Daily run log



  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    I did the dreaded TM run today.....and it wasn't "too bad". I use to only be able to get 40-45 minutes in on there....but today did 60 mins. I do like that you can control speed...hills...etc. I did an interval workout not too long ago, and its a great way to "make' yourself run a certain speed.
    I would like to do some hills maybe next time!

    Great running everyone :)
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing good on their runs great! I did 4.66 miles yesterday afternoon @ a 9,40 pace it was a decent run but the run I did this morning was a dream run. It was 60 degrees, sunny and no wind (unsual for west Texas). I ran 6 miles at a 9.23 pace, PR for me. I have never ran 6 miles that fast before and I felt strong the entire run. It was AWESOME! I was high on addrenalin all morning, my poor daughter, she had to deal with me. :laugh:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I got in 5 Tues, 3 yesterday, and just finished up 6 today. I have 7 planned on Saturday and 6 Sunday. :)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'm new to the group. *waves*

    My plan is to do 6k this evening. On the treadmill. We had snow yesterday, so there is nowhere to run outside right now.

    ETA: However, that's a good thing for Sunday I hope. I'm planning on a 10k, and I'd love to do it on a local trail in my snowshoes.
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    Training for a marathon on April 28, plan called for 10 miles today so this morning before daylight, (about 4:30) it was raining but temp was about 58 so I went got 11 miles in. And I am glad I did when it quit raining the temp went way down and the wind has been gusting to about 35 mph all day.
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    I have had a good running week for me.
    18K on Monday (woot)
    Wednesday 10K
    Thursday 5K
    Saturday 8K

    I might try to make it 9K today and it will be 50K for the week (mon-mon)
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I'm thinking about doing a trail run today- 6 miles or if my tendon acts up, just a 3 miler. I've never run on a trail before so I'm somewhat nervous... I'm not exactly graceful so I'm hoping I won't get my **s handed to me by a tree root.
  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100
    I'm on the fence about an 11 mile today. On one hand I've put in 42 miles since last Monday, which is about 8 more than I've ever put in before, its raining and I have a ton of things to do today. On the other hand, I would love to break 50 miles in a week, and I won't have a free day to run again until Tuesday.
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    I'm on the fence about an 11 mile today. On one hand I've put in 42 miles since last Monday, which is about 8 more than I've ever put in before, its raining and I have a ton of things to do today. On the other hand, I would love to break 50 miles in a week, and I won't have a free day to run again until Tuesday.

    I say "Go for it", but 42 is a great week.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I cross trained today with a bike ride & upper body strength training. My knees are still a little achey from my 10K on Thursday which is very out of the ordinary for me. My knees have started to kind of ache after 5 miles...is that normal for you guys? Considering a knee brace but have no idea where to start looking for one. The muscles on insides of my knees hurt then the bone hurts right in the center of my knee. I know that's not the best description but I'd love to hear from your experiences!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I cross trained today with a bike ride & upper body strength training. My knees are still a little achey from my 10K on Thursday which is very out of the ordinary for me. My knees have started to kind of ache after 5 miles...is that normal for you guys? Considering a knee brace but have no idea where to start looking for one. The muscles on insides of my knees hurt then the bone hurts right in the center of my knee. I know that's not the best description but I'd love to hear from your experiences!

    It might be worth seeing a physiotherapist to find out what exactly is causing the problem, then they will be able to recommend whether a brace or strapping will help.
    I had knee problems (turned out to be the tendons) and strapping it with Rock Tape helped a lot. It settled down but I can feel it every now and again as my runs are getting longer so I think I'll start strapping it again.

    Ive had two good running days though I'm a bit stiff now. Yesterday was my first 10 mile run, hooray! I feel rather as though I cheated though, as I happenned to run past a friend I hadn't seen for ages so I walked for 10 mins or so and chatted with her before I ran again. But, I'm still pretty happy to have run 10 miles (even with a 10 min walk break in there), next weekend is 11 miles, so that will push up my "longest run" stats again.
    I'm also happy to see that my speed is getting a little faster - I'm aiming to finish my half marathon in 2:30 which will be a stretch for me as I"m a pretty slow runner but it isn't a very big race and looking at last years results, this would put me right in the tail end anyway. I don't know if that's a really good reason for trying to run faster... but it's keeping me motivated. Also the fact that it will be HOT so the slower I am, the hotter it will get.
    This morning was relaxed 4 miles with a few sprints at the end, I thought I would be really really slow as I'm stiff from yesterday's long run but it was better than I thought. Tomorrow is a strength trianing day to give my sore bits a chance to rest before Wednesday's 6 mile pace run.
  • sunleigh
    sunleigh Posts: 84 Member
    did 4.5 miles today, really need to start getting in longer runs, i should of headed out this morning, but life got in the way:)

    I personally do not mind the treadmill. i like to watch my morning talk shows that i do not ever get to watch usually and I like having fun with my pace, it has helped make me a little faster, i just try and make it interesting. I usually only last between 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours on it though, anything more is just too much. not having to think about route, dogs, weather, cracks in the sidewalks and cars is nice sometimes.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I set a new PR for a 5k. I ran 3.16 miles at a 8.57 pace on Friday. I was so excited!! I ran 6.42 miles yesterday with lots of hills (ugh) but still kept my pace at 9.37.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    In reguards to the 'DREADmil'

    I learned to jog outside in the midwest heat last summer. I had never been on a treadmil til this past May when I joined the gym. I joined the gym in hopes to use the weigh machines and Zumba.

    But when it rained, I ended up on the treadmil and actually enjoying it as I have a nice controlled setting and no rain hitting my face. So throughout the summer, I did a little of each. Most of it being outside, but I did get quite a bit on the treadmil when the heat was horrible (we had 3week straight of a heat advisory and it was rough) or if it decided to rain. So I figured it will be the same through the winter. I'll do what I can outside, but I feel spoiled running inside.

    I really enjoy both, but if I could have ideal weather coniditions 24/7, I'd be outside :)

    Anyway, I went to a dinner for my hubbys job Sat and had a wee bit too much wine so I put off yesterdays 6 miles which I'm tackling tonight. But, for the heck of it, I geared up this morning and went for a run outside. No set distance or time. Just hit play on the music and went. Now, sure it ended up being only 3.61miles, but I did it without walking. Something I've been trying hard to do.

    This weeks running plan is as follows: 6miles today, 7 miles Wed, 5miles Thurs, 8miles Sat and followed with 5miles Sun.