Let's set a goal for Christmas!

djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
Ok, so I'd like to add a side challenge for us, men. Whoever is interested in this group, let's try to set realistic goals to lose certain weight by Christmas/New Years. Who's in? We'll support and motivate each other!

Current weight: 167.5lb
Desired Christmas/New Years weight: 160lb

We'll all have to agree to which day though, Dec 25th or Dec 31st.


  • KokomoJoe
    I have already set my goal as 250 for Christmas Day. That being said after my holiday and being back at work and trying to get caught up, all that means is I am further behind. Still going to see how close I can get.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Try your best and good luck!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well, I am going to go ahead and try to set a goal. I seem to be going in the wrong direction lately and maybe this will give me the motivation I have recently misplaced.

    I originally wanted to lose a total of 60 pounds by New Years. Having gone the wrong way, I am now at a total of 51 pounds lost. I don't think 9 pounds in the next 4 weeks is realistic for me especially considering the holidays and birthdays still to come.

    Therefor, I am going to try for a total of 6 pounds to lose by New Years. Let's get it on...
  • cnweiss88
    cnweiss88 Posts: 34 Member
    These next few weeks will be pretty busy for me--hopefully this challenge will help to keep me on track and far away from convenience foods. I am in for 6lbs, which should bring me down to 193 lbs.

    Best of luck, gentlemen.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Put me down for six.

    CWW - 256
    GW -250
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Ok, I'd like to join. As I don't have much Holidays in December over here in Kuwait, I have a chance to become First in this Challenge... (At least once in life... :happy: )

    Current weight: 187.5 lb
    Desired Year End weight: 180.0 lb

    I recommend target Date to reach the Mini Goal Dec 31st
    (Coz I can over take you all as we don't have Parties:drinker: over here in Kuwait... :smile: :smile: )
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I think I have a realistic current goal. Presently I am below 100kg (220lb). I want to stay below that.

    If I aim to hover with a small margin, I should be 98-99.99kg (goodbye triple digits, FOREVER).

    Just a throw it out there thought, why not make it until Jan 1 or Jan 2 (so we have NO excuses for throwing it all away during the celebrations).

    What do ya reckon, guys ?
  • cnweiss88
    cnweiss88 Posts: 34 Member
    I am down with that idea.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Sounds good! I'll create a chart similar to Tim's and have this challenge run parallel to our main mission! We'll work together supporting each other throughout these few weeks left to try and reach the goal. Thanks for joining!

    I'm going to use data from your weight loss from your posts to Tim on the main topic so you wouldn't have to repost it.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Thanks dj.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Weigh-ins will occur just like in the main thread on Sundays and submitted on Mondays. There are exactly 4 weeks to go before New Years, so I suggest we all get our minds together on achieving our goal. Many of you are already close to reaching the goal 4 weeks ahead of schedule, so I'd suggest increasing the desired loss!

    Week 1 starts Dec 5th
    Week 2 starts Dec 12th
    Week 3 starts Dec 19th
    Week 4 starts Dec 26th

    SW - Starting weight prior to week 1 weigh-in
    GW - Goal weight by January 1st
    CW - Current Weight as of 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
    LW - Last weeks weight (I used from Dec 4th weigh-ins, then Dec 11, Dec 18, Dec 27th)
    WD - Weight difference between LW and CW
    TWL - Total weight lost from SW to CW
    Desired Loss - how much you said you want to lose
    Left to Lose - from CW to Desired Loss

    Any questions? Any wrong figures? Let me know!

  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    I am in, I would like to be down by 10lbs by end of the year. Currently 249.8 So down to 239
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Ok, here we go. My goal of 6 pounds unfortunately just went up to 8.3 pounds. I gained 2.3 pounds this week. That's it. It stops here and now. No more excuses. Tomorrow, (Monday) starts my journey part 2.

    CW 283.3
    GW 274
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Guys I too want to Join with a Positive Result from Last week (I lost 3.3 lbs last week... very Happy...:happy: ):

    You asked for Big List, here I got simple details like our Boss Tim...:smokin: :

    CW: 83 Kgs (182.98 lbs)
    GW: 79 Kgs (174 lbs)
    DW: 4 Kgs (8.82 lbs) (this line is extra... :smile: )
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Shabbar, you're going too fast! Nice weight loss buddy! I'm going to update the chart soon :)
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    I am going too fast, but how about you djsysstem, you almos reached your GOAL.... Congrats, only 4 lb to go... Take care of your health as well... nice work from 179 lb to 160 lb....
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    it's great to set up mini goals. I originally wanted to be 300 or less before the end of the year. Looks like it's not happening. :sad:
    I am down 2 lbs. currently at lowest yet right now 321. I hope I can get to 315 or under. I'll be hitting the cardio and weights hard plus minimizing the holiday food.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks buddy, it took time, but the results are worth it! These last 3-4 pounds are hard to lose. I keep stepping on and off my scales hoping to see a better result. I've almost become obsessed with losing weight!
    I am going too fast, but how about you djsysstem, you almos reached your GOAL.... Congrats, only 4 lb to go... Take care of your health as well... nice work from 179 lb to 160 lb....
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Here are results of from this week and we're moving on to week 2. I'd like to have a serious talk with Shabbar and Tim regarding their weight gains! Tim, good job on the weight loss this week, but you are above the starting weight of the week before last one. That means, you have to lose 6.8 pounds to reach your goal in addition to what you did this week (1.6 lb loss). Shabbar, 9.59 lb to lose before New Years. Wish you luck! Everyone else, good job! Congratulations to Lacronix, Freax, and Peter. Good weight losses this week.

  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks Man.... !!

    I am working hard... my workouts were good during last three days... but I will update my weight on MFP only on Sunday Night... :smile: