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  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome Hollie! You do not have to share. I totally understand dear. Please bump on the conversation thread so you can follow. The thread is private and only those part of this group can see the thread. You are totally welcome to just lurk. See below link.
  • 6185445
    6185445 Posts: 3
    Hello, my name is Fred. I've always been an emotional eater. When I was a child I didn't eat at all, just when I was sad or happy. Now I tend to spend my nights just cramming food into my mouth, not really chewing, just forcing it down my throat. I don't know why I do it. I feel so empty inside sometimes that I think shoving food into my mouth will somehow fill a void. I haven't been diagnosed with an eating disorder or anything, so I'm not sure if what I'm doing is truly binge eating. What I do know is that I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I get so worried over it that it takes up a lot of my time and energy. I don't like eating in front of other people because I feel disgusting and huge. My mom always comments that I don't eat anything but I feel guilty because it's not true. Most of my money is spent on food, I'm so ashamed :(
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    I binge eat and sometimes purge. Maybe once or twice a week only. I also have reverse body dysmorphic disorder. My body is so screwed up from eating pure crap and so much of it.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome new ones!! Please feel free to join us on conversation thread. See link below
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Hello, I'm new to this group. Just joined thanks to a member of another group who told me about this one.

    I don't have time to share my story but I have been dealing with eating disorders for the past 24 years or so, since I was 12. Some days are better than others.

    Thanks for all being here and I hope to be able to share regularly. :smile:
  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    Hi, my name is Rachel, I'm 29. Married and have a beautiful 4 year old girl. I've had huge issues with food for as long as I can remember. I've always been overweight. I just love food too much, I think about it constantly. When am I going to eat next? What will I have? I hate that something has this much control over me. I don't know what triggers my binges, it seems to be a food that tastes so good I can't quit, but maybe it's more than that. It'll be nice to meet some people with the same struggles so we can trade our cheer-leading skills :)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Friends.

    Please join this thread for daily non-judgmental conversation.
  • deb_109
    deb_109 Posts: 16
    Hi All

    I new to this site and group ...

    I'm not sure if this is the right group for me. I have a binge disorder
    and from what I understand from Dr.'s is that the binge eating disorder there's no purging of
    any kind. ... I could be wrong just wanted to make sure I was in the right group
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Deb. BED doesn't involve purging (via vomiting, laxatives, overexercising, etc), that is correct. However, whether or not that is your issue, you are in the right group for support either way.

    Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Hope to hear from you on the daily conversation thread.
  • MissKris14
    MissKris14 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    My name is Kristie, I'm 23 and live in southern CA. Really glad to have found this group!

    I've had issues with food my whole life. As a kid, I was an extremely picky eater. Now, I love almost all food. I have BED, EDNOS as well as body dysmorphia disorder (isn't that a hell of a combination?) Over the last year I've lost 40 lbs, but not entirely through healthy dieting. There are periods of time where I am basically either binging or starving, and I can't seem to find a healthy medium when it comes to food, which has become an obsession.

    Glad to be here for support :) Anyone who wants to add me as a friend, feel free! Hopefully I'll be on the conversation thread a lot.
  • pinkleah456
    Hi, I'm Leah, I'm 25 and I'm struggling with binge eating.

    I think I've been doing this for months, maybe years but I could never bring myself to admit it. In recent weeks it's crept up on me more and more and I've finally admitted to myself I've got a problem.

    I go through periods of dieting and then binging. I've tried eating normally and healthily without restricting anything but I still find myself binge eating. I feel constantly tired from worry, stressed about how I look, and just guilty really. I can't stop thinking about food and it just isn't right to be this way all the time :(
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    Hi, I'm Carli. Anyone from this group may add me as a friend (just please send a msg with the request saying you are from this group, so i will know) We could help by supporting each other

    (possibly slightly triggering?? not a lot of detail)
    I have been struggling with some form of an ED for as long as I can remember. I Binged constantly even when i was a small child (around age 6-7). By the time i was in 7th grade (12/13 years old) I got up to over 250lbs because I binged so badly so often. I got made fun of for my weight, which only made my binges worse and didn't do a whole lot for my self confidence. I lost a little weight throughout middle school and in my freshman year of high school I developed Anorexia (and possible body dysmorphic disorder). I dropped a lot of weight and screwed up my metabolism. Soon following, Ana turned Orthorexia (EXTREMELY "healthy" eating, that is very dangerous to the body) and Compulsive Exercising (over exercising). Then, for a few weeks, I experimented with using laxatives after binging. I later developed BED. Now I've been flip flopping between BED and Anorexic behaviors for a couple months. I've been through various eating disasters and I just want to recover and obtain a normal relationship with food. I realize it will most likely take years for me to fully recover. but im going to try to do better and get better. I do have some "normal" eating days, but that doesn't usually stick. I know I can do it if I set my mind to it and give it my all.
  • mrsbrownsfan
    mrsbrownsfan Posts: 8 Member
    I found my way over here because of a link to the May/June discussion thread that Mollie posted in another group that I am a member of, and I would like to join in.

