Checking In? Suggestions?

I think posting a check-in topic each Monday would help us stay accountable. I vote we list weight, how many days you completed the workouts, and any NSVs or other comments about how Ripped in 30 is going for you. Anything else we should do?

Also, be thinking of a way to reward yourself if you've reached a mini goal by Monday. If I'm under 154 and did the workouts every day except my rest day on Sunday, I'm giving myself a little pedicure at home (too poor for a real one, haha. Diapers are expensive!). So, yeah. Prepare for a weigh in, think about rewards, and keep going strong!


  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Great idea to list our weights, etc. on Mondays. Can I reward myself with food? Lol. Hmmm....a shopping trip would do because I need clothes pretty badly.

    Worst part of RI30/w1: "Circuit 2...git up! git up! git up!" I'm usually dying when she yells that!