Anxiety, what do you do?

bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
I just read a post about a member who has anxieties and has found ways to deal with them and not going to food. I would like to know how. Along with anxieties I also have ADHD (they usually go hand in hand). I take an anitdepressant and since I'm back in school for nursing I take a med for the ADHD so that I can actually sit down and work on the many research papers I have. Ever since I have started school I find myself on my butt for hours. I also have lost any desire to do anything...such as cleaning, going out, or anything else. I am currently looking into and tring to meditate to help still my mind but I'm not very good at it so far. But then's going to take time.
If anyone with anxieties has found a way to help them I would love to hear it.
Thank you all so much!


  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    Sorry no solutions :( But I do wish you luck!! You seem to be doing the right thing by understanding your limits and fixing them!!