Week 8

MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
edited October 5 in Social Groups
Where has the time gone?!? I am SOOO sorry for falling off the face of the earth. But I am back and we have 4 more weeks until New Years, we can do this!!

This week’s challenge- Drink at least 64oz of water and stay within calories- I think we all might need this after Thanksgiving feast :)

This week’s personal reflection- Think about where you were a year ago. How has your life changed between now and then?

At the end of the week I want us all to post a NSV for the week as well!!

Thinking about all of you,
Xoxo Michelle


  • pearlsgonewild
    pearlsgonewild Posts: 54 Member
    I like this challenge..I can definitely do it! I already have an NSV too but I'll save it for the end of the week :-)
  • pearlsgonewild
    pearlsgonewild Posts: 54 Member
    "This week’s personal reflection- Think about where you were a year ago. How has your life changed between now and then?"

    Last year I was going to the gym 3x a week and I was doing fine. However I was not paying that much attention to what I was eating. I was refusing to use the food diary. I had lost about 20 pounds last year and I felt like I was doing fine. then I hit a plateau...then I hurt my back and couldn't go to the gym...then I gained about 7 pounds back.

    When I was able to get back to the gym, I was surprised to find out that I couldn't get the weight back off even though I was working really hard. I finally stopped resisting the food diary and I discovered that even though i was eating healthy snacks, I was eating too many of them throughout the day. Surprise!

    Then I read an article about surprising places where you'll find high fructose corn syrup... in my yogurt!! What!! so I read about how the body processes high fructose corn syrup and I started to cut it out as much as possible.

    This has made all of the difference...I have lost 19 pounds since that day and I am 2 pounds away from my goal weight now. I have learned that "what you eat" is just as important as "how much you eat."
  • I have been VACATIONING in every sense of the word this last week but it's Dec. 1 and I am back aboard the wellness wagon. :smile:

    @pearlsgonewild - Congrats on being so close to goal! I agree, logging my food and watching my sugar/fructose consumption makes a huge difference in my weight loss and appearance, especially belly fat.

    Personal reflection: A year ago I went to Italy in late September /October and although I had a wonderful time, I hated that I was too heavy to buy a leather jacket, particularly the one I had my eye on. I came home wanting to be smaller. I watched what I ate a little and worked out a little, but really I was just HOPING to lose weight.

    This year, I am DOING something to lose weight and it feels so good. I am down 30 pounds, I am stronger, I am more confident, and I feel better, too. I just started the Couch 2 5K program and I'm looking forward to signing up for a race in April.
  • pearlsgonewild
    pearlsgonewild Posts: 54 Member
    @ddboone...that's great! I did c25k a few months ago, what a wonderful program. Good luck in your 5k in April- are you already registered for it? That's a good way to keep going even when the runs start getting tougher. :smile:
  • I haven't signed up yet but it's a race I've done before - totally walked it. I'm going to see if I can sign up now so that it's locked in - you're right, great motivation not to quit when it gets tougher!
  • pearlsgonewild
    pearlsgonewild Posts: 54 Member
    NSV: Yesterday I noticed these 2 bumps right at the bottom of my rib cage...could these be abs peeking out? I think they might be!
  • NSV: Yesterday I noticed these 2 bumps right at the bottom of my rib cage...could these be abs peeking out? I think they might be!

    Whoop whoop! That's great! Hard work pays off. :-)
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