Hello, ladies!

I just joined this group! It is a lot of work to lose weight when you're postmenopausal. Add to that the sleeplessness, hot flashes, etc.....ain't life great?! I am in a weight loss challenge at work with about 20 people in my department--at 4 weeks in, I've finally achieved first place! I have lost 22 lbs. in a month. Some of the people are lots younger or MEN so I feel great about losing more than them so far. I gotta keep it up, that will be hard. This challenge is just the motivation I needed to lose some weight.


  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    Incredible! What is your secret? I am not 'post' yet, still seem to be having some 'output' on occasion but not often, maybe soon. But I have been on a clean eating program and exercise for 10 weeks now and just hit 29 lbs gones, that is 2.9 per week. But your 5.75 per week is amazing. How many calories are you consuming? What are you doing exercising 4 hrs a day! lol
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome- wow that is amazing loss within a short time. Perhaps not sustainable over the long term but I sure bet it gave a huge boost to your motivation.Good on you!

  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Welcome to the group and please share some of your weight loss tips!!