Increasing calories



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I raised my calories, again, yesterday. MFP now has me losing .5 lb a week - we shall see if that is true. In any event, I am eating good foods and limiting portions and I have made every single work-out scheduled over the past 3 weeks. So, somewhere this is all going to come out in my favour - I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE!
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    So last time when i hit a wall i upped my calories a bit and lost a little. now im stuck again. My friend on MFP started these 2 threads a while ago which i was reading though last night.

    a couple weeks ago i posted on the last 10 lbs support thread that i was going to start focusing on body fat % and only got one response and it didnt make me feel like it was the right thing to do.

    so after many messages back and forth my friend convinced me to up my calories to 1700 :noway: omg. so it might be hard because i havent had to shop for that much food right now and i pretty much know what i need for a week. i am putting away the scale for at least 2 weeks and will only take it out to weight myself once a week after that.

    i think i will add a tab to my/our chart for body fay 5 if people want to join me in that too. i use this calculator

    I felt weird the first few days going from 1400 up to 1600 and then realized the more weight I lifted the more I feel like eating. I now eat an average of 1800-2000 and it feels right for my body. I think for each individual it may vary, but I would recommend giving it a try. :)
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    [I would love to hear what ends up working for you and others to break the (hopefully) last and final plateau!

    Different types of exercise, and much more vigorous exercise. (Working not just the aerobic pathways but the anaraebic system) I'm focussing on quality more than quantity now. 2 times a week I sprint. I'm loving the hill sprints. I frequently change my weight training program. I am doing totally new excerises focussing on my core and lots of fitball exercises. My body is just not used to it. So all the new excerises are shocking my body and I'm losing the fat. Clothes keep getting looser. Its working a treat!!

    Before, I was exercising every day until i got burntout and needed a rest day. Every 3 or 4 weeks i'd have a day off. Now I have 1 day off a week and every now and then 2 days off a week. On the off days i'll do something active though like have a walk. I sprint twice a week, weights twice a week and cycle a 2 or 3 times a week.

    I find I have to keep challenging my body in order to keep seeing the results!

    good luck.