Day 1-thoughs and feelings

Ok guys heres what im going to do, each day I'll start a post and we can all share our thoughts on the work out, what level we are on, any questions or issues we have etc. Basically like a diary entry specifically for the 30DS.

So ! how was your first day ? :)

I had no idea who jillian was until my sister gave me a loan of the DVD. all I have to say is , she kicks butt ! no nonsense with her workout. I have just started to im on level one. I found it tough but nothing i cant handle, will be intresting to see if i can do it every day though.




  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    just finished it...after Insanity it felt alot easier than when i did it before....however, i still feel like i got a great workout:)
  • GouletB
    GouletB Posts: 50 Member
    I did level 3 today. I was so tired and drenched in sweat. It felt great :) ill probably do level 2 tomorrow (switch it up).
  • I did my first day of level one yesterday, did NOT like the push-ups!!
  • Caylee320
    Caylee320 Posts: 56 Member
    I did level one last night. This was the first time I've put the DVD in since Feb. I was surprised at my lack of stamina, but determined to stick with it this time! Yay for all of us who completed day one. Keep up the good work.
  • DEGiltz
    DEGiltz Posts: 297 Member
    Push ups were a challenge and some of the strength work with the weights; I've got so very little upper body strength. Funny, when my daughter was a baby and I was used to lugging her, the baby carrier, diaper bag, etc. all in one trip from the car, I was much stronger. Now that she's 10 and walks on her own and carriers her own "junk", I find 3 lb. weights challenging.

    Done with day 2, level 1 this morning already. Everyone have a great day!
  • Kia148
    Kia148 Posts: 192 Member
    I did level 1 last night it was a little tough for me. I think because I did it after a zumba class.
  • navynurse1611
    navynurse1611 Posts: 25 Member
    I started yesterday. I haven't done more than walking in a year. It was last November that I "Fell off the wagon". Well, it was very challenging to me. At times my HR would get up too fast and I would feel nauseas. I just had to walk in place for it to come back down. No probs, this happened in Jan of 10 when I did her 30 day shred the last time. I got stronger at the end. So, I know how to make it come thru for me.

    I am pretty sore this morning, but that is my own fault b/c I didn't take Motrin last night. I knew it would be that way. I am just drinking lots of water to get rid of the toxins that are byproducts of muscle breakdown. I am fixing to do day 2 b/c I have to head out to grocery shop and I don't want to get alot of junk. Exercise will keep me focused.!!
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    I did my first day of level one yesterday, did NOT like the push-ups!!

    Uhg..pushups are my weakness! Getting better tho