Introduce yourself

littlemili Posts: 625 Member
I'm Mili. I am here because I need to gain weight to recover from my eating disorder. Hopefully I can gain at least 10 lbs to get back into a normal BMI and I really want to try and gain muscle rather than fat as I love exercise and want a fit looking body. The reason I want to gain 10 lb is to get back to the weight where my boyfriend thought I looked best.

I set my goal to gain 0.5 lb per week which requires me to eat 1800 net calories. Currently I struggle to net 500 on some days so this might be a long journey for me. I'm planning to increase my calories by about 50 per week so I know I may still lose at first especially while my metabolism sorts itself out.

Food wise I plan to eat a lot of calorie dense foods because I get bloated very easily, and for exercise I'm going to re-start 30 DS and also REALLY want to start lifting weights (proper man weights, not my purple 3 lb ones).


  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Thank you for creating the group!!

    My real name is Lenneah.

    According to MFP I would need to eat 1650 net to gain .5 pounds a week. Right now I need to gain about 8 pounds. I need to gain it on my own, otherwise I will end up in a hospital with a feeding tube. I only have 4 pounds left to lose before I have no choice. I don't want it to get to that point, but based on the rate I am losing weight, it looks like I am teetering on the edge.

    I have stayed away from working out for a month, but I still continue to lose. *sigh*
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm here to try and gain muscle, but if I miss a meal, I lose weight. Right now I'm at 101lbs and holding. My hair is drying out and that's never a good sign. I should probably be around 110. I'm just not hungry most of the time. I am currently supposed to eat 2000 cals but I barely make it into the 1500.
  • westy917
    Looks like im the first male member, but im looking to put on weight to reach the ideal weight for my height!

    Im currently 65.3kg and looking to be around 80kg's!

    Im also going to hit the gym hard and hopefully look half decent for the summer!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm focused on body fat % right now, so I'm trying to gain, but do it as leanly (if that's even a word) as possible.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    Hey, hope everyone is well.

    I'm Lisa & I'm a 19 year old student who's just applied for university to do mental health nursing. I would like to work in the community, my future patients deserve a 100% mentally & physically well CPN.

    I need to gain 25-30lbs to have a BMI of 20. I have a huge phobia of going past BMI 17.5, if I come near it I usually fall back. I need to get past that mountain. I'm a yo-yo binge eater & restricter. I can never get the healthy balance. It's either all or nothing with me. How I eat depends on my mood which is usually extremely low due to have anorexia, depression & anxiety personality disorders. Those 3 disorders usually influence each other making things worse.

    I will be going to Greece in July 2012 for a girly holiday. I need to be healthy & confident by then, or at least BMI 18.5.

