Random Question of The Day 11/15/2011

PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
How pairs of workout shoes do you own?

I have 10 in my closet at the moment, but really probably only 4-5 of them are used for working out. The others are shoes that have been worn out, but I can't bare to throw them away. They are good enough for every day wear but not good enough for exercise, if you know what I mean.

People that see my closet think this is obsessive. I think they just don't get what working out means to those of us that commit to it.

How about you?


  • danamae
    danamae Posts: 24 Member
    Wow, ten pair!! I only have three.

    Thanks for starting the threads
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    You're welcome! Thanks for posting.

    Well, as I said, I never can throw any away lol. So most of them are old and now I just wear them based on the color lol.
  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    I have about 3 as well and use one for indoor wos and the other for outdoor walking. I still held on to my last pair although they are in horrible condition. I have a little attachment to them to. Haven't put them on in over a year. Actually, it's about time I bought some new wo shoes...thanks for the reminder!
  • steph_arena
    Hey gals...
    PE Teacher sooo...i have 4 pairs still in boxes..(my stash)..4 that are from this spring rotation..3 for the fall rotation...2 that i wear in the snow because i hate boots..
    That being said i buy about 4-6 pairs a year that i rotate. the ones i use for high impact stuff get changed every 2-3 months and they become my hanging around work shoes..
    I generally throw them out every 12 months..

    By the way...I never wear shoes...except for parent teacher interviews and fancy smansy stuff :)
  • Jennacita
    Jennacita Posts: 116 Member
    I have one pair solely for indoo workouts in my basement. And then my other pair I use for everything. Work, walking and Zumba. So I guess my answer is one.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I did not know where to put this question at , so i went to random question... lol Who has tried the muscle Max dvd and did you get good results? How was it? That is a aother dvd i just purchased used and i am just curious i will do it tomorrow because tomorrow is the day i will be jogging and i like to add a little weights in when i can. Thanks in advance
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I love this workout! I will warn you though that it uses a lot of equipment. Not such a big deal getting ready, but afterwards when you're arms are so fried it's not fun putting it all away! LOL
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I love this workout! I will warn you though that it uses a lot of equipment. Not such a big deal getting ready, but afterwards when you're arms are so fried it's not fun putting it all away! LOL
    yes i noticed on the back it says a barbell but idont have one, i hope i can modify it with dumb bells ..
  • steph_arena
    No problem..i use dumbells all the time...just recently got my barbell...I still prefer dumbells though!
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    thanks guys
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    thanks guys

    ooops lol gals i have a habbit of saying you guys it is a wva thing. that is where is was raised lol I live in sc now.