Day 8

Caylee320 Posts: 56 Member
Loving my early morning shred time. No kids awake,it's just me and Jillian boxin it out! I seem to have fallen into an every other day plan, but I am proud I'm still doing it at all. I've started the shred so many times in the past and done a day or two, then quit. I am doing level one and not ready to move on any time soon.

Hope you are all feeling stronger! Keep up the good work.


  • Veronicamiller86
    Veronicamiller86 Posts: 19 Member
    woo! day 8 down.

    i am sorry i haven't posted since the first day that we started this challenge group. but i am proud to say that i have done ALL 8 DAYS! yesterday was the hardest, i was busy getting ready for a party all day and almost justified not doing but i got my lazy butt out of bed at 9:15pm and did it! i figure, i don't like where i am right now. why stay in it? i have lost 2 pounds already since starting 30DS, if I stop, i will probably stop losing weight and I won't be progressing.

    yay for getting fit! i wonder how many there are still actively doing this challenge (even part time :)). there don't seem to be too many people posting?

    @caylee320, how early do you wake up to do the 30DS without kids?? my goal is to wake up early before kids because my toddler likes to jump around with me, and she can be quite the distraction, plus i always almost step on her!! it's so hard waking up early because i'm still up feeding baby girl #2 every 3 hours. eugh...
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    I am loving the shred!! I even did it twice on Monday! I love the ab exercises and the cardio, but I am finding some of the strength stuff still a little hard (side lunge/arm raises). I haven't weighed myself in 11 days (that's when I got really serious again with my eating and working out) but I think I will weigh in tomorrow and hopefully see some movement!
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    yay. I have done all 8 days as well. Getting toned for sure:)
  • Caylee320
    Caylee320 Posts: 56 Member
    @caylee320, how early do you wake up to do the 30DS without kids?? my goal is to wake up early before kids because my toddler likes to jump around with me, and she can be quite the distraction, plus i always almost step on her!! it's so hard waking up early because i'm still up feeding baby girl #2 every 3 hours. eugh...

    :) The stepping on her is my problem! My daughter is 3 1/2, she loves Jillian. As I'm working out she is pretending to be Jillian spotting me (like Jilian does with the two girls) and mumbling every word (since she doesn't know the words). It's very cute, but annoying and dangerous after a while. I've kicked her on numerous occasions. I must say not as dangerous for her as the step aerobics I used to do! Anyway, she gets up around 6 and my daycare opens at 7. So if I'm up and at em by 5 - It's just me for an hour and I love it. I'm a single mom and work in the home (daycare) so it is really my only "me time". I usually don't stay up much after her, as I'm wiped out by 9.
  • Veronicamiller86
    Veronicamiller86 Posts: 19 Member
    @caylee320, how early do you wake up to do the 30DS without kids?? my goal is to wake up early before kids because my toddler likes to jump around with me, and she can be quite the distraction, plus i always almost step on her!! it's so hard waking up early because i'm still up feeding baby girl #2 every 3 hours. eugh...

    :) The stepping on her is my problem! My daughter is 3 1/2, she loves Jillian. As I'm working out she is pretending to be Jillian spotting me (like Jilian does with the two girls) and mumbling every word (since she doesn't know the words). It's very cute, but annoying and dangerous after a while. I've kicked her on numerous occasions. I must say not as dangerous for her as the step aerobics I used to do! Anyway, she gets up around 6 and my daycare opens at 7. So if I'm up and at em by 5 - It's just me for an hour and I love it. I'm a single mom and work in the home (daycare) so it is really my only "me time". I usually don't stay up much after her, as I'm wiped out by 9.

    wow! you have a lot on your plate, girl! how many kids are in your daycare? i babysit too (or i did before i had DD2). DD1 turned 3 in sept 2008 and DD2 sept 2011.

    i would really like to set up some "me time" before the girls get up but i don't think i'm quite ready for that yet. maybe when i get more than 3 hours of continuous sleep :) until then DD1 will be doing the workouts with me. she likes to use the 3 lb-ers and try to do some of the moves and she likes the jumping jacks. she just jumps and giggles :)
  • Today was day 10 for me (11 counting the day I skipped). I have been doing level two for the past four days and while it is killer, it is getting easier each day. I have been using five pound weights and I'm considering moving up to ten pounds. My back has been sore but my arms haven't, which makes me think I need to up the weights!