The Post-Thanksgiving Thread: how did you do?

melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
edited October 5 in Social Groups
I had 2 Thanksgiving dinners, one Thursday, one Friday, and was traveling out of state from Thursday night until yesterday. I kept my portion control in check, though I certainly had pie 3 days in a row. I weighed in this morning and am exactly 147...the same weight I have been plateauing at for almost 3 months now. In one respect, I am liking this plateau during the holiday season! If I stay at 147 through New Year's Day, I won't complain!

How did you all fare with the big eating holiday?


  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Didn't count calories, and I'm actually glad I didn't. :) Watched my portions and cut calories where I could without feeling left out (eg, unsweet instead of sweet tea), though ate game food & desserts, and drank with everyone else. Did something physical every day. Gained no more than a pound (though maybe a pound).

    I think this actually kept me on track, bc had I counted calories, I think I would have felt weird about my diet - and family might have convinced me to stop it (they don't think I need to lose weight). It was also good because I'd been having headaches, and those headaches stopped when I was eating more... so I realized I needed to eat a little more on my diet. Lowered my goal from 1lb/week to 1/2lb/week... think I'll hit the weights more than cardio now, and try to be patient to reach my goal more slowly. :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    not so well. i think i may have gained. but was only like 0.6 lb gain so maybe we'll just see this weekend if it is for real or not. :) here's hoping it's not for real.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Monday weigh-in I was up 4.5 pounds!! I did not pig-out but I certainly did not count calories. Exercise went out the window with 7-8 extra people living in the house since Tuesday night. At least this answers the question of what happens when I I stop paying attention. I do not believe that I consumed an extra 15,750 calories! At least I would think not!! :noway:

    Next Monday's weigh-in will tell me more!
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I didn't count calories. My weight once again, has not changed.
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 239 Member
    Didn't count calories! Ate lots, was merry.... and I haven't put on any weight! Even lost a little by drinking loads of water the following two days! Yay!
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    All in all, I faired rather well. My weight was up 1.5 yesterday, but it disappeared today. I watched my portions, but didn't pass on anything, except the wine. I think avoiding the alcohol helped me to maintain discipline. We ate the last of the pie last night, thank goodness. I don't think it is nice to inflict your weight gain worries on your family during the holidays. My philosophy is that this is a lifestyle change, and enjoying yourself on special occasions is perfectly fine, as long as you use bring on those xmas parties....
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I live in Canada, so we didn't have Thanksgiving last week... but it was my birthday on Friday. I didn't pay much attention to calories at dinner times all weekend because I celebrated Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with different friends and fam. This included dessert every day too. I came out about 1.5-2 pounds up from earlier last week. Its not too bad... and could honestly be due to the salty/sugary treats that I ate throughout the weekend. And I know I didn't drink enough water to offset all the excess. All in all, not bad I guess.
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