Working out and Medifast

My biggest problem sticking with Medifast is on the heavy workout days and I can't skip the workouts at all (military PT). I'm thinking of just using the products to help supplement my diet and keep eating every two hours as easy as possible since they are very convenient and a lot better nutrition wise, low GI, and some are gluten free than most of the crap you get at the supermarket.
I haven't actively weighed myself while being on MF (three weeks sticking strictly to the 4-2 plan) but from the looseness from my pants I would say around 10lbs.
I love Medifast though, I will definitely use the plan on days I don't work out. It also kept my blood sugar steady throughout the day.


  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    I just switched to 4&2. I was using MFP as my guide to how much I needed to eat (I set everything to MF numbers...cals/carbs/fat/protein), and it was working for a few weeks, and then all the sudden I was up 4 lbs. I don't know if it was muscle gain or I screwed up somewhere, but I decided to see how 4&2 works and just keep my carbs under 100 no matter what MFP says. I was off plan for 2 weeks because I was out of town, but I started back OP yesterday, so I'll see what happens at WI on Sunday! I was doing the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout, but I think it was too intense the last 2 weeks for the amount of calories I was taking in and I felt crummy, so I eased up a bit and I'm trying to do less intense workouts.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I'm 16 weeks into medifast n over the last 15 weeks I have lost 48.2lbs n about 30 in...I haven't really started consistently working out until 2 weeks ago off n on and I find when I workout I gain weight...but I am also losing inches and so I try to remember that I am conditioning my body to get used to moving 4-5 times a week with 30-45 min of cardio and strength training 2-3 days a week we will see how this affects my loss over the next month;)?
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    Yeah, you can't always use the scale as a measure. I try not to do strength training the day before WI so I'm not retaining as much water.