3rd Feb: 186.2
    10 Feb: 185.2
    17 Feb 182.8
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    after a bad couple of weeks ( I dived into the biscuit tin and couldn't climb out) I'm up tp 164. Far too close to 12 stone fo rmy liking so back on track as of today. 11st. 2lbs I'm coming to get yah!
  • MrsD89
    MrsD89 Posts: 76 Member
    Starting weight - 181 lbs
    Goal weight - 177 lbs

    27 January - 181 lbs
    3 February - 180.5 lbs
    10 February - 180.5 lbs
    17 February - 184 lbs
    24 February -

    Can't honestly say I'm surprised at this :embarassed:
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    SW 149.2
    GW 130

    3/2 131.6
    10/2 131.6
    17/2 131.8

    Want to build some muscle so don't be alarmed if my weight goes in the wrong will only be temporary......I hope!

    Sue x
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Starting weight - 164.4
    Goal weight - 158

    27 January - 164.4lbs
    3 February - 166.6lbs (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
    10 February - 166.0lbs (gggrrrrrr)
    17 February - 166.0lbs
    24 February -

    I've not been well for the best part of this entire month :(

    Also the new table is up on the tables board. Some great work from people this month :)
    SLKMERC Posts: 70 Member
    Hello all!

    Pinks say you needs my starting weight and goal weight, sorry, I have posted these somewhere before, who knows where! :-

    MFP SW 219.25
    GW 180.50

    Right for todays weigh in

    27 Jan: 183.5 (SW)
    3rd Feb: 182.75 (loss 0.75)
    10 Feb: 184.0 (gain 1.25)
    17 Feb: 183.25
    24 Feb:

    Its better than I hoped! Another bad weekend that I then have work my butt off all week to burn off and then some more for a loss. I going to good this weekend!!
  • MFP starting weight - 189 lbs
    Jan 27th.....179 lbs
    Feb 3rd.......180 lbs
    Feb 10th.....177 lbs
    Feb 17th.....178 lbs
    Feb 24th.....

    Goal weight for this month (Feb) is 175 lbs
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    27 January - 178.2 lbs
    3 February - 178.6 lbs
    10 February - 179 lbs
    17 February - 179 lbs
    24 February -

    Start weight was 178.6 and goal weight for Feb is 175..::sigh::
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Jan 27th 192.0
    Feb3rd 191.0
    Feb10th 190.0
    Feb17th 189.0
  • authson
    authson Posts: 233
    Goal weight:222

    Jan 27th:225 (starting weight)
    Feb 3rd: 221.6
    Feb 10th: 220.6
    Feb 17th: 217.2
    Feb 24th:
  • 27 Jan: 172 (SW)
    3rd Feb: 170.6
    10 Feb: 169.8 (been waiting for that for MONTHS!!!))
    17 Feb: 170.2 BOOOO :( (deserved though)
    24 Feb
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    Good luck everyone!

    Starting Weight: 223lb
    Goal Weight: 219lb

    27th Jan: 223 lb
    3rd Feb: 224 lb
    10th Feb:
    17th Feb
    24th Feb

    27th Jan: 223 lb
    3rd Feb: 224 lb
    10th Feb: 223lb
    17th Feb 220.6lb
    24th Feb
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    Hiya - my first weigh in today!

    Starting weight: 212lb (nov 2010 when I originally joined)
    Goal weight: 190 (I'll change it when I get to it!) (3rs Feb - GW is now 185! :) )

    27 Jan: 192.8 <-- That was this morning, about 6.45am - Weighed again at 6.45pm - 190!!!!!)!!!
    3rd Feb: 189.6
    10 Feb: 190.4 (Better than I expected. Oh well :) ) (Weighed again at 3.20pm - 188.8lbs!!)
    17 Feb: 188.6 - woo hoo :)
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    27 Jan: 203 (SW)
    3rd Feb: 202
    10 Feb: 201
    17 Feb: 203
    24 Feb

    Not happy but I thought it was going to be worse than that.
  • sjodrum
    sjodrum Posts: 127 Member
    Starting weight - 275.5lbs
    Goal weight - 269 lbs

    27 January - 275.5 lbs
    3 February - 277.0
    10 February - 273.5 (Woo Hoo!)
    17 February - 275
    24 February -

    It was valentines day! Out to dinner and some chocolates after.