How do you feel about the scale?



  • Valarie73
    Valarie73 Posts: 24 Member
    Well I don't care for the scale, but I use it occasionally. I like to have an idea of where I am, so when I check in again I know whether it's gone up, or down. I try not to do weekly - b'c then I get worried and stressed about small fluctuations. So I randomly get on - sometimes every few weeks, sometimes monthly. I have to use the gym scale /sigh/ as my husband chucked ours as part of his - "who cares what the number is - do my pants fit better?' theme.

    I do have to say - I am down a pants size in the last year, and the scale has barely moved. Toning and building muscle I guess. :)
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    I can take the scale or leave it. I do check my weight, but I know that even when the scale doesn't move change is occurring because my clothes fit looser and I feel better. Nothing irks me more than going to see my cardiologist and having to listen to him tell me that I need to lose more weight. Yes, I know he means well, but sheesh, my blood pressure is down to normal levels and all of my lab work looks good. Yes, I know I have a murmur, but it's getting better. Grrrrrr...leave me alone!! Okay, I'm ranting now. LOL My primary doctor is pleased with the changes I've made. I wasn't totally unhealthy, but I have made some life altering changes which is fine with me.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    The scale is just another part of my daily routine. The only time I'm intimidated by it is when I go off the charts for an extended period - like Christmas or when I haven't been on in so long that I don't know what to expect. I use a Wii scale and I am looking forward to the day when it stops calling me obese & calls me overweight.
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    I use a Wii scale and I am looking forward to the day when it stops calling me obese & calls me overweight.

    I had to laugh at this. It's not just the fact that it says it, it's how it says it. LOL