Cortisone shot

MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
I've decided to go ahead and do this. I'm a little nervous. Anyone have experience with it?


  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I had one in my left knee. It hurt for about a day, felt great for a week, and then went back to normal. Some people get months of relief from them; I think it all depends on how your body reacts to it.
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks. I had the shot this afternoon. Felt good for a few hours, now it hurts again. Doctor says it will be better by tomorrow and hopefully by Thursday morning I will wake up with something to be thankful for.
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    i have had many many cortisone shots, how is it working for you Mrs. Spratt??
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for asking, rsdgirl. It's a lot better but I still feel limited. I have to watch what I do or it will start hurting. I did manage to rake leaves for a while this afternoon without any pain, which was good.
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    sweet!! it can take 10-14 days to take full effect :) so happy for you
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    what kind of doctor does cortisone shots? an orthopedic doc or a gp?
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    what kind of doctor does cortisone shots? an orthopedic doc or a gp?
    My family doc did it.
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    i have mine done by my speiclaist or by my surgeon depends on where i need the shot
  • AllisonMart
    AllisonMart Posts: 156 Member
    I'm curious - it's several months on, how has this gone for you? I had one in my jaw a long time ago and it was immensely helpful.