


  • edmilly
    HI my name is Edmilly. My husband is in the Air force. We are station in Hurlburt Field Florida. We have being together for 7+ years. I am trying to lose weight since our first child. I went to 180 pounds being 5'2 bc of birth control. when down in 2010 to 130 and got pregnant again. Right know I'm at 140 I want to go down between 115-120 for summer before he starts being deploy and doing exercise and diet will be harder :(.

    HOpe to meet another wife from Florida :D
  • phenomenalwoman89
    I'm J and I'm married to a sailor. We're stationed in Virginia and I'm due March 11. I'm tracking now because it takes time to form a habit and by the time I'm ready I want tracking my food and being conscious of my intake to be second nature. Also, with the movement and the size of the baby I get queasy and have to take a while to eat so sometimes it seems like I've eaten more than I thought. Tracking helps me stay on top of it to make sure I'm getting enough calories to grow my baby strong and healthy.
  • acdeno
    acdeno Posts: 4 Member
    Good Afternoon.

    I'm a Navy wife and a Naval Officer so I get both sides of the lifestyle which amazingly enough can be very problematic and frustrating.

    Joined MFP as I constantly yo-yo with my own weight and would like to Yo-Yo at a lower weight range permanently. Joined this group due to military connections. I'm adopting you as an extended Family Readiness Group.

    Good luck to everyone on their goals.
  • PVBGRL63
    Hi, My name is Susan I am a newbie here and I am looking to lose 17 lbs. and then 33 lbs. after that . I am (going to be)a military wife down the line and I want to look good. I need support.
    JEKRUNS Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone I'm an Army wife and mom to 3 teens. I started using MFP yesterday and love it! My 13 y.o. daughter recommended it to me. I have been using the FitBit since Christmas and I'm excited that it will work with MFP. Anyway, we are currently living in Hawaii for the next 2.5 years so I'm hoping to take advantage of the weather and get out, lose weight and get back to running!
    JEKRUNS Posts: 14 Member
  • tayagrp
    tayagrp Posts: 9 Member
    Hey All!
    My name is Renee and I'm currently stationed in Kaiserslautern, Germany with my Army hubby and children. Having been here now for almost a year, I've finally settled into a routine and can get on with my "Get Sexy" goal. I would love to meet other military spouses in the area for motivation and support in their weight loss journey!
  • cbards
    cbards Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, my name is Caitlyn. We are currently stationed in Abilene, Texas at Dyess AFB. We have no children, but 3 furbabies. My husband is currently deployed and it has been a deployment full of changes. He is also separating from the Air Force after 8 years of honorable service to pursue another dream. I miss him so much and I am ready for him to come home. I am hoping my health and fitness doesn't take the back seat when it comes to moving, buying our first home and having children eventually. I am really excited and have over 100 pounds to lose!
  • kariwarnstedt
    Hi, I'm Kari we are currently stationed aboard Camp Lejuene, NC. We have no kids yet but have two sweet furbabies. My husband is deployed and I have made it my goal to focus on myself and getting healthy while he is gone. I am looking to make some friends as I continue this road of getting fit!
  • backathome
    Yay so glad I found this group!!

    My long term boyfriend is currently on a deployment and I'm looking to improve my fitness and get into a better shape before he gets home. I have around another 3-4 months, so I know I can do, just need to get my butt moving :)

    About me though, I'm 21 and from Australia. We've been together for 4 years, and he's been in the Army for just over two now, this is his second time out of country but first deployment.
  • Pmofajm
    Pmofajm Posts: 1
    My name is Toni. I am new to all of this. My fiance has just joined so no placement for yet. Just hoping this group of experienced wives can help me through as I try to lose weight and not gain it from stress!
  • Jennicillin
    Hi I'm Jenn. My husband is in the Coast Guard... any other Coastie wives on here??

