Need friends :)



  • I am a runner too, hoping to loose some weight and do better overall. Feel free to add me.
  • shan_welch
    shan_welch Posts: 24 Member
    Hey I'm 23 yrs from newzealand and a runner aswell with not that much to loose and would be great to have some more friends on here to help keep me motivated as I tend to fall off the band wagon with my eating! Ran my first half marathon last year and going to run a full marathon this year so really want to get in the best shape of my life! Who's with me?!
  • EmIsabel
    EmIsabel Posts: 69 Member
    I am going on my second week on MFP I started writing on the message boards to kind of meet some people. I'm not too stressed on trying to lose weight but it definitely wouldn't hurt to shed maybe 5-10 pounds. I want to start running! Think any of you girls can give this lady pointers where to start? My goal is to train the next 6-7 months and run a 5 K or two (With a few different friends) by October!!

    I would love to talk to a few people who can help with that! :)
  • EmIsabel
    EmIsabel Posts: 69 Member
    Oh forgot to mention. I'm about 155 pounds and 5'9", I don't plan to run to lose weight I do lots of Kickboxing and It makes me feel pretty firm and i'm happy with that! :tongue:
  • shabbal
    shabbal Posts: 24 Member
    Hey all! I am a runner. I have ran 3 marathons, 8-10 HM. I have 10 pounds of padding I'm looking to shed. I am looking for some friends...please feel free to add me;)
    I am currently 5'5, 134. I have recently finished Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and have started Ripped in 30. It's amazing the transformation in my underlying muscle structure when I went from practically no strength training to 6-7 days a week.
    I need to clean up my diet...possibly, think about decreasing my wine intake (boo-hahah).

  • GingerBroad
    GingerBroad Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome! and congrats on your three marathons! that takes some serious commitment. I with you on the wine - its definitely a boo :( but it helps!
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    I need some more friends on here too! I have been using this to track for awhile but just recently started checking out the discussion boards. I am a runner (have done three half marathons and now want to work on improving my speed). I am 5'5 and my original goal weight was 140 but I am aiming for 135 now!
  • bits4226
    bits4226 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi All,
    I just signed in on the computer (been using my kindle fire) and realized MFP has groups. please feel free to add me.. I actually need some friends as well to help me on my journey. I am trying to working on getting to a healthy BMII which should be just in another 10 to 20lbs.

    oh i am 29 5'7"
    current weight: 169
    goal weight: 158
  • faithnna
    faithnna Posts: 42
    Looking for some new friends too! This is my first time on the online site and I never realized how supportive strangers can be.
  • kelketchum
    kelketchum Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me! I could use the motivation!!
  • faithnna
    faithnna Posts: 42
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    I need some friends to keep me motivated, too! I am looking to lose around 10 pounds.

    Technically, I am just looking to fit into my jeans again, to hell with what the scale says.

    Most of my friends are heavier than I am , and not as health conscious. It makes it uncomfortable to eat healthy around them - does that make sense?

    Feel free to friend me too!
  • Ainsprid
    Ainsprid Posts: 25
    I'm Linda, I'm 23 years old and from the Netherlands. I'm pretty tall, about 5'11".

    I usually weigh in kilograms but I'll convert to pounds too :)

    SW: 77.5 kg (170.8 lbs)
    CW: 74 kg (163.1 lbs)
    GW: 67 kg (147.7 lbs)

    I don't worry too much about weight though, I'm more looking to develop some muscles. I am reading NROLFW and want to start after a 6.6k run on April 20. Yep so I'm a runner too! Today I did the 12th out of 18 training days from a training schedule similar to C25k. I'm looking for friends so feel free to add me! :)
  • sunray11julie
    sunray11julie Posts: 27 Member
    feel free to add me, im knew here too! been on this get in shape journey for 3 months. lost 20 lbs so far! about 5 to go...
  • sunray11julie
    sunray11julie Posts: 27 Member
    yes that totally makes sense!! i know what you mean... people look at me like im crazy... "what r you thinking you dont need to lose weight, your skinny" they told me 20 lbs ago! screw them, its not about losing lbs, its about inches toning up and BEING HEALTHY!
    I need some friends to keep me motivated, too! I am looking to lose around 10 pounds.

    Technically, I am just looking to fit into my jeans again, to hell with what the scale says.

    Most of my friends are heavier than I am , and not as health conscious. It makes it uncomfortable to eat healthy around them - does that make sense?

    Feel free to friend me too!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a runner too and down to my last 15lbs.
  • ashprather
    ashprather Posts: 227 Member
    feel free to add me too! im new also, lets help motivate each other! :)
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    I love my few MFP friends but would like more.
    I'm 39 (40 is looming), 5' 6'' and probably 135 pounds (haven't weighed in a month and don't really care). I have never looked "in shape" even though I was thanks to biking and pilates. But now with a 3 year old, I'm just trying to get a little less squishy in my legs. No time to go biking now so I have been doing Jillian Michaels workouts. Currently doubling up on RI30 and KB&T.

    I'm tired of not finding pants to fit me because of my pear shape. And was very depressed when I gave up and bought a push up bra in a 34A. And even that has some empty space! I found my sports bra from when I was pregnant/nursing. 34DD!

    On the upside, I bought a bathing suit today and it was not a mortifying experience. And I'm starting to get that little dimple in the side of my rear.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member

    I have started MFP about a week or so ago and have been struggling with it. I don't have much to lose (5-10lbs), and I am a small person (5'2). I am very active and I love to run. It's amazing how only 5lbs can slow you down when you are trying get a personal best at a 5k. I have 2 kids and was at my "ideal" weight before getting pregnant with my second. I have been struggling since she was born to get back at my happy weight. would be really nice to have a few more friends to hold me accountable.


    Hey Hunni
    Feel free to add me :)
    I am also only 5 foot 2 and although i lost 2 stone a while ago some of it has slowly crept back on.
    I am now back in the zone and this morning lost 2lbs which i am really pleased with.
    I need to lose around 7-10lbs.

    Be great to have some friends of a similar size/weight loss to go etc.

    Love Stacey xxx
  • blowsfire
    blowsfire Posts: 76 Member
    hello i'm new. add me?