Why work Nights?

I was just wondering....What is everyone's motivation for working nights?


  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    To be home with my family in the evenings. Was on 2nd shift and never got to attend my son's sports activities or holiday get togethers etc
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    I used to love working nights. The big bosses were NOT around, and I could focus on doing my J O B without someone looking over my shoulder and micro-managing everything.
  • kphillips83
    kphillips83 Posts: 56 Member
    No brass bugging PLUS I'm here in the morning to send my babies to school and here in the evening to attend activities and make dinner/ eat dinner with them.. send them to bed.
  • JACLYN007
    Because at night I don't miss anything! My family is asleep so they don't even notice I am gone. I can be here in the mornings before school, and at night when they go to bed! And on the night shift there is no pressure, no bosses, no drama. It's great!
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    I like the quiet of the night. No people. No Super's. No Traffic.
  • GettingFit4Me2011
    That's right! No procedures, no doctors, no bosses, no visitors, no meal trays, and most patients are sleeping. And, I actually get to read the charts, talk to the patients who are awake....geezzzzzzzzzzzzzz, I actually get to do my job!
  • kmill81385
    I do enjoy the quiet of the night. It's nice to know that I can help to protect these elders and to keep their "house" clean. I feel like a little elf in a sense...

    And in another way, it seems to make the week go by faster- does anyone else agree with that?
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I started off working nights because some places pay a overnight differential. I've been doing it so long now, I'm not sure if I could work full time days.
  • MpotRN21
    MpotRN21 Posts: 19 Member
    I started nights as a way to get in the hospital, but I'm certain I could never work days. I had to do days for nursing school and I am just not a morning person! And you miss everything at home, I'd leave before my son got up and have maybe an hour with him when I got home.
  • kphillips83
    kphillips83 Posts: 56 Member
    I can't get up early in the morning.
    I wish I still had "evenings" though. 12 hour shifts leave me nothing. But the 4 days off are worth it.

    When I first started my job we did 12 hr shifts.. 3 days on week.. 4 days the other week. I loved it. I wish we would go back to it instead of 5 8's.
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I began to work nights for a few reasons: less drama, less berocracy, time to read and write, get to see friends during the evenings. Buti find myself a zombie smetimes. And, becausei can be mandated to work a double, it is hard to commit t plans. Overall though, I prefer nights.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I started working nights for the money, but I like not having the stupidvisors around to micromanage my every move. My current stupidvisor is a witch with a capital B! Thank God I'm transfering departments. Anyway, It also tends to be slower at night, no doctors, no testing. The only thing I don't like about nights is if something is going to go wrong with a patient, it's going to happen at night. You gotta take the good with the bad!
  • psychRN83
    psychRN83 Posts: 71 Member
    I started working three 12 hour shifts overnight Friday, Sat, and Sun as a LPN to put myself through college as a RN full time and still be working full time. It was hard but I got my RN and associates degree in May 2011 and my BSN in December 2011. I do not start my MSN until June but I figure I will keep working the same shifts because i get the entire week off to work on fixing up ME finally and losing weight as well as seeing my six year old daughter off to school and being there when she gets home.
  • rinalyn
    rinalyn Posts: 12 Member
    I diagnose/treat sleep disorders SO I haven't much of a choice. Day shift is the holy grail of sleep medicine. I'll go to grad school (clinical psychology) this fall, though, and hopefully I'll be able to do some research about the health of night shift workers.
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    All of the previous reasons (not missing family events, ect) but also b/c my husband and I 'trade' off the kids ... he works days and I work nights. I'll probably still stay nights when they are older b/c I don't have to miss anything (except sleep, which I'm missing now) during the day.
  • love2kayak96
    Works out better when raising kids. I have never had to use daycare. If they are sick during the day, the school calls and I can go get them. No worry about being at work when a sick kid is home. Plus, now that they are older I am home when they get home, therefore, I know what they are doing and with who.
    I have worked night shift for a total of 27 years now. Over half of my life. But it is now beginning to wear on me. Hopefully will go do day shift in a year or two.
  • love2kayak96
    I would love to see more research done on the health of night shift workers. I know it has an impact, and not a good one.
  • Rosalindgr
    Rosalindgr Posts: 148 Member
    when my kids were younger I work nights so I would be available for them, school activies, doctor's appt and so on. When they got older I decided to try days, Monday to Friday. The sleep was good at night but ifound I was to tired afther work to do anything so that left only two days to squeeze things like shopping,cleaning, etc...., I was spending my days off standing in grocery lines so back to nlghts I went.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Family reasons. I work weekends 7pm-7am. So I can see get my son to and from school!