    We're stationed in Virginia Beach, VA for another 18months. Already working on our shopping list for God Knows Where. Just had my second baby, and trying not to let the impending PCS and all the associated stress sabotage my weight loss efforts. Trying to lose 26ish pounds. Nursing is not quite doing the trick like it did with my first baby!
  • LindsayLo79
    LindsayLo79 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello! This is Lindsay. I am married to an amazing Sailor. We are stationed in San Diego and have 2 beautiful children, Olivia 2 (3 in June) and Ethan 6 months. My goal is to lose 40 pounds, I am currently nursing my son, which I thought would do wonders for the baby weight but i was mistaken! Need some encouragement and support while I try and hit my goal! Any other mothers out there hit there goal weight and not see a decrease in their milk supply?
  • Crackers777
    Crackers777 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello I'm Sarah and new to MFP and looking for friends.
  • CandiceTenille
    CandiceTenille Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Candice and my fiance is in the army. We're stationed in Ft. Riley but he will be recruiting in Las Vegas soon, so we're moving there this summer. I started up Insanity so I can get fit before the move! Looking for friends, add me if you'd like!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi. I'm not exactly a military wife but if anyone can relate it's me. My husband and I have been married nearly 20 years. the first 10 years was a normal civilian life even though he was a reservist (1st Navy then switched to ANG) In 2003 he got deployed to Iraq and was gone for 14 months. In 2006 he went to Kuwait as a contractor for 18 months. In 2009 he got another contractor job and we all (him, me, and our 2 sons) moved to Germany for 1 1/2 years. (It was supposed to be 2-5 years but big fiasco with his company yadda yadda yadda his job and that of everyone with that company was eliminated.) Then he got into the GS side of things and we moved here to VA in 2010. Part of this job required him to be depoloyed to Afghanistan so he's been there for 15 of the past 28 months we've been here. Now he's got a new job in the GS arena that's going to move us to England soon.

    So basically even though I'm "only" the wife of a retired reservist I've dealt with my husband being gone from us for nearly 5 of the past 10 years and we've had 5 and soon to be 6 addresses in that time. LOL I think that counts. Hope you do too.
  • ashanticraine

    I am a Army Wife, currently in Fort Polk, LA but headed to Fort Sill this summer. I have been on a diet-weight loss roller coaster for the past 3 years. I just want to lose it and keep it off. Urrgghh I have a very busy life. Four kids, full time student, and lots of volunteer work that keeps me running. But now with the move and the extreme change in lifestyle I am headed to. I am looking to focus on family and MYSELF. so looking for friends that are motivators because sometimes we all need some motivation to keep going when things fail. ADD ME
  • adypaul
    adypaul Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is adriana, my husband is in the army. Ive been anarmy wife for 6 years, and my husband has been serving since 1999. Right now I am a lil bit overweight, last year was totally crazy and I stopped working out and I was eating whatever, inluding my husband's delicious meals. So here I am again, trying to loose a few pounds, or a lot of them... I am in my late twenties, and it seems it is getting harder for me to go back to my ideal weight. Husband just left to korea, I am still feeling sepressed, but trying to stay positive.
  • CMG2011
    CMG2011 Posts: 1
    Heather here. I've been with my Marine since we were kids. I was 15 and he was 16. Got married at 18, had my daughter at 22. I"m 24 now. Living at Quantico and getting series about my weight loss.
  • pandahead76
    pandahead76 Posts: 122 Member
    Howdy! I'm Randi, 36, army wife and stay-at-home mother of 6 (Girl--14, Girl--13, Boy--11, Boy--9, Girl--5, Girl--3). We're currently stationed at Fort Carson, CO.

    I used to be a fitness junkie, but since having the caboose baby (the factory is finally closed for business) who is now nearing her 4th birthday, I've been dragging my feet to get back into shape. An upcoming family reunion has helped light a fire under my ample derriere, and I'm finally embracing the latent gym rat again.

    My eventual goal is to get back on track towards becoming a fitness trainer. First, gotta take care of my own "house" before I can help others with theirs, though! :)