Top 3 menopause symptoms?



  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    1. Night Sweats / Hot flashes
    2. Insomina
    3. Weight Gain, and this especailly in the waist area, results a huge muffin top!
    4. Now suffer from CRS (Cannot remember *kitten*)
  • JoJoPi
    JoJoPi Posts: 4
    Well I did not know that change in body odor was due to menopause!! I am 40 years old, been in peri-menopause for 3 years. Recently I noticed that my deodorant 'stopped working' or so I thought. I have switched brands and nothing helps.
    Good to know!
  • JoJoPi
    JoJoPi Posts: 4
    I have:
    night sweats
    weight gain
    light but frequent period ( sometimes every 10-12 days. Yippee)
    memory loss
    change in body odor
    inability to focus
    short temper

    You name it, I have it!
  • grumpy2day
    Night sweats (they seem to be stopped after a year) fortunately they were'nt severe.
    Insomnia (getting better with less caffeine and meditation). That 2am wake up really stank.
    I thought the memory thing was just me being stupid, good to know I'm not alone in this one!
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    Hot flashes including the ones at night which wake me up (I used to sleep through anything)
    Weight gain/fat gut (when I was at the dr. I hadn't actually gone up on the scales but none of my pants would do up)
    I can't remember the third. Oh wait- memory loss!

    Actually the hot flashes and mood swings have been helped by soy protein (hot flashes) and Omega oil(mood swings) but weight is driving me crazy!
  • SandyMilton
    The awkward part for me is that the menopausal symptoms also seem to mirror hypothyroidism. Back in '10 I went to the doc having had enough - talked to her about these perimenopausal symptoms and found out I had hypothyroidism instead.... or is that, in addition to....

    Anyway -

    Achy joints (symptom of both)
    Memory loss is the part that drives me absolutely nuts (symptom of both)
    Hot flashes (I keep my handy dandy hand fan close by!)

    I would add the weight in there but I think it was more the hypothyroidism that made me go out of whack there. Meds adjusted and it's creeping back down.

    I will admit I did try the bioidentical HRT's and found it made me feel WONDERFUL! However, as lame as this makes me sound, these brought back my period to either a "regular" status, and on the "last straw" stage, started sooner than it should have. At that point I was like oh heck no. Let me handle the hot flashes and achy joints. I was enjoying the fact I was down to like 2-3 light periods a year - I've earned the right to skip months! LOL!