W^2 Last November Weigh-In

amylynna1 Posts: 152 Member
Hello Ladies,
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Below is the link to weigh-in. Good luck!



  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    Gutted gain a bit more than half a pound! really tried to be good through the weekend :(

    Hope everyone is ok
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I guess you can exercise your way through a challenging week. I am up but only 0.2 pounds. Considering Thanksgiving and other things that is very good.

    I did make my challenge of exercising for 50 minutes every day :)
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    I weighed myself again! and stayed the same lol! crazy.

    I don't have thanks giving because im in the UK but i have had alot of parties/outings etc

    Roll on next week once ive upped my excercise
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm late! I did weigh. I was down .2 lbs and happy with that since I ate sooo heavily for 3 days at my parents. Kind of glad to be back in my normal, more manageable routine!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I'm late! I did weigh. I was down .2 lbs and happy with that since I ate sooo heavily for 3 days at my parents. Kind of glad to be back in my normal, more manageable routine!

    That is great! I am not sure why eating a bit more sometimes ends up with a weight loss. I was up but not much so I was happy with that.

    And I do enjoy weekend and holidays but it is nice to back in a regular routine