    My name is Mary, and I am 36 years old. I am separated from my husband and planning to divorce, after finding out back in December that he had a four-month affair last year. Prior to that happening, I had been on a pretty healthy weight loss journey for about two years and had lost a healthy amount of weight (first through calorie counting and then through Weight Watchers). However, once we made the decision to separate (which was about 2 1/2 months ago), my old binge eating behaviors came back with a vengeance. I now find myself on my own with my dog, struggling with binge days every four or five days and having trouble getting "back on track."

    I have been seeing a therapist since January who I found through the EAP at work, and it just so happened that the person with whom I made my first appointment, who I still see, is also an eating disorders specialist. Prior to meeting her, I never really saw my behavior as an eating disorder at all and instead just thought I was weak or lacked discipline. She has really shown me that this is not all about willpower and that there are physical reasons that people develop these kind of eating behaviors. However, I am still a long way from recovery, I think.

    Basically, I am not good at "feeling the feelings." I tend to internalize and intellectualize everything. My family was not an emotional family, and I still have difficulty relating to them on that level. My marriage was heading south before my husband had his affair, and we were not relating well on an emotional level. Therefore, I turned to my old "friend" food to meet my needs (Ha.). Since finding out about my husband's affair, I can count on one hand the number of times I have cried or allowed myself to feel the emotions that are bubbling below the surface. Basically, I am just numb/closed off, and I find myself using food patterns to "cope." My therapist even hesitates to recommend I take medication for anxiety because I am already pretty numb/flat, and she doesn't want to exacerbate that.

    Anyway, I also have times that I restrict calorie intake, and I am actually in the midst of this right now, and in a more strict manner than I ever have. I struggle maintaining a balance between knowing good things to eat that will satisfy and nourish me and not trigger a binge and knowing what foods are going to send me into a tailspin of binge eating, followed by feeling awful about myself, following by good eating, and continuing in that vicious cycle.

    Anyway, that's me in a nutshell! Actually, I guess I can't call that a nutshell...that was more of novel. I am planning to join in the discussion thread as well. I know people in real life who struggle with eating in similar ways to me, but they either are not people who recognize this, or they are not people who are at the point that I am in their dealing with it, so I have not really had anyone to talk to who REALLY knew what I was experiencing, but from reading through this thread, I can tell that some of you DO, which gives me such hope. Thank you.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Please see new link for the rest of the year for anyone needing support:

    Make today a good one!:flowerforyou:
  • msrmoore
    msrmoore Posts: 1
    :smile: hi - This is me smiling through the ebarrassment and pain:smile: My name is Ro and I have come to realize I am a binge eater. I am 35 year divorced old single parent. I've had it tough: dealt with childhood atrocities such as sexual abuse, a fire that completely burned everything away incuding good childhood friends, I always work to manage depression.

    I've done drugs, I've abused alcohol, and cigarettes. Those things I have banished in an effort to get right! I'm currently hanging onto an unhealthy relationship with myself. There's one thing left to get rid of - that's abusing food. I eat. I eat when all the lights turn off. I eat when no one is looking. I can't wait until everyone goes to bed so I can eat, eat, eat. I take tums nearly every night beca for me.use I know I will be sick. At work, before lunch, my hands are shaking because I can't get to my food fast enough. After the fist few bites. I am better. Like a drug addiction, I try to stay away and choose healthy foods, but I am sickly drawn to what I know is not good.

    My hope is to overcome this lifetime stronghold in my mind, and be healthy, happy and whole.
    Blessings to you all.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome and you can do it!!
  • 5babs
    5babs Posts: 12
    Hi, I'm Babs or Barb. I answer to both. I started binge eating in 3rd grade and have continued my whole life. Sometimes are worse than other times. I also have depression that can cause problems as well. I'm finding MFP very helpful and feel like I'm learning a lot about food and how I see food. I'm still pretty motivated and excited about MFP so I haven't been binging. I worry that the bingeing will come back as soon as the new wears off. I'm hoping that by joining this group and making some connections, I can develop some skills to help myself handle future binge time.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    Hi, my name is Adrienne

    i am a compulsive overeater. at various times in my life, i have binged on large volumes of food, grazed on food all day long, eat past the point of fullness to the point of physical pain, dieted restrictively, and generally been beaten by my food obsession.

    there have also been periods of recovery, weight loss, and healing in my life--particularly when i was deeply involved in the 12 step fellowship overeaters anonymous.

    my highest adult weight was about 220 or 225. my lowest adult weight, reached during 12 step recovery, was 150-155 lbs. right now, i am about in the middle point of that range.

    like many other binge eaters, i have had certain traumas in my life: sexual stuff, bullying during school years, money issues, family issues---i have my baggage like anyone else.

    i am vegan for ethical reasons, and generally eat very "clean" and healthy---until i start binging on vegan "treats" (won't mention specific foods here).

    thanks for welcoming me to the group!