Single..... Help.... Help..



  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    So my help post is, how do you accept being single?

    Give yourself time to grieve over the loss of the relationship...don't be tempted to go back to it and don't rush into another. :) When you start feeling better, try getting involved in some new things - make some new friends. Make positive changes in your life. You might be surprised to learn that your new life might be better than you dreamed it might be!!

    Good luck :)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I agree with both of the above posts.
  • Zen_Master_B
    Thanks I appreciate it, I guess it is sorta like the reason I am on the site in the first place fitness. It is tough until it isn't, thanks again.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    I am currently single and un-sure if thats good or bad lol. I like the idea of being in a relationship with romance, fun, and friendship but as I have met men online that thought has changed. I asked myself why and I found that I have changed since I was in a relationship. I want different things now than I did back then. I have new dreams and goals in life and until I figure out who the new me really is and her needs, I feel that I am not ready for that "relationship".

    Don't get me wrong I will still go out and have fun meeting new people and experiencing new places and atmospheres since this has helped me realize what I want and don't want. I've met decent men and creepy ones too.. Life is good for now...
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    I'm single, which is crazy because I'm awesome! LOL

    I am DREADING New Year's. It's worse then Valentines.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I'm single, which is crazy because I'm awesome! LOL

    I am DREADING New Year's. It's worse then Valentines.

    It's funny you say that brcause I think New Year's is worst than Valentines day too.. This would be the first New Year's I spend alone since 2008! ... I only had one bf ever.. So now, I have no clue what to do... :/
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I don;t now if I like it or not. I certainly don't like having to make space for someone else constantly and at the moment I have so much work on my plate, that I am super happy when I can go home and close the door and be for myself - for once not dealing with other people....
    On the other hand I wonder what exactly is wrong with me lol - because I kinda want a relationship, but can't be doing with any hassle. Besides that, there is just no one I am interested in (okay, maybe a white lie) but well no one shows interest in me, that I in return would show interest in

    I think I am just too tired with working 7 days a week...
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Being single is not all that bad :-) I read this somewhere "If you are not happy with yourself being single, you won't be happy in relationship either" So I am taking this time to work on myself and be happy with myself :-)
    But there are times when I feel lonely and wish I had someone by my side, that can support me, motivate me, encourage me, be proud of me and appreciate me. I guess t's all matter of time :-)
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Being single is not all that bad :-) I read this somewhere "If you are not happy with yourself being single, you won't be happy in relationship either" So I am taking this time to work on myself and be happy with myself :-)
    But there are times when I feel lonely and wish I had someone by my side, that can support me, motivate me, encourage me, be proud of me and appreciate me. I guess t's all matter of time :-)

    I totally agree with you!
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    I'm single, which is crazy because I'm awesome! LOL

    I am DREADING New Year's. It's worse then Valentines.

    It's funny you say that brcause I think New Year's is worst than Valentines day too.. This would be the first New Year's I spend alone since 2008! ... I only had one bf ever.. So now, I have no clue what to do... :/

    Me neither. Some friends of mine wanted me to have a party, which I considered until I realized that it would basically be me and a number of couples. Um, no thanks.

    I can't believe I'm even thinking about this already.
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    I'm newly single. 3 months into my separation from a 13 yr marriage. I'm finding it extremely difficult and lonely. At first I was all for the me time, now I just get lonely, esp at night.

    I'm sorrry to hear this. 13 years is a long time to be with someone. It must be a huge adjustment. As someone said above, you should first grieve for the relationship.

    I don't have any advice but wanted to respond and give you whatever support I can (which isn't much).
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    I've been single for many years. At times I've enjoyed being the single independent woman. But now I'm ready for a relationship or even companionship, or a date... lol. I'm not letting seeing couples together during the holidays get to me, but it would be great to have a date for New Years Eve!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    This Christmas going to be ugly for me. My sister got married last fall and just had a baby. On top of that, I have two cousins who have both gotten married within the past couple months whom I haven't seen in over a year and a half. I know I'm going to get the "found a guy down there in Virginia yet?" which will make me want to throw punches. Ugh, there's a reason I keep my family at arms length...

    I've only been in one serious relationship, and even then they got on me about when we were going to get married. I hate that.