December Challenge, what should we do! Ideas pretty please..

This is to post ideas that will be good for December Challenge. I am not sure how into it any of you are, so if I do not get ideas, I will post my own :) Must stay motivated and on track! Please lets help each other out. Thanks



  • BellaBones
    One Challenge I thought would be good is to log into fit pal for 31 days in row ( some of us have already :P) !
    Another is no fast food meals all month ( like taco bell, dennys, macdonalds, and the such). Resturants with quality food should be a treat to do once in awhile.
    Being active in any way shape or form for over 30 minutes at a time a day!!!
    And the 8 glasses of water a day at least.

    I think doing all 4 will help greatly in reaching my weight loss goal.
  • Labcoathipster
    I like the logging in idea, as well as the minimum 8 glasses of water a day. I'm bad at keeping up with that. I think there should also be something in there for the mind. Like one December goal to keep our minds as healthy as our bodies. Hmmmm not really sure what that would be....
  • BellaBones
    I think a good exercise for the mind would be thinking positive. For example... try not to include negative words such as not, cant, dont in your daily routine :)
  • Labcoathipster
    I like that. I think as a goal, I'm going to try and put one positive post a day to help out my fellow MFP'ers. So they stay motivated through the tough, cookie and cake filled holiday season.
  • BellaBones
    That sounds awesome! Do it!