    Most of all I owe it to my boyfriend of over 4 years. As I don't get much family support, I lean on my boyfriend too much. I need to give him space to breathe & for him to put himself first for once. I need to be the girlfriend he deserves to have.
  • Lily_1
    Lily_1 Posts: 38
    Hi All. I joined the group to meet other people who are on the other end of the weight spectrum. So many are trying to loose weight and that is a non-issue for me. In addition, I and not looking to loose weight either. I am 100 lbs and happy with my height and weight. I just want to remain healthy both physically and emotionally. Food choices today have so many toxins and chemicals that I choose to avoid. I hope to encourage others to make good food choices, in addition to feeling great about how you look. Let's not stress out about our weight as much. We should put more emphasis on enjoying food and using it for it's medicinal purposes as well.
  • bbgrlliz
    Hello all! I have joined this group as a way to help my daughter stay on track with refeeding. She has just faced her 3rd hospitalization in 2 years. I am thrilled to have found this site. It is an amazing tool to use for this group as well.
  • Allie53
    I just today found this group and so glad I did. My reason for being here is to get to a healthy weight and eat enough calories to maintain it. Also, want to get back to taking care of my body. Recently I went through a hard time with depression and other issues in my life. During that time I didn't want to eat much, I was starving myself. With God's help I am getting through the hard times and pressing onward, and I have a husband who loves me and is so good to me. For awhile I had sleeping problems and a few other things that kept me from working. I want to get strong again and get back to life. Thanks for starting this group :smile:
  • LennyLongHandle
    Hi, I'm Chris, and I've joined because I'm one of the few who actually wants to gain weight. It's good to see that there are a couple of other guys here too. I've always been on the skinny side, but I've also been a pretty heavy smoker for my entire adult life. I got to a point a couple of months ago where I realised that instead of fitting around my wrist, my watch would reach as high as the middle of my forearm!! Needless to say, this made me feel ill. Since then I have managed to quit smoking, and start eating properly, and have so far gained roughly 18 pounds in the last 8 weeks. I am very proud of this achievement, but still want to gain another 14 pounds before I re-evaluate my goals. I'm gaining weight to try and add some muscle mass, so I have started to use weights at home. I'm planning on joining a gym once I manage to build some muscle, as I'm too ashamed to reveal myself to anyone at the moment. Hopefully, this is the start of a far healthier me!!
  • Atmospherium
    Hi all! I recently joined as I heard this was a great way to track calories. I have been underweight my whole life; and I'd always sort of counted on my metabolism slowing down eventually. But at age 25 I'm still as thin as ever; but not feeling particularly physically great anyway. I get very tired easily. I have Pure-O OCD as well. I have a very sensitive appetite... "anorexia" applies to me ONLY as a symptom (literally, loss of appetite) however it is NOT anorexia nervosa & it is NOT intentional. I've never tried to be thin. And it's actually quite disappointing how little support there is out there who want to gain weight. You can mention it in a group of people and most of the time are just going to get dirty looks. >.< It's a very weird concept to me actually... how SO many people are hardcore focused on weight loss; the amounts of products out there to help lose weight; yet there's very little out there helping people once they reach the goal of being thin. It's like "Ok your thin now, so STFU and stop complaining." Some of us have been thin to begin with. Nothings targeted toward women who want to gain weight. In the media, any weight-gain help is typically targeted toward body building men who want to get "ripped." O_O Uhh, that's not my intent here LOL. I'm just your average skinny chick who knows enough that the media sucks anyway and being thin does NOT always mean healthy. So, that's why I'm here. To monitor my intake and encourage me to keep up with eating the way I should. So.. nice to meet you all! Good luck toward your goals.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I'm on here because my docs want me to gain weight. Of course, I don't but I guess the doc knows best. I also am just tired of having a relationship with food, I want to have a normal life with normal eating patterns in it. I have been anywhere from being close to obese in my childhood to being clinically underweight/anorexic in the recent years. I am hoping to win the mental value and find the strength to find a healthy weight for a healthy life.
  • Beezer322
    Beezer322 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi I'm Bee :)

    I am 20 and a full time student. I live with my boyfriend and am currently struggling with over coming my eating disorder. I am so glad I found this group. I know I need to gain some weight back, yet I am terrified. I also would like to gain muscle rather than fat because the last time I went through a recovery process (I'll admitt my heart wasn't in it that time) I gained pure fat and a whoping 35 pounds which lead me to an even higher weight than where I was before my eating disorder began.

    I have been struggling with anorexia/bulimia for about 4 years now, and feel like I'm ready to stop wasting my life away and live the way every girl in their twenties (and any other age really :) has the right to live.

    anyways, I'm looking for some support in gaining muscle and keeping in shape which I pack on a few pounds... I know this is going to be tough, but with support it should makes it at least a little more comforting :)

    Add me, I'd love to have someone to talk to

    xox Bee
  • wrestlerjf
    Hey! My name is joe and i am what you would call a hard gainer :( After lots and lots and lots of eating i am now 6'2 1/2" and 215pounds. I know it sounds like alot(its realy not) but everytime i look in the mirror i still see a skinny guy. Im 26 now but when i was 20 i was the same hieght and only 178 pounds. Unfortunatley im stuck at 215. I go to the gym every day at 5am before work(im military). I also eat around 2,500-4,000 calories a day(closer to the higher end).... but nothing. I hate eating so freaking much, but i know if i dont i will loose weight like crazy. I stopped working out and eating alot for 3 moths and i dropped from 225 to 200. The muscle, fat, and everything is just gone. I will look forward to reading on what works for everyone and i might even barrow a few of your ideas;) .................I figure ill just have to keep eating until my metabolism slows down, one day.
  • neotericisis
    neotericisis Posts: 13 Member
    Hey everyone! Thank you so much for this group. I was literally about to start a group of my own after going through about 50 pages. Fitness is often associated with fat loss, but what about those of us that are too skinny? I have always been naturally thin, actually, naturally too thin. I've struggled to maintain a size 0 no matter how much I've ate, and despite having a baby, two years later I am still only a size 2 (120lbs, 5'6"). I'm on here to support my brethren of fast metabolism people, as well as those suffering from eating disorders ( My sorority, Delta Phi Epsilon, sponsors ANAD: Anorexia, Nervosa, and Associated Disorders so I am very familiar with the complexities and misunderstandings of such disorders).

