What Is your ideal weight?



  • mhulgan
    mhulgan Posts: 101 Member
    So glad to read everyone's responses, as it gives me some perspective! I am 5'11" and my current goal weight is 165. I'm currently 185 (started at 197). Once I reach 165, I will have a healthy BMI and weigh what I did in highschool when I was in varsity athletics, so I can't imagine being below that.
  • I'm 5ft10 and currently weigh 169lb (down from 284lb) im a pear shape and heavier on the bottom and thighs. I was aiming for 165 but now im 4lbs away i know its not low enough because im still too heavy on the bottom so im setting a new goal for 155 and will see how i look when i get there. I dont want to be too skinny im aiming for about a uk 10-12 because im not small framed and i'll just look ill
  • My ideal weight is 135. I'm 5'9 now and 158. Although I am in my healthy BMI I hate the way my weight has settle around my waist. I feel like I have a tire now! I would like to be able o wear my sze 6 jeans again with no muffin top!
  • I am 5'10.75 & I have a large body frame, wrist is 7.5. I done several calulators that have recorded several of my measurements and said that the best weight for me would be 230 so i changed my goal from 180 to 230 / I know for me at 180 Im a size 8 and since that was 10yrs ago I believe it would be smaller now seeing that sizes have gotten bigger.

    but once I hit 230 I will then decide were Im going to go from there.

    230 lbs for a 5"10 woman is a best weight using what calculation? I am in the healthcare field and I've never found a calculator that comes up with that number...seems high to me. I am 5"10 and I think a healthy range is anywhere from 145-170 depending on frame, etc.

    I am 155 lbs now (on my home scale ) and a size 8 is a bit loose now. When I weighed 165 I was a size ten...this was about 1.5 years ago.

    I agree she miscalculated something as a woman 5'11 and 230 is OVERWEIGHT!!!
  • Katmiller73
    Katmiller73 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 5'9" and am aiming for 150. At my heaviest I was 222, down to 191 now. In college I weighed at my lowest 135 and was accused of being anorexic, I just didn't look healty
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 5'10 and currently at about 198. My heaviest was 205 (where I started MFP) and I'd love to get to 160 - 165. My lowest was 142 but that was when I was in my 20s. I'm 41 now, and I think that would be a little thin (not to mention, probably not possible or sustainable for me). I hit 165 back in early 2010 after some big changes in my diet and thought it looked good for me! Those diet changes didn't stick then so here I am!
  • I'm 5ft 10" and my goal weight is 147lbs. I got down to this a couple of years ago on Weight Watchers but have put on since then. I'd be really happy if I could get back down to this. Don't seem to loose weight without exercise so I'm trying to get to the gym more at the moment.

    Great thread - thanks all for contributing :)
  • MicaMurphy
    MicaMurphy Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'11", and I want to weigh 135lbs. I have quite a small body frame (wrist size is just less than 6 inches). I know to some people 135lb might sound a bit light, but I used to be lighter than that, and I liked how I looked then. :)
  • DaNae9402
    DaNae9402 Posts: 61 Member
    I am 5'10 and my goal is 160. I am currently 240. My lowest weight was 150, but I didn't feel very good at that weight.
  • I am 6'2" and I am aiming for 200 to start then I will re-evaluate! I cant remember the last time I was 200lbs. My lowest I can remember is 209 about 3-1/2 years ago before my wedding and my pregnancy. I have a large frame, hourglass figure but, I think ideally, 190 is about right for me. I would also like to add/return the muscle mass i lost from 3 years ago so, we'll see what this workout brings me. :)
  • I am 5'11 and 44 yrs old.. had to do a quick conversion as am in Uk and we dont usually work in pounds...I started at 111kg = 245 lb
    I have no idea what my ideal weight should be as have never felt comfortable at aNY WEIGHT...my slimmest ten years ago was 140 pounds but that was too thin ...so am aiming for 76kg = 167 pounds
    sorry lots of conversions but do you think this is right weight for height? I am medium frame
    any thoughts would be appreciated :-)
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    I am 5'11 and 44 yrs old.. had to do a quick conversion as am in Uk and we dont usually work in pounds...I started at 111kg = 245 lb
    I have no idea what my ideal weight should be as have never felt comfortable at aNY WEIGHT...my slimmest ten years ago was 140 pounds but that was too thin ...so am aiming for 76kg = 167 pounds
    sorry lots of conversions but do you think this is right weight for height? I am medium frame
    any thoughts would be appreciated :-)

    I am half an inch taller than you, a year older and 190lbs (thirteen stone eight) and am aiming for the same as you - well actually one pound lighter but only because then I will have lost 100 lbs - 99 doesn't sound as good lol

    It sounds about right to me - but lots of people here want to be a lot lower than that.

    www.mybodygallery.com is a great resource for looking at other people's weights and body sizes.
  • I'm 25 and 5'9 (ok, 5'10). Anyway, my healthy weight is 165. At 160 I start looking like a bean pole, or Betty Spaghetti.

  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 478 Member
    I feel very confident at 130-135 lbs I'm 5'8

    Right now I am aiming for 150.. its a little cushion though for my personal preference because I prefer stick thin

    Currently 170.. quite far away at the moment *sigh
  • wow you are doing brilliantly, thankyou for your help :-) x
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    I am 5'11 and 44 yrs old.. had to do a quick conversion as am in Uk and we dont usually work in pounds...I started at 111kg = 245 lb
    I have no idea what my ideal weight should be as have never felt comfortable at aNY WEIGHT...my slimmest ten years ago was 140 pounds but that was too thin ...so am aiming for 76kg = 167 pounds
    sorry lots of conversions but do you think this is right weight for height? I am medium frame
    any thoughts would be appreciated :-)

    I am half an inch taller than you, a year older and 190lbs (thirteen stone eight) and am aiming for the same as you - well actually one pound lighter but only because then I will have lost 100 lbs - 99 doesn't sound as good lol

    It sounds about right to me - but lots of people here want to be a lot lower than that.

    www.mybodygallery.com is a great resource for looking at other people's weights and body sizes.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    That my body gallary is really interesting!
  • I am 6'0" and would LOOVE to be 150, but at 168 I was pretty skinny........still "hippy" and thunder thighs though. At 180 I'm OK but feel a little too fluffy. We'll see what happens..........................
  • mrsjuliana
    mrsjuliana Posts: 27 Member
    I am 5'9.5 the lowest I can remember me being was 170 when I was 15. My heaviest weight was 242 before children. Their entrance into the world seemed to put some spark into my metabolism, to which I flirted with the low 200's over the past 5 years. I decided this summer to kick my butt back in gear and I weighed in at 214.6 on June 26th. Since then I am now down to 184.8 and am going to push strong till I hit under that 170 mark again. My ultimate goal is to be 150, so I'm really already almost half way there! Just got to keep on moving! :)
  • cla_
    cla_ Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'10" and currently at 161, which feels okay to me - still a bit squidgey but I have lots of muscles from running etc.
    My ideal weight that I want to return to is 147 (ten and a half stone) - that's the weight I was aged 16, doing lots of running and rugby, and I was pretty happy. Then we'll see how it goes. I'd be happier a bit higher but with a better BF%.