Running Chat Week of November 21st



  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100
    A little late to post, but finished an 11 mile today. I don't think there's anyway I am getting a run in between the shift I'm doing right now and my shift tonight, but plan on another 11 mile Friday, speedwork Saturday, and 11 on Sunday. Hoping to break the 50 mile mark this week!
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    Just a short 5K for me today. Tonight I go to my strength/body toning class.

    Skemery - wtg on the 11 miler...and sounds like you have a good weekend planned :)

    bjbixler - how did the half marathon go?
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Its been an odd week - My granddad passed away on Sunday (Aged 94 - he did pretty darn well!) so its all been a bit mad. That said, I managed to fit in an 18 mile run on Wednesday before the funeral. Just need to get a couple of short runs in now: The regular short runs are every bit as important as infrequent long ones! Will do 5 or 6 miles tonight and the same on Sunday if all goes to plan.
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    mikeyrp - sorry to hear about your grandad, wow 94...that is a good long life, but still hard to lose a loved one no matter how old.
    Great job on the 18 miler! Wow! I just got back from an awesome 5 miler, what a gorgeous day. Capris and a t-shirt! Ended up with a pace of 9:52 min/mi. Can it possibly be December next week?
    so far this month I have 82.32 miles in!
  • running_rookie
    Didn't get to do the local Turkey Trot this week. But I did get to register for my first 50K run coming up in January. Looking forward to the challenge. 12 miles on the trails at Lake Norman State Park yesterday was a good start to the training. Is anyone else expanding your horizons in the new year?
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member

    bjbixler - how did the half marathon go?

    It went well!! Our goal was to finish in under 2:30. and our official time was 2:25:38!
    We did commit the cardinal sin and start off too fast, and the course was a lot hillier than we had expected, or trained for (I train on hills, but obviously not enough!) The first 11 miles went by quickly and we kept up our fast pace but the fast pace caught up to us and those last 2 miles were really tough, but there was no way we were stopping.
    Apart from some fatigue the day of the race, I felt pretty good the day after and ran twice this weekend, 3 miles and 5 miles.

    I start marathon training the end of December, so I'm going to run at least 3 days a week and mix in some cross training and weight training this month, but no formal schedule to follow.

    So excited for my next race!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member

    bjbixler - how did the half marathon go?

    It went well!! Our goal was to finish in under 2:30. and our official time was 2:25:38!
    We did commit the cardinal sin and start off too fast, and the course was a lot hillier than we had expected, or trained for (I train on hills, but obviously not enough!) The first 11 miles went by quickly and we kept up our fast pace but the fast pace caught up to us and those last 2 miles were really tough, but there was no way we were stopping.
    Apart from some fatigue the day of the race, I felt pretty good the day after and ran twice this weekend, 3 miles and 5 miles.

    I start marathon training the end of December, so I'm going to run at least 3 days a week and mix in some cross training and weight training this month, but no formal schedule to follow.

    So excited for my next race!

    Congratulations!! That is awesome!!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Well done Bjbixler!
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member

    I think I'm just now coming down from the high... A week later! And I still can't believe I went from couch potato to half marathoner in just under a year!
  • allenpearcy
    allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member

    I think I'm just now coming down from the high... A week later! And I still can't believe I went from couch potato to half marathoner in just under a year!

    Great job! I did my first half this year too around the same pace. It was a great feeling. Congrats!