How do YOU plan to reach your goal?

shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
I was just curious as to what everyone's plans for the weight loss are??

As for me, I was doing calorie counting, and exercising (C25K and a strength training plan, plus some dvds-- turbofire, p90x, billy blanks) 6 days a week. I got stuck for 3 weeks with NO loss, not even an ounce. So a week ago, I decided to try a ketogenic diet (and still exercising the same) and I actually lost 2.5 pounds this week, I was SO relieved to finally see the scale budge! I know low-carb plans are not particularly popular around here and people have some pretty intense feelings about them, but I think everyone needs to do what works for their own bodies and low-carb has always worked for me!

So, what are you all doing? What has worked for you? And what hasn't??


  • laura328
    laura328 Posts: 136 Member
    i'm stuck too and feel like i need to shake it up! what is a ketogenic diet?
  • Jermisha
    My plans are listed below……………….

    1. Follow a healthy vegan diet and the cookbooks I will be using are…..
    “You Are What You Eat Cookbook, The Happy Herbivore and Everyday Happy Herbivore.”

    2. I will be working out 7 days a week, ( Monday - Friday ) 5 hours a day splitting up hours of course. ( Saturday - Sunday ) active rest days.

    Most of the working out I will be doing will be low impact with strength training added………
  • pip_roberts91
    pip_roberts91 Posts: 46 Member
    Well im currently on weightwatchers so ill be following that plan along with using mfp. Im planning to do the 30 day shred for my exercise and also using my zumba on the wii (which is so much fun btw!) so Im just cutting down on what I eat and exercising a bit more :)
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    i'm stuck too and feel like i need to shake it up! what is a ketogenic diet?

    A ketogenic diet is where you limit your carbs to less than 30g per day. It is definitely not for everyone!! I am doing atkins induction, so I keep mine at 20g per day or less. Here is a link if you're interested in learning more about it...
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    Well im currently on weightwatchers so ill be following that plan along with using mfp. Im planning to do the 30 day shred for my exercise and also using my zumba on the wii (which is so much fun btw!) so Im just cutting down on what I eat and exercising a bit more :)

    I'm hoping for a Kinect for Christmas because I want Zumba so bad (and some other fitness games!)!! Do you feel like you get a good workout from it?? Are there any other games you play for a workout??
  • pip_roberts91
    pip_roberts91 Posts: 46 Member
    Oh yeah! You get really sweaty after a 20 minute workout!, ive still yet to finish a 45 minute class. You should definatley get it! I haven't got any other fitness games apart from wii fit and biggest loser (which is rubbish) so im not sure about kinect, look at some reviews of games on amazon and get the games with the best reviews :)
  • MissingPixies
    MissingPixies Posts: 316 Member
    I plan on following a healthy balanced diet and using my xbox kinect more (I have Biggest Loser Ultimate workout and Kinect adventures) I so want to get Zumba and a few others for the kinect. I also plan on sticking to the 30DS or 60DS, I love the workout but it's torture for me (which is good, it means that it's working) and throwing in Tae Bo here and there. I also plan on working out 4-5 days a week, and walking or lightly doing exercise on the off days.
  • jmgcummins
    jmgcummins Posts: 93 Member
    I've been following the guidelines that MFP gave me, they have me at 1200 calories and that is working so far to have me lose about 2 pounds a week.

    I sometimes drink slim fast as a meal replacement when I am on the run and I need to eat something quick.

    I don't get as many workouts in as I want, but I'm trying to change that.
  • Mama_CAEI
    I have been logging my calories religiously since the first day I signed up. That's it. Watching what I eat, making better choices, really paying attention to portion sizes (I bought a cheap food scale at Walmart and I use it a lot!).

    Now that I'm so close to my ultimate goal, I need to tone up my flabby parts (I've had 4 kids, after all!). I asked Santa to bring me The Biggest Loser for Wii, so we'll see if I've been good enough this year to earn it. :smile: I work full-time and my husband works afternoons/evenings, so getting out to fitness classes is not possible for me.
  • alexis92
    I try and stick to the 1200 calories MFP gives me, even when I work out. Then if I absolutely need to I go over 1200. I do a lot of dancing for exercise and there is a room with a few ellipticals in my building at college I try to use on days I don't dance. I'm worried about going home for holiday break in a few days because it's always harder to stay in my calorie limit with home-cooked meals and food all around me! I think my mom and I are going to try to do Jazzercise though, so there's hope!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    FYI on ketogenic diets - you can go as high as 50 carbs and still be ketogenic and you need a little more for hard workouts.

    I have a kinect and I LOVE dance Central - the Zumba game that is currently out is very poorly reviewed but there's a new one coming in Feb that should be good!

    Lets see I do:
    1550 Calories (at least) a day, eat my exercise calories mostly, almost NEVER eat only 1550 as that rarely cuts it for me. I try to eat 120+ grams of protein a day. I average 1700-2000 calories a day I'd say. This is a small built in deficit, 300 calories or so.

