Exercises and Weekly Challenges



  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    END OF DECEMBER ---- START of January Exercises!
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone! This month we have our largest participation so far!

    Weekly Challenge - SODIUM
    Our weekly challenge for week one of 2012 is going to be focusing on your sodium. If you stay under on your daily sodium your team earns 1 point. Each team has 5 people and this counts from Monday to Saturday of week one....so each team can earn an extra 30 points in week one by watching how much sodium you take in.

    1/2 - 10 minute Total Body workout
    This workout is one that should only take 10 minutes out of your day and can be done in any place with no equipment.

    1. (1:30) Jump Rope - If you don't have a jump rope air jump rope.
    (30 sec rest)
    2. (1 minute) Plyometric Push - up - This can be do either in modified push up form or normal push up form. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMqPf7TTv2s
    (30 sec rest)
    3. (1 minute) Standing Crunch To Squat - I don't have video of this as a flowing exercise BUT here is a worded instruction and a video on the Standing Crunch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vd4AoebNmg -- Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hands behind your head, elbows out to sides. Bend from the hips to the right as your bring your right knee toward your elbow (out and up like in video). Return to starting position and repeat with left knee and left elbow. Return to Stating position then do one squat. These three steps count as one rotation.
    (30 sec rest)
    REPEAT 1 time. If you are more advanced repeat twice.

  • Pretty_Pain
    Pretty_Pain Posts: 71 Member
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Tuesday - Jan 3rd - Arms

    2 Sets of 15 swimmers press, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21's and 2 sets of 15 tricep kickbacks

    Swimmers press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edj1s-BdyLA&feature=related
    Wood Chop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShEMC1Z2U4c
    21's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIL7f7Ljb9A (note these are 7 in each position)
    Tricep Kickbacks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOeiqKL0jS4 (note this is 15 per SIDE so 30 per set)
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    I need a ruling Belinda, I have a couple of team members who missed yesterday's challenge, due to illness etc. Can they add yesterday's workout to another days and make up for it?
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I need a ruling Belinda, I have a couple of team members who missed yesterday's challenge, due to illness etc. Can they add yesterday's workout to another days and make up for it?
    Normally the rule is that exercise needs to be day of because it is not fair to other people for one person to miss days and still get the points. The point is to be getting a workout in 6 days a week. However, I know that with yesterday being the first day of the challenge and right after the new year we had some large confusion going on. Anyone can make up the 10 min workout. However, from here on out they can't make up anything. --- if you have a specific reason for missing that you think should be allowed pm me and we will figure it out. I just want to keep it fair.
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Thanks Belinda, I'll pass it on.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Wednesday 1/4 - legs
    You can break this up however you like. However, it has to be done in one workout.
    100 jumping jacks
    75 calf raises
    50 squats
    25 lunges or singles leg squats
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Thursday 1/5 -- abs
    Break thes up however you would like but I do want to stress that if you are a begginner do break them up!! The easiest way to break these up is into 5 sets of 10 but you can totally decide how you want to do it. They need to be done as one workout though. They should not he broken up through the day.
    - 50 Floor Toe Touch --- http://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness#p/c/6979E71ACA9AAC9D/3/QiDNLfNKBYA
    - 50 Standing Oblique twist --- http://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness#p/c/6979E71ACA9AAC9D/7/I5YbtdqK6g0
    - 50 Scissor kicks --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWKTmFv76I8
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    Thursday 1/5 -- abs
    Break thes up however you would like but I do want to stress that if you are a begginner do break them up!! The easiest way to break these up is into 5 sets of 10 but you can totally decide how you want to do it. They need to be done as one workout though. They should not he broken up through the day.
    - 50 Floor Toe Touch --- http://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness#p/c/6979E71ACA9AAC9D/3/QiDNLfNKBYA
    - 50 Standing Oblique twist --- http://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness#p/c/6979E71ACA9AAC9D/7/I5YbtdqK6g0
    - 50 Scissor kicks --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWKTmFv76I8
    I,m going to do them in 2 sets....If I can't walk tomorrow I will let you know!! :)
  • beckyiz
    beckyiz Posts: 7 Member
    Is anyone else aching from head to toe? Or am I just totally unfit.?I actually have used muscles this week that i forgot were there!!!! particularly the backs of my legs.Saying that though,Im just gonna do my abs session now so maybe my legs wont hurt so much after that .Lol!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    :bigsmile: Just wait till the last week of the challenge! I did Belinda's December challenge, and the very last challenge had me putting deep heat on my rear so I could walk!!!! :sick: It was only a 20 minute workout, but OMG!!!!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Friday 1/6 - arms
    Everything should be broken up into 3 sets of 10

    Standing Bicep Curls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av7-8igSXTs
    Shoulder Press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-aVuyhvLHU&feature=relmfu
    Tricep Extension: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRiJVZDpdL0&feature=relmfu
    Pec/chest Fly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmXSO_EqNeY
    Push ups (you can modify these to be on your knees or against a wall)

    Saturday 1/7 legs

    Sunday 1/8 rest and weigh in
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    What will be the legs workout for tomorrow? I will be out of town.
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    :bigsmile: Just wait till the last week of the challenge! I did Belinda's December challenge, and the very last challenge had me putting deep heat on my rear so I could walk!!!! :sick: It was only a 20 minute workout, but OMG!!!!

    Hurt sooo good too!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    What will be the legs workout for tomorrow? I will be out of town.

    Let me get that figured out and I will post soon. Enjoy your day away
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Saturday 1/7 - tabata style leg workout

    A Tabata workout is 20 second of exercise 10 second rest. YOU MUST HAVE A STOP WATCH TO TIME THIS!! This will only be an 8 minute workout! EASY DAY!!!
    --- It will be 4 repeated exercises 4 times -- 20 second workout and 10 second rest for a total of 8:00 mins
    1. Jumping Jack
    2. Squat with shoulder press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_nUrGGEHKc
    3. Jump Rope
    4. Lunges
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Don't forget Sunday is a rest day. No points for sodium and no exercise.

    Weight ONLY is due to your captain. Measurements do not need to be done again until the end of the month.

    Next week the challenge will be number of fruits and veggies each person eats....more details tomorrow.