    People like us are often left out. We too have felt ridiculed "oh my gosh, you are so skinny; ever heard of hula hooping a cherrio" etc. I have a small frame, so being much larger would not look good on me, but I think 10-15 more pounds would be a great look on my pear shape. Since my baby, I've also gained a pooch (boo!), so I am going to try to balance a HEALTHY weight gaining diet (min. 8 glasses of water a day, lower sodium, extra healthy carbs, 2,300 cal/day), with cardio (to lose the fat above my abs, sadly it will come off everywhere-boo!), and Pilates core exercises. We'll see if I can be fit and sexy come summer 2012 :)

    Good luck everyone! And remember be healthy!!!
  • mng9
    mng9 Posts: 10
    Hello everybody! I always knew I couldn't possibly be the only person in the world who needs/wants to gain weight.

    I've always been thin; most of my family is also thin. In the last year or so, in spite of having a desk job and eating all the time it seemed, I lost a few pounds. Now I'm just barely maintaining 110 lb.

    I started using MFP to see how many calories I actually consume, and then find out how to increase enough to start gaining. Over the first 3 week period, I averaged 1980 calories per day. (The MFP suggested intake of 1680 for gaining a half pound a week was obviously too low.) I'm now attempting 2030 at the minimum for a few weeks to see where that gets me. It's not a big increase, but I'm also paying more attention to the macro percentages. I suspect I'll need more calories, though.

    It's a little tricky, because I'm avoiding wheat and cow dairy for a time, but there are so many other grains to enjoy, and after all, I'm not a baby cow, so why do I need cow's milk?:smile:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Hi my name is Jackie. I like to gain some muscle & to look more toned. My story is a bit different because I used to be overweight & was on the weight loss range. While I'm happy to finally reach my goal but now it seems that I go way overboard that according to nutritionist, I need to gain 10lbs. because for my medium framed body, 52kgs or 115lbs. is too low for me. However muscle building is much more challenging than just losing the weight. It seems that whatever I do my weight keeps dropping.
    BGLUK Posts: 1
    Hello I'm Bryan,

    Basically it sucks having the physique of a malnourished skeleton.

    I'm 41 years old - 5foot 9" and since the age of 13 never been any heavier than 68kilos. I've been using weights and eating like a beast for the last two years and managed to get up to 70.8 kilos.
    According to my 'fitbit ultra', I'm not quite as sedentary as I believed and need to consume up to 4000 calories on some days to maintain my current goal let alone gain any weight :(

    It's good to see I'm not as alone as I thought in wanting to bulk up somewhat. Any healthy tips on foods to eat to gain weight welcome.
  • ringox
    ringox Posts: 1
    Hi, I John going to be 50 thie year...always been at or about 11st apart from a short spell where I really went for it, gym, training etc and hit my goal of 12st. Now I'm just below 11 at 10st 11lb and I'm hoping I can do it again and stay there this time. Tips is great, but what I could do with is a buddy to bounce and create a sense of competition, if I'm going to get back. Do you meet this. Dont care man or woman.

  • kimmiesvogan
    kimmiesvogan Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, my name is Kim and I've always been underweight thanks to genetics and a really high metabolism. My main goal in joining this group is that I am 11 weeks pregnant and am hoping to gain a bit more than my first pregnancy, which was only 30lbs total. I tend to graze about all the time but i know I need more fiber and protein and with me having a high metabolism, it's hard for me to eat all that much extra so that i can actually gain. Always looking for easy everyday snacks / meals that are healthy and halp me get the nutrients that I need.
  • sorrytoannoyyou
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Bethany. I am and have been 98 lbs for the past 4 years! I am 23 years old and have hyperthyroidism. I want to be 120 pounds but no matter HOW much I eat every week I get on the scale it's the same number!!! I am so frustrated and feel defeated! I have to eat approximately 2,000 calories a day! I've been doing the best I can to meet that goal but it's kind of hard not to feel like giving up after almost a MONTH of no results! Any tips?