    26-27% BF (calipers say 26 but i don't really feel confident because I am so fat around the middle).

    I have personal training 2 days a week which I might need to give up in the near future - the person I go to is REALLY affordable but my office is moving an d she wont' be convenient, any anyone else would charge me DOUBLE what she does. So I'm gonna have to replace that with something.

    We're doing C25k - in week 7 right now (gonna go otu and do day 2 right now). I do some strength at home when I can force myself but I have a hard time making myself do a really good program so.....

    Once we finish C25K I plan to run 30 minutes a day 3x a week (until I'm running the 3.3 miles in that time hopefully) possibly edge it up to 35 minutes, and I think either add some interval days or a long run day. My big fitness goals are a 30 minute or less 5k (I'm very far from this), 20 pushups in a row (sigh).

    Body goals are 20% bodyfat which should be around 147.
  • bostik
    bostik Posts: 68 Member
    I'm basically just counting calories. Not really cutting out too much or I won't stick to it, so no clean eating or anything like that!

    Exercise wise I have just started C25K and I am planning on started 30 Day Shred soon. I've had a personal training session once a week up until now, but wanna try the shred for a while I think :)
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    FYI on ketogenic diets - you can go as high as 50 carbs and still be ketogenic and you need a little more for hard workouts.

    I have a kinect and I LOVE dance Central - the Zumba game that is currently out is very poorly reviewed but there's a new one coming in Feb that should be good!

    Thanks! I thought I had read that it was 30g, but could always be wrong, or sources can always differ, especially on things like that, I appreciate you clarifying :smile:

    I'm really hoping for that Kinect!! Dance central looks like a lot of fun as well! I have heard mixed reviews about the Zumba game, maybe I'll wait until February for the new one....
  • KelLifts
    KelLifts Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    My plan is to limit my sugar and carbs. Eat veggies and lean proteins mostly... Although... I have a box of sees that my dh has ordered for me. He is deployed and he knows I love them. LOL Oh well.. I will limit to one a day and share with the kids too. It is the holidays.... right? lol Anyway... I am currently doing Insanity, and I use my elliptical on occassion too. I need to reassess my plan. I found that when I plan out every meal and workout I am much more successful. I have lost 14 lbs total and 9 lbs just since joining MFP. I am in my size 10 jeans again too... Which... I have to say really makes me feel good. Anyway.... My dh will be back in April so I hope to reach my goal or at least be within 10 lbs of my goal. Fingers crossed.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    I plan to limit the chocolate/sugar I consume, add lots of cardio and take up strength training again!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I wouldn't exactly characterize MFPers as anti-low carb, just anti bad science which sometimes comes up in low carb discussions (like "carbs make you fat") - Lyle McDonald (who's site I linked you there) is very well respected around here and he has written a book on ketogenic dieting not to mention a ton of helpful articles. This is his series comparing different types of diets:

    Super interesting - I have been reading a lot of his stuff lately. I personally do a moderate fat moderate carb diet - I am miserable not eating carbs, they're a huge factor in my satiety. (I'm set to 136 grams of protein, 54 fat, 136 carbs, I tend to be a little under protein and carbs and over on fat... :blushing: I love fat.)

    Carebear - I love see's nuts and chews box, I have been craving that lately but I can't imagine only eating ONE. 2-3 is a normal portion for me.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    My plan is to count my calories and try to eat more fruits and veggies as well as cooking at home more and eating out less. Also to cut out drinks other than water. For exercise I am going to start by running on the treadmill for 30 mins 3 days a week (I've been doing that for 2 weeks now) and increase time gradually. Also I want to get a wii for Christmas and play fitness games on the days when I don't work out on the treadmill. When spring hits I want to get a bike and ride that around at least 3 times a week. Overall this is a lifestyle change and I'm excited about it! I'm halfway to my goal, wanted to lose 50 pounds and I've lost 24 so far. One more pound and I'll be in the healthy bracket for BMI. :) I've been dieting and exercising on and off for months but now I plan on sticking to it!!!
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    I am mostly just counting calories and trying to make healthy(er) choices. Like fish or chicken instead of fast food. Paying more attention to what, and how much, I am eating. I didn't make any huge dramatic changes because I want it to be sustainable and I am not known for my will power. lol. I figure moderation is key. I am also trying to get in some cardio and strength training a few times a week.
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    Oh yeah - and I have one cheat day a week for my own sanity :tongue: I don't go completely nuts, I just have something I have been craving. I usually stay within my maintenance calorie limit.
  • raquelena
    raquelena Posts: 24 Member
    I'm doing JUDDD, where I eat 500 calories every other day (a down day) and whatever I want on the other day (an up day). It seems to be working and I actually quite enjoy it. I've just been going to the gym (not as much as I perhaps should though) and after christmas want to start 30DS and c25k.