Newbie to Yoga



  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    This is my second go at the 30DS. First time I lost 8" and 8 pounds... Very pleased with the results. This time my goal was to not take as many breaks and use heavier weights. So far so good! It just takes me 2 weeks to get thru a level with adding in the yoga!
  • 12Bwild
    12Bwild Posts: 16
    Good to know! Thanks for the post.

    I have yet to hold and complete the chaturanga push ups, and I don't consider my arms as weak. I am happy with level one until I can hold those poses for the full 15 seconds.

    Its difficult but I actually appreciate the *kitten*-whoopin Jillian offers. Ha!
  • Peque1130deleted
    I have been doing the YM for a few weeks now, not everyday but a few times a week and I have yet to manage those push-ups...I can semi-do them on my knees but my arms just feel like they are about to give out...

    I do see improvement in my flexibility since I started with MFP and the Jillian workouts (30DS, Ripped in 30 and now YM) when it's time to cool down and do the staph(sp?) pose, I can reach my heel, and still be comfortable! :happy:

    I would love to master Warrior 3....I should make it a goal huh?

    Good job ladies!
  • 12Bwild
    12Bwild Posts: 16
    Its good to know I am not the only one struggling with those chaturanga pushups and the warrior 3 pose. We will both make it a goal to master this year.

    Keep us posted on your progress...
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    I just tried level 2.... Yea, I'm not ready! LOL!
  • 12Bwild
    12Bwild Posts: 16
    You hit 50 lbs! Right on girl!!!
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    This will be week two for me of YM L1. I do not have any prior yoga experience per se. I did 30-Day Shred for the month of January and for February I am doing RI30 in the mornings and YM in the evenings. Hopefully there are some people still following this group! :smile: