finals time... help?

i take night classes and its finals time...

this summer i worked soooo hard to lose 15 lbs and I'm already up five i know these finals is going to push me over the edge!!! what do i do?? any suggestions i do exercise but i don't have a lot of time on my hands...



  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Be aware of how you're feeling... When you're stressed, take deep yoga breaths instead of eating. Stay hydrated. Good luck!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I know you don't have time to work out but you should do HIIT just for 5-10 minutes.
    Take a 5 minutes break to do Squats, push up.
    It helps release stress so you can clear your mind. Chew on celery , baby carrots, gum when you need to food for comfort.
    Sparks, a book I read the research showed after the students exercise in high intensity, the learning curve went up.
    Good luck on your finals.
  • apgabriel915
    apgabriel915 Posts: 53 Member
    I always tried to eat something high in protein and fiber and drank A LOT of water when I was studying for finals. I have ADD so I get so bored studying that I want to go eat. Something else I'd do was go to the library and not take any money, or not enough to buy anything so I wouldn't be tempted to get something. We lived about a 15 minute walk from the library so I knew by the time I gathered my things and got home I would still want to eat. Good luck on finals!!!!!!