Why Are My Feet BURNING?!

Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member
This is one of the most annoying problems I've encountered since I've been doing running/jogging as my cardio. Granted, I don't actually run outside but rather I have a long strip in my room (kind of takes the shape of an 'L') that I run back and forth in. I work up a very good sweat, but my problem is that the more I run these days, the balls of my foot are beginning to burn. I normally run in socks (I don't have any running shoes...period. That's part of the reason why I don't run outside) or just barefoot. I looked it up and some articles said that I may have this issue called "Morton's Neuroma(?)" or something like that and I may need to get a cortisone shot. :frown:

But before all that, I wanna know that once I invest in some running shoes, will this go away? Do any of you experience this? This just kinda shot out of nowhere. I've never had this before, but then again, I wasn't big on running either. Just HAD to be running....:sad:


  • heathermckillop
    heathermckillop Posts: 51 Member
    I haven't had burning feet but I do always wear running shoes even if in doors as I find my feet need the support.