Conditioning exercises

helenium Posts: 546 Member
How much of your pole workout routine do you spend doing conditioning exercises? I'm building up a massive list of conditioning work on/off the pole (I've just begun inverting and can pull my body weight upwards by my arms, to give you an idea of my level). I wondered how often you guys do these (I aim for several times a week) and whether you do anything else.

My routine is (after warming up):

- Shoulder taps 2 x 8 (modified form of press-up to make it a bit harder)
- Ab work 2 x 15 (can't really explain this, but 15 leg extensions, 15 alternated leg extensions and holding legs in various positions)
- Leg lifts 2 x 15
- Crunches 2 x 40
- V sit crunches 2 x 15
- Pole hold 2 x 2 x 1 (two pole holds with right hand above, two pole holds with left hand above)
- Knee lifts 2 x 2 x 5 (i.e. on the way to inverting)
- Ballerinas 2 x 5 (5 on each side)

Then I'll do actual dancey stuff, work on spins transitions inverting etc. etc.

Then I'll have a very hot shower to prepare myself for stretching out for flexibility, and then do various stretches to target my flexibility at the hip joints and those bloody hamstrings which are as flexible as steel girders at the moment.

This is on a good day when I'm being good about everything.

What do you guys do? Any more extreme conditioning exercises? I'm not at the point of press-ups against the pole yet...


  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Thanks for sharing, it's always good to get new ideas for exercises and stretches. What is a ballerina?

    I don't have a pole at home right now, so I only do actual pole conditioning a couple of times a week, and they often change from week to week depending on what we do in class. I've also listed my pole related gym/mat exercises.

    Things I always try to squeeze in on the pole (notation is reps, by side, by sets):
    tuck ups/knee lifts 5x2x1
    straight leg up 3x2x1
    center pole pull ups 5x2x1
    center pole pull up, starting with legs behind you (hold for 3), then moving into a forward straddle (hold as long as you can) 1x3
    same as above, but with a split grip 1x2x3 (alternating top arm)
    shoulder mount prance 5x2x1 (plus usually a few more on my strong side)
    caterpillars/inverted pushups 2x3
    standard climb to top of pole 3x2x1
    split grip climb to top of pole 3x2x1
    Also in class, we typically do planks, crunches, etc.

    At the gym, 4-5 days per week, abs always:
    tuck ups/knee lifts on the "captains chair" (SLOW) 15x2
    tuck ups/knee lifts twisting one hip up on the "captains chair" (SLOW) 15x1 (alternating sides, counting only one side)
    straight leg up on the "captains chair" (SLOW) 10x2
    butterfly kicks/leg lifts 30x1 (counting only on one side)
    knee tuck crunches with 4# ball 10x1
    pike up with 4# ball 10x1
    silly looking leg lift (see below) 20x3
    plow-over shoulder mount prep shown in Aerial Amy blog 10x1

    With a rotation of most (but not all) of the following on any day:
    bicycle crunches 30x1 (counting only on one side)
    reverse crunch, pushing legs straight up 15x1
    around the world, with reverse crunch at top 8x2x1
    lift legs into a shoulder stand (with control) 15x1
    twist crunch with legs up and bent at knee 30x1 (counting on only one side)
    side leg lifts 30x2x1
    side leans with 35# weight 50x2x1
    planks (center, and both sides) hold for 1:15

    silly looking leg lifts - Start in a straddle sit, then lift your feet and legs up, leaning back slightly if you need to. Once up, one set each small up and down movements, forward circles, back circles.

    I also lift weights, mostly upper body, 2-3 per week, and do cardio 2-3 a week. If you are thinking I have no life, you are completely correct. My husband and I work out together, which helps.

    Then of course I stretch, which varies depending on which muscle groups I work. Also, I just ordered the Alethea Austin stretching DVD, which I need to find time to do. When I started pole, I was about as bendy as most people's grandmothers, now I'm almost normal, but still way behind for pole.
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    I will warm up with some ab work or cardio, then put on some music and just jam out, usually I get in about 5 or six sets of each of my tricks, and them at the end I will work on ones I am learning, and then stretch out.