Rick Perry attacks homosexuality in new ad



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ron Paul. I agree with him so well that I've signed up to campaign for him. I'm fiscally conservative, I would never vote liberal but Ron Paul actually is very liberal on the social issues. He supports gay marriage, marijuana legalization, ending the wars but most of all that the government should be limited and stay out of people's lives and choices.

    Don't get it twisted. Ron Paul does not actually support those things. He just feels the federal government should have no say in the matter. He's a staunch Christian who denies evolution and opposes abortion, he just doesn't want the federal government making any laws about it.

    He'd want it to be left up to the states. That's a far cry from supporting gay marriage, legalization or any other social issue. If a state decided to not only outlaw gay marriage, but throw homosexuals in prison Ron Paul would support that as he sees EVERYTHING as a state's rights issue.

    Ron Paul will get the federal government out of your life, no mistaking that. He'll get it out of your schools too, when he dissolves the Department of Education. And the EPA. And Planned Parenthood. And many other government programs people support.

    Thank you. You did that much better than I could have.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Thank you. You did that much better than I could have.

    I've argued with some hardcore libertarians in my time. It's just a very naive and idealistic way to look at the world. Imagine no regulations on business. Eliminating child labor laws. Getting rid of affirmative action to the point where it would be perfectly acceptable to discriminate based on age, race, etc. No punishments for large scale pollution. I shudder to think of a world run by libertarians.

    Also there's the small matter that Ron Paul was opposed to the assasination of Osama Bin Laden because he felt it "wasn't our place".
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I'm coming into this rather late. I'm not good at debate and dislike discussing politics. But have to say...I would never vote for Rick Perry. I'm from OK which is smack in the middle of the Bible Belt. While I know some Christians who practice the love thy neighbor bit...I know many more who only love the neighbor who conforms to their ideas of Christianity. Sounds like Perry is one of them.
  • chatdude
    Not only is he attacking gay rights, but also discriminating other peoples faith, I'm a Christian and in my faith Jesus said love one another as I have loved you. I love people because they are children of God.

    Exactly! Perry cant even get the meaning of his own faith, yet he tries and tells others what to do!

    Jesus said be nice to others. There is no parabolic calculus in the bible. Just simple stuff that makes sense and feels right. Niceness is contageous. And so is greed/money/egotism. And our world seems to have fallen for the latter trap! What does Perry do? Blames others, excludes others, etc