


  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I'm so glad I found this group. This binging crap is really getting ridiculous. :( I struggle constantly between binge eating to then anorexia. Basically, if I'm not starving, I'm binging. I can't stay under my calories to save my life lately. A lot of times, I'll finish out my diary, be super proud I stayed under, then go have a massive 500 cal binge and go way over :( It's so depressing. I don't know why I do it and I just want to stop!! I am going to be starting to see a therapist later this month, I really need some help :(
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I'm having a difficult time with binging. Since June I've had at least a dozen different binges, the last two weeks being the worst.

    Yesterday I totally went overboard and probably consumed 7000 calories between 5pm and 8pm.I was in such a haze I didn't care about calroies. I totally want to nip this habit in the bud, but when I start it's so hard to stop. I feel as though I lose all control and I have tunnel vision. Only when my stomach aches and I feel like I'm going to be sick is when I come back to reality. Then all the shame and guilt follows and I tell myself this is the last time....Hopefully this is the last time.

    It started with a co-worker bringing scones to the office. At first I told myself I wasn't going to have one. It was the end of the day and I was doing so good, so I convinced myself one bite of that scone wouldn't hurt. The moment I put that pastry in my mouth was when my control went out the window.

    The scone tasted "so good" I couldn't stop at one bite and I craved more. After work I found myself driving to the gas station and picking up a pack of Peanut Butter Stuffed Oreos and three Mrs Fields Cookies. They didn't even taste that good and I kept on eating....

    Of course that didn't satisfy my craving, it made it worse, and over the next few hours, from what I can remember this is what I ate.

    1 Sugar Donut
    1 Glazed Donut
    1 Bavarian Cream Donut
    Schlotzkys Mini Pepperoni Pizza
    Mcdonalds Snack Size Mini Chicken Bites
    Mcdonalds Medium Fries
    Taco Johns Small Sopapia Bites
    Good Times Peanut Butter Spoon Bender
    1/2 Pint of Hagen Daaz
    1 huge Peanut Butter Cookie
    1/2 Peanut Butter & Fluff Sandwich
    Larbar Uber Bar
    Bowl of Puffins

    Needless to say I was beyond stuffed...

    Now looking back, I find it ridiculous that I drove to so many different places to get my "fix." I was literally sitting in my car stuffing my mouth and thinking of where and what I was going to eat next.

    I'm seing my GP tomorrow as this has gotten out of control. My job has been stressing me out lately along with other things and I think that has a lot to do with my binging. I'm just not sure how to manage it at this time.

    Your binges sound like mine. I go into different shops buying all the foods I like, feeling as if I need to have some of everything for all the textures and flavours, usually cookies, biscuits, doughnuts, cake, pastries, chocolate peanuts, brownie, flapjack, ice cream, I can't even count what I consume, in excess of 6000 I imagine and then panic sets in and I purge which of course leads into a vicious cycle as the body then craves more next day.

    It is emotionally based for me. If I hit an emotional crisis where I am isolated and without order, binging becomes my only solace until I reach that point of feeling pain from the fullness and disgust and panic. I am envious of those who consider 1000 or less a binge. That for me is undo able but over 5k is not. Especially if it is a run of days or a week.