Your Kids

AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
How old are you kids?

I have three, ages 3, 2, and almost 1, plus one due in March 2012. :)


  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    I have 2 girls a 4yr old and a 6 week old. They are my world and I am theirs which is why I need to get healthy because they deserve to have a fit, healthy mom that can keep up with them!
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    that is awesome that you are expecting amanda! im sure glad thats over for me for another few years! i want to lose the weight before i decide to get pregnant again because i want to have a skinny pregnancy and show off my cute lil baby belly! :)
  • stemen2011
    stemen2011 Posts: 35 Member
    I have a son who just turned 1 November 18th and a daughter who just turned 3 november 21st. I have one boy one girl i think i may done with kids!
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    i want ONE more. i have 2 girls and we want a boy sooo badly so i figure that the third time is a charm! :wink:
  • stemen2011
    stemen2011 Posts: 35 Member
    Bahha we always just wanted one of each. At first they said our boy was a girl and our very last ultrasound shes like um no its a boy. its a good thing we had already had all my daughters clothes so we just went and bought boy stuff! We may have ONE more in the future when DS is like 4 I am thinking...
  • tillmanlady
    tillmanlady Posts: 139 Member
    I have a 9 month old son and I need to get healthy for him he deserves a fit mom. I can't wait until he starts getting active, I just need to get healthy and fit first :)
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    Bahha we always just wanted one of each. At first they said our boy was a girl and our very last ultrasound shes like um no its a boy. its a good thing we had already had all my daughters clothes so we just went and bought boy stuff! We may have ONE more in the future when DS is like 4 I am thinking...

    yea im not planing on having any more anytime soon. ill wait another 4 years for #3 i want to lose weight before i get pregnant again. im sick of carrying all this weight AND the weight of a baby too! its not fun!
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    I have a 9 month old son and I need to get healthy for him he deserves a fit mom. I can't wait until he starts getting active, I just need to get healthy and fit first :)

    my 4yr old already can tell a difference in my activity level. she likes that i can chase after her now without getting winded and needing to take a break after 10 minutes.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I have a 7 year old son and a 9 month old son. Hubby and I are done having kids, this last pregnancy was especially rough on me. I would love to have a little girl, but hubby says he is so done he wants to get fixed! lol Guess I will just have to spoil the two I have now!
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    I have a 7 year old son and a 9 month old son. Hubby and I are done having kids, this last pregnancy was especially rough on me. I would love to have a little girl, but hubby says he is so done he wants to get fixed! lol Guess I will just have to spoil the two I have now!

    love the babies you have and spoil the heck outta them! children are truly a blessing!
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    i have a girl who is 4 and a little boy who turned 7 weeks today!

    would love another one but want to enjoy the 2 i have now plus i like having 1 boy and 1 girl and not sure if i would like another boy or girl!
  • tillmanlady
    tillmanlady Posts: 139 Member
    I have a 7 year old son and a 9 month old son. Hubby and I are done having kids, this last pregnancy was especially rough on me. I would love to have a little girl, but hubby says he is so done he wants to get fixed! lol Guess I will just have to spoil the two I have now!

    When is your 9 months birthday? This is my first and would love another but I am def. waiting until he is about 3 yrs old....
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    When is your 9 months birthday? This is my first and would love another but I am def. waiting until he is about 3 yrs old....

    mine are 4 years apart. i like having distance between my kids. before i go for a third i want to lose a significant amount of weight, maybe even reach my goal weight first. its time for mom to focus on herself!
  • AmandaR321
    AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
    My kids are all 13 months apart. I LOVE it. <3
  • KWake1
    KWake1 Posts: 154 Member
    I have a 14 month old daughter! She is definitely my main inspiration for getting healthy and fit.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I have a 7 year old son and a 9 month old son. Hubby and I are done having kids, this last pregnancy was especially rough on me. I would love to have a little girl, but hubby says he is so done he wants to get fixed! lol Guess I will just have to spoil the two I have now!

    When is your 9 months birthday? This is my first and would love another but I am def. waiting until he is about 3 yrs old....

    His birthday is Feb 18th. 6 years is quite a gap between kids, but before I met my hubby I was done having kids - a single mom to one was hard enough. But then I met my hubby and I couldn't wait to have a baby with him. We were together for 6 months, then engaged and married before we had even been together for a year. We have now been together for three years and I have loved every minute of those years - but I am getting off track - sorry-
    My older son is a great help with Gavin, sometimes too much but I am glad that he is older and able to help more. I was really worried about him getting jealous so we make sure that we have mommy and Isiah dates once a month and that seems to help alot.
  • lkrause74
    lkrause74 Posts: 37 Member
    I have a son that is 14 1/2 yrs old and a daughter that is 13. My 14 yr old son was a former preemie so its amazing to see how far hes come since his premature birth. :) I had extremely high blood pressure (195/110) after I had my daughter so needless to say we're done having kids and had that permanently taken care of last november...and i mean it would be 100% impossible to get pregnant now if any of you know what i mean. LOL.
  • tillmanlady
    tillmanlady Posts: 139 Member
    LOL I wanted my son's birthday to be Feb 18th because of the full moon that day (some crazy pregnant lady idea) but I had him on the 25th lol...
  • angel2874
    angel2874 Posts: 59 Member
    I have a two year old little girl who keeps me busy, and lets just say we aren't preventing another one from happening if its suppose too!!! lol
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    I have a 10 yo daughter and 7yo son. One of each and NO MORE!!! I like them being at this age because they work out with me now. I teach them how to do the different exercises in my intervals, which helps keep my form. I can also usually talk one of them into Just Dance on Wii. My daughter is great because she holds me accountable for everything I eat.