Stage I No Cardio?

season1980 Posts: 129 Member
I know the premise of why she doesnt want u to do cardio.....but I take a Zumba class 3 days a week that I absolutley love!! I do it because I love to dance, not because I want to work out....if I took in enough calories to cover my Zumba class do you think it would be ok to stick with my zumba during phase I??


  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Seems like you gotta live your life. I think eating those cals would help, since the idea is to give your body fuel to build muscle. I know you want to stick to the calendar days, but I think it would help if you alternate Zumba with the lifting initially. so the days you lift you devote to that.
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    That's actually a good idea to rotate my zumba days and my training days. I think I will try it that way. Thanks!